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  1. Make the Graf Zeppelin an Essex equivalent

    The final Essex design. the 4th Generation of US carriers benefitted not only from 2 decades of operating and building carriers but also from a great deal of war time experience driven innovation and started life as a 27,000 ton 'post treaty' vessel. The Graf Zeppelin, the first generation of...
  2. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    But that does not take into account the Fleet Air Arm assets?
  3. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Is that not what was required for such an attempt? De Robeck bottled it - of the 700 odd killed in the attempt to the 18th 643 of those were from the Bovet and the ships lost particularly the British ones were already slated for the scrap yard despite their being a war on and Winston had told...
  4. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Geography was always an issue when it came to the main mission of the KM which was the attempted throttling of the UK via the Battle of the Atlantic Anything that can help with that even if its LRMPA from such bases is going to be a bonus I think that Svalbard, Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen are...
  5. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    A British Corps operating from Iran and supporting ops around there? More likely airpower from that region?
  6. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Well the HE 115s would be what I would build more off instead of an aircraft carrier for this POD perfectly suitable for the needs of the LW for conducting Littoral missions in the Baltic and Northern seas around Norway. And they were used for that task as well as other missions suitable for an...
  7. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    I believe that a continued effort would have succeeded - the Sailors from the damaged and sunk Pre Dreads had replaced the civilian crews of the Trawler Mine Sweepers and were better organised and the mine threat better understood. Now that success might not translate into a total or even minor...
  8. Malaya What If

    Had to do it
  9. Freak chance--battleship sunk by bombers om the open sea--in 1917

    Best county and best county ;)
  10. Malaya What If

    If the Thais see the British coming and the Japanese attacking from the East ITTL will their decision to join the Japanese be the same? Will they instead put up greater resistance to the Japanese and with large forces of the British and commonwealth forces in the south possibly jump in with the...
  11. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Well lets be honest the Germans would still be learning their craft in 1939 and I suspect that they would not do very well and even if they did more than OTL on anti shipping it would still be but a fraction of the effort spent etc on the Luftwaffe whose then primary job was basically a tactical...
  12. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    A good example of a German torpedo attack is the 63 HE 111 Torpedo bombers that attacked PQ18 on the 13th Sept 1942 - each armed with 2 torpedoes - so potentially 126 Torpedoes They sunk 8 ships losing 5-8 aircraft shot down and apparently every other aircraft received damage such was the AAA...
  13. Malaya What If

    That was the British Empire Model The Empire provided the raw resources, Britain turned them into goods. And sold them back to the Empire!
  14. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    @Bismarck Sea the Beaus attacked at low level with bombs and 20mm cannon / 303 Machine gun fire Apparently the Japanese ships believing them to be torpedo bombers turned into them allowing the Beaus and A20s / B25s to strafe and 'skip bomb' down their length Photo of the IJN Destroyer...
  15. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    On munitions carried - this from Armoured Carriers regarding the Illustrious class - a 23,000 ton 3rd generation British design - to give an idea of the magazine capacity As completed, the bomb capacity was: - 45x torpedo - 250x 500lb SAP bombs - 400 250lb SAP bombs - 250 250lb “B” bombs - 100x...
  16. Freak chance--battleship sunk by bombers om the open sea--in 1917

    Handley page bomber could carry about 3 torpedoes in 1918 using my back of a cigarette pack math. I have a shadow of a story where several Squadrons are stood up as ‘air destroyers’ based in Kent and Suffolk to help guard the coast after the various attacks on the English coastline early war...
  17. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    Oh well done
  18. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Yes it got fat - I understand it got a lot fatter after they added bulges and increased AAA
  19. Malaya What If

    More likely if the 3 Australian (9th), Indian (4th) and New Zealand Divisions (2nd) present at El Alemain are with drawn then its likely that the 70th (Ex 6th - renamed when it replaced the Aussies in Tobruk - to confuse the baddies - this unit was split up to become the Chindits much to its...
  20. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    If the Brazilians had hitched themselves to the Allied wagon train then there is no way that Argentina, being a major trade partner to the UK, is going to militarily engage Brazil.