Hensonverse Speculation and Commentary

I think I'd be almost five when Aida comes out ITTL and my sister would be six. I don't know whether we'd be coming out traumatised (because, after all, it ends with two people buried alive) or just bored.

(I do like the idea that the "museum framing device" - which is, presumably, still present ITTL - was added by Terrell and Elton John to give the film a more uplifting ending)
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That's awesome! What's Red Sails and how did How To Train Your Dragon get under Warner Bros?
Red Sails I assume is TTL's equivalent to the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
As for HTTYD's TTL counterpart (HTTAD), well, I did debate on this, and initially had planned for Warner Bros. to be doing Chronicles of Narnia, but I went an alternate direction and instead had WB take on the series (in a live-action format, nonetheless, for I have a head canon, that Stan Winston Studios is overseeing the creature effects in How to Train a Dragon).
So I just found this video. Makes me even more glad Disney actually gets the Muppets ITTL. Seriously, having Bunsen be deliberately cruel to Beaker in Muppets Now by trashing his possessions says a lot about how Disney sees the Muppets.


Hugo Blick as the Joker in Batman: The Series (1990)?
So after learning that Buddy is a musical prodigy I wonder if he goes into jazz rap/jazz hop?
I also wonder if this is an appropriate pic for Buddy Fowlkes:

I created it before I learned that he was autistic.
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So I just found this video. Makes me even more glad Disney actually gets the Muppets ITTL. Seriously, having Bunsen be deliberately cruel to Beaker in Muppets Now by trashing his possessions says a lot about how Disney sees the Muppets.

That reminds me, I could see Disney bringing back The Muppet Show in a few years ITTL. Going back to the vaudeville roots with Kermit as host and new guest stars.
Also, my idea for the Disney-era seasons of The Muppet Show is for Joe Raposo to succeed Jack Parnell as composer, as the show would move production to the US. Raposo was already a Henson collaborator, even composing the music for the Sex and Violence pilot. Raposo could do new arrangements of the opening and closing themes for those seasons.
I wish I had thought of this before it was to late, but instead of using this:

as Scooter's sister it could have been used for a transgendered Scooter who finally realized/admitted that she was in fact a woman named Skeeter. That's going to be my headcanon from now on.
I wish I had thought of this before it was to late, but instead of using this:

as Scooter's sister it could have been used for a transgendered Scooter who finally realized/admitted that she was in fact a woman named Skeeter. That's going to be my headcanon from now on.
Interesting idea. Someone could make that into a fanfic.