Recent content by CV12Hornet

  1. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    The biggest problem would be economic - a failed Sealion is going to gut German ore and coal shipping, not to mention their fishing fleet. Expect food shortages and one of electricity, steel, or synthetic oil production to take a nosedive.
  2. Soviets beef up NVAF

    There's also the part where the Chinese and Vietnamese didn't like each other...
  3. Soviets beef up NVAF

    As is often the case, your scenario doesn't understand that the technical quality of the kit available was not the issue at hand. The NVAF still isn't going to have enough planes to contest the US any more frequently than they did, nor do they have the pilot quality to really take advantage of...
  4. Coral Sea: Full Kido Butai vs Four US Carriers

    Yes, but that's a big assumption given the state of aerial reconnaissance this early in the war. Yes, but I was operating under the assumption that two air groups will be busy annihilating Shouhou.
  5. Coral Sea: Full Kido Butai vs Four US Carriers

    I mean, it is a scenario that can't happen. The USN can't get four carriers south, because Saratoga is laid up in drydock, Enterprise and Hornet spent all April on the Doolittle Raid, and there weren't enough oilers on hand to support four carriers that far away from Pearl Harbor anyway. On the...
  6. How powerful could Italy have become by 1940 if it wasn't run by a strutting buffoon?

    Economically, the following missteps can be listed: - In 1926 Mussolini and company deliberately underwent deflation in response to inflationary pressures and weakening of the Lira on currency markets. This was a mistake, resulting in an immediate recession and motivated by the Lira’s decline...
  7. AHC: A country enacts female-biased immigration.

    The best way to do this is to have the population pyramid skew male. The problem is you generally don't get a population pyramid that skewed towards men unless a. conditions are just that bad for women or b. You're importing male migrant workers wholesale like most of the Arabian peninsula...
  8. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Probably, but I haven't the foggiest idea where to look for it.
  9. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Note the conclusion at the end; the arrester gear on the carriers was a problem as well.
  10. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Counterpoint: Apologies for the alignment of the pic, but a relevant passage for easier reading: Tl;dr the Italians needed to copy an American arrester hook, because the German one didn't work, and even then both the Italians and Americans agreed that the arrester system itself on the...
  11. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    And bluntly, they had no idea what they were doing. The arrestor system they put on Graf Zeppelin straight-up didn’t work.
  12. Apoliticist “Self-Righting” State

    All other problems aside, this seems like one of those setups where the minute someone defects it all collapses around everyone’s ears.
  13. What if Japan attacked the Dutch East Indies in 1936?

    The British preferred close range as their decisive range band, with a desire to close to 15,000-16,000 yards. The Brits themselves estimated they would lose a battleship per four enemy battleships firing during the run-in from 34,000 to 20,000 yards. Ultimately, until after 1937 the Brits...
  14. What if Japan attacked the Dutch East Indies in 1936?

    I will admit that 3 hits out of 117 shells fired is pretty sad, yes. Nonetheless, a greater hit rate can be expected in daylight and open waters.
  15. What if Japan attacked the Dutch East Indies in 1936?

    By Leyte, Japanese gunnery skills had degraded for lack of practice, and more importantly, British battleships are larger and less nimble targets than the DDs, DEs, and even CVEs of Taffy 3.