
  1. possibility and impact of France intervening in the second Schleswig war?

    I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Napoleon III considered intervening in the second Schleswig war against Prussia (and Rasmus Glenthøj + Morten Nordhagen Ottosen point out France looked favourably upon Scandinavia as a whole and the possibility of a Scandinavian union.) What...
  2. Names for a Danish empire/greater Denmark?

    so in an alternate timeline, where Denmark conquered the Nordic nations/lands or other lands, what could the name of a greater Denmark be? Also, this is not a Kalmar thing with Personal unions between 3 kingdoms, but rather just a pain conquest over time.
  3. AHC: Make Sweden part of Russia and increase German/Scandinavian immigration to Russia

    I've been thinking lately how to wank Russia, and, with the help of the threads like Greater Volga German population and Quinoa introduction in Europe, I think I've figured it out. First of all, food. Here's map of where Russia could grow Quinoa (my own estimation): With this amazing crop...
  4. What's the latest possible POD for Denmark-Norway to be the dominant power in Scandinavia?

    Basically what it says in the title, what is the latest possible POD which leads to a world where Denmark-Norway is the most powerful Scandinavian state?
  5. Denmark-Norway remains intact + Sweden keeps Finland, what happens to scandinavism?

    Assuming that both Denmark-Norway remains intact and Finland stays a part of Sweden, with a point of divergence in sometime close to the Napoleonic wars, what would become of scandinavism? It had already started to some small degree during the late 1700s (for example during Gustav IIIs visit to...
  6. kasumigenx

    Life and Legacy of Adelaide of Flanders, Countess of Flanders, Princess of Denmark, Titular Queen of Denmark, and Queen of England(1128-1204)
    Threadmarks: Birth of Adelaide of Flanders

    On 1128, Margaret of Clermont would give birth to a daughter named Adelaide of Flanders, her daughter with Charles I of Flanders, she is a granddaughter of Canute IV and a claimant to Denmark and Flanders, she is an attractive heiress and she would rival Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Queen of France...
  7. Denmark-Norway remains intact, how long does absolutism last?

    Assuming Denmark-Norway remains after the napoleonic wars (perhaps by avoiding the gunboat war and Denmark not joining with Napoleon) would the period of time Denmark's kings can continue ruling absolutely change? If so how?
  8. Swedish involvement in the second danish-prussian war?

    In the real world despite a promise of Swedish help from the king of Sweden and Norway, Denmark fought alone. In an alternate world, what would fulfilling the promise look like? what would it take for the Swedish government to agree to help Denmark? What would opinions be like in Norway? (who...
  9. Pneumic

    WI: A Patriarchate of the North under Adalbert of Hamburg-Bremen?

    Archbishop Adalbert von Hamburg-Bremen, the so-called "Vicar of the North", was a rather colorful figure of the 11th century and played a significant role in the expansion of Christianity in Northern Europe by establishing dioceses and churches in these newly converted regions. But he was also...
  10. kasumigenx

    Life and Legacy of Adelaide of Flanders, Countess of Flanders, Princess of Denmark, and Queen of England
    Threadmarks: Birth of Adelaide of Flanders

    On 1128, Margaret of Clermont would give birth to a daughter named Adelaide of Flanders, her daughter with Charles I of Flanders, she is a grand daughter of Canute IV and a claimant to Denmark and Flanders, she is an attractive heiress and she would rival Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Queen of...
  11. Atterdag

    For I am the master of all things! - A more succesful Eric of Pomerania

    This is a timeline about Eric VII of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, better known as Eric of Pomerania. Often considered the man who ruined the Kalmar Union which his adopted mother created, Eric is generally seen as a very unsuccesful King, but he is also a very important one. Some historians...
  12. Atterdag

    Queen Victoria marries otl’s Christian IX - effects on the Schleswig/Schleswig-Holstein question?

    I’m playing around with a 19th century Scandinavia scenario, which may or may not include the house of Augustenburg gaining the Swedish throne - and possibly the Norwegian and Danish ones down the line as well. This would of course exclude the Glücksburg line from succession. Now in otl...
  13. Gabingston

    Would Scandinavia go Protestant if Christian II of Denmark stayed on the throne?

    I'm writing a timeline where Christian II of Denmark isn't deposed from his position as King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, due to him not carrying out the Stockholm Bloodbath. At first I was initially thinking that it wouldn't have a big effect on the course of The Reformation in Scandinavia...
  14. Gabingston

    Union of The Three Crowns: The History of The Nordic Empire
    Threadmarks: Chapter 0: Prologue

    Union of The Three Crowns: The History of The Nordic Empire Chapter 0: Prologue For better or for worse, the world from 1492 to 1945 was dominated by Europe. During this time, the great empires of Europe, whether the British, French, Spanish or Russians were the main players on the global...
  15. Sweden loses the War of Liberation?

    The Swedish War of Liberation was the conflict that led to the rise of the House of Vasa in Sweden and ended the Kalmar Union for good. In spite of its ultimately victorious conclusion, however, the war began as a small peasant uprising, and even after it grew in size it took the rebels two...
  16. A Danish victory at Brunkeberg?

    The Battle of Brunkeberg was a crushing setback for Denmark and the Kalmar Union, since it secured Sweden's independence from Copenhagen for the next few decades. Although John and Christian II did control the kingdom later, they only did so for a brief amount of time before it broke away for...
  17. Atterdag

    Oh, what days! - or - A surviving House of Estridsen
    Threadmarks: Oh, what days!

    Oh, what days! or A surviving House of Estridsen Three blue lions on a yellow field with hearts were originally the arms of the Estridsen dynasty, but as the ruling House of Denmark they became the arms of the Kingdom itself. The waters of the Øresund were full of ships, men, and the sounds...
  18. WI: Frederick V of Denmark has a 3rd, actually competent, son?

    OTL, King Frederick V of Denmark-Norway had two sons: the mentally-ill Christian VII from his first marriage, and the benignly incompetent Arveprins Frederik from his second. But let's say that, in a drunken stupor, he manages to conceive a third son with his second wife Juliane Marie, who ends...
  19. WI: Eric of Pomerania succeeds in getting Bogislav nominated as his heir

    In OTL, the childless Kalmar Union king Eric of Pomerania tried unsuccessfully for years to get his paternal first cousin (Bogislav IX, duke of Pomerania) to be named his universal heir in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. This was stymied when the Danish estates rejected Bogislav in 1436 and brought...
  20. Rise of the United Kingdom of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland (1836-1906)

    With the fall of the Swedish Empire at the beginning of the 18th Century, Sweden had become a lesser player in European affairs, after the end of the Great Northern War, and the death of King Charles XII. They would play a minor role in the Napoleonic Wars, switching sides alongside Russia...