Mr_ Bondoc
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  • Mr. Groovypants

  • Look, I'm sorry man I should have known better not to follow just one opinion, I've been told to accept any and all criticism as valid.
  • Mr. Groovypants

  • Mr. Bondoc, I want to stop the TL.
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Consider also that the ATL does work but reflects very different aspects of the society. While the games and virtual reality aspects are fun, the darker aspects need to be acknowledged as well. Consider that while the Republic of Gamers had it's fun, it also had the rise in influence of organized crime.
    Mr. Groovypants
    Okay, but I just wanted a place where we can share and review our ideas regardless.
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Sounds great. I would advise doing it in Inbox area. That will insure both privacy and the ability to add discussion from others...
  • Mr. Groovypants

  • Mr. Bondoc, I didn't say the TL was a bad idea, I just said the internet crash was a bad idea
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Not a problem. I am just trying to come with some interesting PODs.
  • Mr. Groovypants

  • Our TL is not getting attention Mr.Bondoc, what should we do?
    Mr_ Bondoc
    Mr_ Bondoc 1
    Patience...But also throw in the PODs about the "Console Wars" and events we have until the 1980s, including the Non-Aligned Movement to make sure the TL has more context....
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