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  1. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Yeah, pretty much.
  2. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Quite probable that it would track the left/right or republican/monarchist divide, but I think it's likely that the right would win an election promising to move the capital to The City, and then once they're installed, they never actually get it done for all sorts of reasons. Maybe no one wants...
  3. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I think that's putting the cart a few decades before the horse-but if Greece winds up with Constantinople after the cold war, I could see a move happening, albeit I think it'll be a more divisive thing than many of us might think. I could totally imagine a Greek version of the very close...
  4. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I'm sure someone has made this argument in here before, but I wonder if Thessaloniki might actually benefit from having been occupied, in a roundabout way. It looks to me like a lot of the city will have to be rebuilt, so Thessaloniki would be poised to get modern factories and the like, just in...
  5. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    IOTL, Stalin and the Bierut government cooperated in moving Ukrainians east of the new border and Poles westward (to simplify a rather complicated situation). Even with Lviv's importance as a center of the Ukrainian world, I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happens TTL and Lviv's...
  6. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I was wondering this too.
  7. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    A good update! Seems as if all the (somewhat overheated) speculation about a divided Poland TTL came to naught. If Stalin is talking about directly annexing Cannakale, that would seem to run counter to the idea of the Soviets being relatively soft on Turkey, and seeking to bring Sivas under...
  8. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    I’m pretty sure this is deliberate archaism and not a reflection of “normal” 17th century dining practices, even by the standards of court ceremony.
  9. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Honestly I wouldn't put too much stock in the Danube meaning anything outside of a strictly Yugoslavian context-IIRC, Soviet troops are already in Bulgaria.
  10. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Honestly amazed that Decisive Darkness hasn't been mentioned.
  11. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    You're probably right, but in all honesty I've never understood why the Soviets directly annexing the Baltic States was "thinkable", and annexing Finland-which became independent under similar circumstances and at roughly the same time-wasn't. Was annexation on the table during the Winter War...
  12. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    I also think this is plausible, at least as something Greece would try to do. It might end up like the situation of the Polish minority in contemporary Lithuania (though ofc for different historical reasons)-while Poles in Poland are generally anti-Russian, Lithuanian Poles are chiefly organized...
  13. Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Just want to say that the first part of the last update was well-written and very touching, I enjoy seeing @Lascaris' forays into more narrative bits.
  14. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Thanks for the detailed response! Yeah, makes sense that Rome could maybe have gotten a better overall outcome but the same structural factors limiting Roman influence and power (both hard and soft) would still apply. A very good point about how fears of a Syrian Muslim fifth column are much...
  15. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    I've just caught up on the last few years of this wonderful TL over the last couple days (and revisited some earlier sections as well). Getting back into the TL that prompted me to join AH in the first place feels like a homecoming-and it feels very weird to read old comments from a much younger...
  16. King Theodore's Corsica

    Just caught up. The siege of Bonifacio ends in farce after all the valor of the defenders, but at least it's a relatively bloodless farce. A shame the Corsicans weren't repulsed-saying that for the first time in all this thread. My sympathies are firmly with the Republic. Here's hoping the...
  17. It’s (just past) my tenth anniversary of being a member here. I can’t believe it myself.

    It’s (just past) my tenth anniversary of being a member here. I can’t believe it myself.
  18. King Theodore's Corsica

    Yeah, that's why I put "Cross of Lorraine" in quotes. Thanks.
  19. King Theodore's Corsica

    Great stuff, as always. It's somewhat ironic that, of all the changes that happened to Bonifacio's arms during French rule, the "Cross of Lorraine" is apparently original.
  20. King Theodore's Corsica

    A fair reminder on the general nature of the Revolution, and interesting nuances on the Presidi (especially the note on how the Corsican government is now dealing with Calvi). Bonifacio (which is frankly quite a bit larger than I had imagined) will be even less amenable to being conquered than I...