A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Ok, we can safely assume that New People is going to win, results of snap elections should be:
New People/Yabloko - 41.5%
Right Cause - 22%
United Labor Party/Agrarian Party - 20%
Communist Party - 7.2%
LDPR - 5.5%

Please choose a coalition partner for New People (over 50% of vote are needed for majority government):
A) Right Cause
B) Communist Party + LDPR
C) United Labor Party/Agrarian Party
C) Let's not burn our bridges, and United Labor is still the party most like our own in terms of ideology. The split is primarily a rift between the Tsarina* and Lukashenko, so now that we've proven we're not to be treated lightly/like uppity flunkies, we should extend an olive branch and work together again.

*Hey, Nabiullina could do worse when it comes to nicknames. If Putin can get away with 'Tsar Vlad' IOTL, then Nabiullina should be able to get away with just 'the Tsarina'.
1. I'll add my support to @Jaenera Targaryen

2. Should Russia accept Obama's proposal made in Moscow - in exchange for lifting American embargo on Russian nuclear sector, Russia and its allies will renew export of metals to USA, additionally Russia will agree to sign a New Start Treaty with USA.
A) Yes
3. Please choose, which party will win snap legislative elections in May 2010.
C) New People - Yabloko alliance - Alexey Nechayev as supported candidate

Coalition Government vote
Please choose a coalition partner for New People (over 50% of vote are needed for majority government):
A) Right Cause.
1. Please write down areas in which Russia can collaborate with Libya.
I had to agree with @Jaenera Targaryen proposal. I were thinking of perhaps a more thorough collaboration, (perhaps agriculture and railways perhaps) but I would need to see the progress of Libya in the Arab Spring before I could even elaborate further
2. Should Russia accept Obama's proposal made in Moscow - in exchange for lifting American embargo on Russian nuclear sector, Russia and its allies will renew export of metals to USA, additionally Russia will agree to sign a New Start Treaty with USA.
A) Yes
B) No
Yes...and I think others have spoken in this topic better than I ever would
3. Please choose, which party will win snap legislative elections in May 2010.
A) United Labor Party in coalition with Agrarian Party - Dmitry Medvedev as supported candidate
B) Right Cause - Garry Kasparov as supported candidate
C) New People - Yabloko alliance - Alexey Nechayev as supported candidate
Pretty obvious, C....

Please choose a coalition partner for New People (over 50% of vote are needed for majority government):
A) Right Cause
B) Communist Party + LDPR
C) United Labor Party/Agrarian Party
As much as I agree with the statements of the people who vote C like @Kriss , @Jaenera Targaryen , it remains to be seen if Lukashenko could read the writing on the wall and retire from politics...so with a very heavy reluctance, I would rather vote for A....
@Jaenera Targaryen hits all my points.

Though two minor issues:
  • We don't have too many T-72's to spare until we got greater numbers of Black Eagles (Object 640), but yes, can then definitely sell them the T-72BVs we have and keep the T-72S. The USA has build 10,300 M1s, we have 5,386 BE, 1,500 T-72S and 1,500 T-72BV. We're currently upgrading a further 1,500 T-72's to the S standard, with another 2 years that closes the gap for us to have close to 10,000 (7,086 BE and about 3,000 T-72S). It will take us 4 years to pass the build 10,300 M1s, unless they (US and allies like Egypt) keep production up. Still the number of active M1's is about 6,000-7,000 so I guess we could gradually sell all the T-72BVs.
  • We can sell them MiG-29s and Su-27s, but that means we'll have to buy more MiG-35 and Su-34. A good deal, so we defintely should, but it does mean we'll be waiting slightly longer to get our airforce up to speed.
As much as I agree with the statements of the people who vote C like @Kriss , @Jaenera Targaryen , it remains to be seen if Lukashenko could read the writing on the wall and retire from politics...so with a very heavy reluctance, I would rather vote for A....

Even if he doesn't do that his day's are numbered, it's quite probable that he won't win the elections and his leadership basically cost ULP their power. They are unlikely to support him after this.
@Jaenera Targaryen hits all my points.

Though two minor issues:
  • We don't have too many T-72's to spare until we got greater numbers of Black Eagles (Object 640), but yes, can then definitely sell them the T-72BVs we have and keep the T-72S. The USA has build 10,300 M1s, we have 5,386 BE, 1,500 T-72S and 1,500 T-72BV. We're currently upgrading a further 1,500 T-72's to the S standard, with another 2 years that closes the gap for us to have close to 10,000 (7,086 BE and about 3,000 T-72S). It will take us 4 years to pass the build 10,300 M1s, unless they (US and allies like Egypt) keep production up. Still the number of active M1's is about 6,000-7,000 so I guess we could gradually sell all the T-72BVs.
  • We can sell them MiG-29s and Su-27s, but that means we'll have to buy more MiG-35 and Su-34. A good deal, so we defintely should, but it does mean we'll be waiting slightly longer to get our airforce up to speed.
I mean, it's not like WWIII is right around the corner, so a little delay isn't really that problematic. It's not as if for a fool's cause, such a deal with Libya would vastly improve our power projection into the Med, as well as our influence in the Middle East.
Even if he doesn't do that his day's are numbered, it's quite probable that he won't win the elections and his leadership basically cost ULP their power. They are unlikely to support him after this.
Ok - I will spoiler - he will be retired (that impeached) by New People and Right Cause with help of LDPR in the next chapter, before his 2nd term ends.