America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Did George Moscone get killed in 1978 in this timeline? If he did then Dianne Feinstein might be a possible choice for HUD or HHS Secretary in the Askew administration. Anyways here are some propositions for Askew cabinet members partly taken from the Biden Express thread.
Secretary of State: Warren Christopher/Jimmy Carter
Secretary of the Treasury: Lloyd Bentsen
Secretary of Defense: Lee H. Hamilton
Attorney General: Richard Blumenthal
Secretary of the Interior: Bruce Babitt
Secretary of Agriculture: Jim Hightower
Secretary of Commerce: Gerald Baliles
Secretary of Labor: Eleanor Norton
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Dianne Feinstein
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Ron Brown/Moon Landrieu/Dianne Feinstein
Secretary of Transportation: Tommy Thompson
Secretary of Energy: Lawton Chiles/Dixy Lee Ray/Lee Iacocca
Secretary of Education: Donna Shalala
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Jim Webb
National Security Advisor: Zbigniew Brzezinski
Trade Representative: Paul Tsongas/Dick Gephardt
Ambassador to the United Nations: Richard Holbrooke
Solicitor General: Robert Reich

Jesse Jackson?
Rudy Perpich?
Most likely Moscone would still be assassinated. As for the stuff you put, let me look into that, though keep in also the growing progresive politics.
Most likely Moscone would still be assassinated. As for the stuff you put, let me look into that, though keep in also the growing progresive politics.
Sorry I really didn't take that into account though maybe a prominent progressive populist like Ted Turner would be chosen for the post of Secretary of Energy or something? Dick Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, Rudy Perpich, Lee Iacocca, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Tsongas, Richard Holbrooke, Robert Reich, Bruce Babitt, and Lee Hamilton I think would be good choices so I suggest looking into them though I am not entirely sure if they would be progressive enough for this Democratic Party or not?
Sorry I really didn't take that into account though maybe a prominent progressive populist like Ted Turner would be chosen for the post of Secretary of Energy or something? Dick Gephardt, Jesse Jackson, Rudy Perpich, Lee Iacocca, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Tsongas, Richard Holbrooke, Robert Reich, Bruce Babitt, and Lee Hamilton I think would be good choices so I suggest looking into them though I am not entirely sure if they would be progressive enough for this Democratic Party or not?
Dixy Lee Ray would still remain in Secretary of Energy I suspect.
Oh my gosh, I just had a great idea. What If Harvey Milk and George Moscone survive their 1978 assassination and are chosen as members of the Askew cabinet? Milk would be the first ever gay cabinet member and would definitely help promote equal rights and SATMUNI (this timeline's version of LGBTQ+)
Oh my gosh, I just had a great idea. What If Harvey Milk and George Moscone survive their 1978 assassination and are chosen as members of the Askew cabinet? Milk would be the first ever gay cabinet member and would definitely help promote equal rights and SATMUNI (this timeline's version of LGBTQ+)
I don’t know if that could be butterflied away since it would be in the prologue point. Sorry in that. Also, simplified the acronym to SATMIN+
My mistake, I thought you were asking for cabinet suggestions
Well, not yet for Askew, but keep in mind. More for any last minute for Udalls?

Also, any other pop culture questions from the late 1980s and whatnot given it's a changing time in comics, a massive time for film and music, and the rise of video games and so on.
Well, not yet for Askew, but keep in mind. More for any last minute for Udalls?

Also, any other pop culture questions from the late 1980s and whatnot given it's a changing time in comics, a massive time for film and music, and the rise of video games and so on.
Would Jim Varney and his Ernest character still get big ITTL?
Reubin Askew would make a good President, but my question is whether he has the charisma to get elected. The one time he ran for President (1984) he dropped out early
Wonder if Harrison Ford's film career would be the same as in our timeline, or if he'd be part of different films at times during this alternate 70's and 80's so far.
Reubin Askew would make a good President, but my question is whether he has the charisma to get elected. The one time he ran for President (1984) he dropped out early
Given how he’s riding from being Udall’s Vice President, I imagine the circumstances are quite different here
Are there going to be any fictional characters or politicians in the future of this timeline or are you going to try to use people from our timeline just in different circumstances?
Interesting that ITTL the 1980s is seen as one of the most progressive decades in American history. Wonder if ITTL 1990s will be like OTL 1980’s though?
Given how he’s riding from being Udall’s Vice President, I imagine the circumstances are quite different here
I imagine if a successful President Udall serves two terms, Askew wouldn’t face a serious primary fight. It’s still difficult to get a VP elected president. Papa Bush did it in 1988, Biden did it in 2020 after a hiatus, but it’s hard for the same party to win 3 straight times for president
I imagine if a successful President Udall serves two terms, Askew wouldn’t face a serious primary fight. It’s still difficult to get a VP elected president. Papa Bush did it in 1988, Biden did it in 2020 after a hiatus, but it’s hard for the same party to win 3 straight times for president
Depends on the circumstances. Here, Askew was aided by the GOP’s indecisive nature on the direction of the party along with a lack of charismatic leadership, especially after Reagan’s failure burned holes in their sails
Interesting that ITTL the 1980s is seen as one of the most progressive decades in American history. Wonder if ITTL 1990s will be like OTL 1980’s though?
In terms of what exactly? Economics, politics and social events are already changing quickly
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