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  1. More Than A Popularity Contest: If Al Gore Won In 1988

    Looking forward to seeing what'll happen.
  2. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    1867 seems to have a lot of in-universe AH potential with the wars that didn't break out and do on. Also does little for Mccellan's future standing when the British are willing to believe that this isn't some great plan, but sheer ineptitude on his part.
  3. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Looking like that they're trying desperately to thread the needle without both nations being pushed to breaking point. I can't imagine British opinion will be softened when the McClellan Administration's involvement in all of this comes out neither. I think you're missing the fourth footnote as...
  4. ABYSS -- Spiro Agnew, Frank Church, and the Beyond.

    I have a feeling that Bush is going to feel like the only sane man in the asylum at this rate. Good look into things and how the changes are impacting events in general.
  5. Fifty Years of Fear & Loathing.

    Looks like Nixon's really applying the pressure to the primaries with this. Was the Wallace not being shot thing OTL?
  6. ABYSS -- Spiro Agnew, Frank Church, and the Beyond.

    An interesting premise and a fun start alright. Seeing Agnew become President is probably going to be an awful, terrible thing, that should make for a very good read.
  7. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Very good stuff here. I take it some of the Supreme Court were Adams' stooges?
  8. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Do have to wonder what'll happen to Butler after all this, considering he's, at best, turning a blind eye to what's going on in New York. Like, damn, the sheer amount of negligence on both sides is dwarfed only by the wishful thinking of the Fenians at this point.
  9. Fifty Years of Fear & Loathing.

    Some familiar faces popping up already and some emphasis on how utterly stupid the work of the Plumbers actually was as well. Good stuff so far.
  10. Fifty Years of Fear & Loathing.

    Another good amount of detail with things and the US election proceeding along nicely. Might be a good idea to mark the exact spots that were taken from the original FLAG as well, when they show.
  11. Fifty Years of Fear & Loathing.

    A good start to things, although I'm not entirely sure how much has changed as of yet. Buzz Aldrin's entry certainly grabbed attention though. Armstrong was the second in this timeline, I take it?
  12. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Good overviews of the nations in the aftermath of the Civil War. Looks like Mexico might come out of this with some good hopes for the future, providing a complete disaster doesn't occur, anyhow. And I think this is one of the few timelines that I've seen where someone has blundered into peace...
  13. The Dead Skunk

    There's a point with Florida. Would be easy to tar abolitionism with the brush of it being a foreign influence, which you just know some of the South are going to do. Although, I can't recall where the original quote about the proceeding troubles occurred, so it might have not been in relation...
  14. The Dead Skunk

    It has been steadily building alright, although I am curious as to see what shape the troubles ahead will take. With the South turning on itself, what kind of force is going to leave America so marked because of it? And we've seen plenty of kindling being stacked alright, the question is what...
  15. The Dead Skunk

    So, Henry Clay did die and a large coalition is forming for the express purpose of getting rid of Berrien. Certainly going to be something that feeds into his persecution complex alright. And is Caesarism going to be the go to word for dictatorship in America?
  16. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Well, this promises to be a disaster for many reasons. I can't think that many in the upper halls of power in America are going to appreciate this stunt either. Just promises to be bad all round.
  17. The Dead Skunk

    Very good to see this back and world events unfolding. Really seeing the divisions in America highlighted and China is in for a real rough time of things with this battle and what'll follow. How badly is Clay's wounding impacting Washington?
  18. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    A very good timeline so far with plenty of disasters and many more to come. With California being neutral, what impact is this having on Hollywood? Right in the Golden Age and the movies and people involved are going to see some major changes. Marx Brothers alone would be fascinating.
  19. If Japan remained a democracy and never joined the Axis, would manga/anime exist in its modern form?

    I'm not sure how anime/manga led to the creation of either, in all honesty. Fascism was in full force by the 30's and trans rights will probably see some push regardless of the pop culture output.
  20. AHC Have Republicans successfully repeal the 22nd Amendment

    "I can create a political office that will help the governing of our new nation, or I can piss off John Adams. Decisions, decisions..."