america defeated

  1. JewishBolshevik

    What if Spain somehow won the Spanish-American War

    I think this is extremely unlikely. Since Spain has been stagnating in military power and the US has a strong military. But if they did well defensively and beat back the Americans, what would happen next?
  2. Sarthak

    The Revenge of the Crown : An Alternate 1812 and Beyond.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: History Made at Queenston Heights.

    The Revenge of the Crown : An Alternate 1812 and Beyond. **** Chapter 1: History Made at Queenston Heights. *** “This is the first time I’ve ever seen the 49th turn their backs! Surely the heroes of Egmont will not tarnish their record!” – Sir Isaac Brock. “The War of 1812, or as it is...
  3. Sarthak

    Not a very splendid war AHC: Spain Wins!

    Your challenge is to create a suitably plausible PoD or chain of PoDs which could have led to the victory of the Spanish in the American-Spanish War of 1898.
  4. DBWI: What if the American Uprising of 1775-77 actually succeeded?

    A relatively obscure rebellion against the British crown was put down, with George Washington, its ringleader, being executed and the rest of the leaders exiled to some godforsaken land in the middle of nowhere. I had a theory that if they won a few more battles, some European powers could have...
  5. Crying

    WI: "Local58 Contigency" actually happened

    For those who don't want to or can't watch the video: a PSA plays at 3am, stating that the USA has completely surrendered but is 'claiming victory even in defeat' and is asking the people watching to 'preserve the spirit of America, untarnished' by killing themselves and their family members...
  6. [ARW Query] - Patriots in Exile?

    So, we know that British Loyalists migrated rather steadily in the wake of the American Revolutionary War to Canada, where they made a major impact on the demographics of the formerly Francophone region. This was largely because of their departures or expulsions from the 13 Colonies. In a...