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  1. colonel

    Civil War if America had all British America

    The Civil War might be less likely given all the likely free states compared to OTL. You might have to wank the US even more and keep a Mexican War but have them take the whole country.
  2. colonel

    AHC: Make WW1 a stalemate

    Maybe another unsanctioned Christmas truce in 1916 where the troops ignore orders to resume hostilities. It sufficiently scares the leadership on both sides into believing they’ll wind up having armies start walking away from the front and turning on them. They decide to accept American offers...
  3. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    Maybe a 9/11 in 2003 that includes Bush killed in the attacks would get a GOP super majority. Especially if there was conflict between the administration and Congress before the midterms over fighting terrorism.
  4. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    We got it - you don’t like the scenario and don’t find it plausible. So please just go away and let the people who want to game it let it play out.
  5. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    Jeb Bush is the most likely VP pick. Does Cheney run in 2008?
  6. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    Unlikely does not equate to ASB. If you don’t like the scenario just ignore the thread. Besides a delayed 9/11 you could have the problems with Edwards as the VP candidate happening earlier and coming out before the election.
  7. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    The scenario envisions Cheney succeeding to the Presidency after Bush is assassinated.
  8. colonel

    WI: Dick Cheney Became President in 2005 with Supermajorities in Congress?

    Balanced Budget Amendment? Term limits for Congress? I think both would pass. A pro-life amendment might get submitted, but would be unlikely to get ratified even with the numbers cited.
  9. colonel

    Project Infinity
    Threadmarks: CONCLUSION

    Project C+ Transport Center, Australian Northern Territory 1145 hours ACST 31 October 2041 (Gamma Earth) Terry Washington looked around the room, as the data input specialist sent from the Beta timeline indicated his equipment was ready. There were two old-style video cameras set up in the...
  10. colonel

    Project Infinity
    Threadmarks: Planning and Implementation

    The Goddard Research Center, Greenbelt Maryland - 1636 hours EST 26 August 2041(Beta Earth) Dr. Maria Hernandez, Special Agent Terrence Washington, Sir George Wong, and Dr. Irene McCoy stepped through the now closing window from the Delta timeline onto Beta Earth. They followed the standard...
  11. colonel

    Project Infinity
    Threadmarks: TRAVEL

    The Goddard Research Center, Greenbelt Maryland - 1845 hours EST 4 April 2041 (Beta Earth) FBI Special Agent Terrence Washington of Beta Earth was slowly turning himself into Alpha Earth’s Terry Watkins, a construction worker on medical disability for a bad back. Terry was somewhat...
  12. colonel

    Project Infinity
    Threadmarks: INTRODUCTION

    This story covers interactions of four different timelines. It was originally posted in the Writers’ Forum under Project Infinity | There is the Alpha timeline which is OTL but set mostly in the 2040s so as to avoid issues with current politics. The Delta and Beta timelines...
  13. colonel

    Effects if Nixon resigns for health reasons instead of Watergate?

    The War Powers Act may not pass. Congress allows Ford to give more support to South Vietnam - delaying, if not preventing the fall.
  14. colonel

    TL-191: After the End

    Is Pluto a full fledged planet or a dwarf?
  15. colonel

    AHC: John Adams is Remembered as a Great President

    I think Jefferson would have run again. Interesting thought though is how Jefferson would have reacted to the Louisiana Purchase if Adams was the President?
  16. colonel

    What if Ireland got northern ireland in exchange for joining nato and the commonwealth?

    Is joint sovereignty a possibility? Wherein NI residents vote for MPs in both the Republic and the UK, with a NI Assembly, committee or other body appointed or elected by each side to settle conflicts in laws regarding taxes, etc. Of course there would have to be some sort of formula on aid...
  17. colonel

    Could the US have gotten more from Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

    Perhaps this lengthens the American Civil War. This in turn would make the French incursion in Mexico somewhat more successful at least until the Franco-Prussian War.
  18. colonel

    Could the US have gotten more from Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

    Assume the United States negotiators had pushed their advantage to the limit in the Treaty ending the Mexican American War. How much additional territory could they have obtained? Baja, Sonora, Chihuahua, or some combination thereof? The populations of those areas were sufficiently sparse that...
  19. colonel

    Question What would Uncle Sam do for a young pregnant widow of a US Navy serviceman in 1942

    Today if you die on active duty your spouse would also get any pension you were entitled to. I’m not sure about WW II, but my wife had an uncle killed in the Battle of the Bulge and his widow never remarried because she would lose his pension. It could be the widow’s pensions were enacted...