Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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Sic Semper Tyrannis
A follow-up to my previous wikiboxes, Here There Be Dragons and The Doctor is in...

DATE: MARCH 23, 1972
Cassete Number/Minutes:
E - 8 Segment 1 (39 minutes)
Conversation Number: 885-7
Location: White House Oval Office
This conversation between the President, Schlesinger, and McNamara reveals the President's growing frustration with the slow progress being made in the Mississippi Campaign and the then-ongoing New Orleans Riots. Schlesinger pleads with the President to explore all options to expedite the war's end; McNamara presses for a further escalation of the conflict.
  • President Kennedy​
  • James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense​
  • Robert McNamara, Asst. Secretary of Defense​
THE OVAL OFFICE, ON MARCH 23, 1972, FROM 5:30 TO 6:09
EXCERPT FROM 6:04 to 6:09 (5 MIN.)
PRESIDENT: I don't want to hear any more about what the fuck AIM is doing in South Dakota, that's not important. What about the Mississippi Valley? Anything going our way there?

SCHLESINGER: Depends on what you consider "us."

PRESIDENT: The hell does that mean?

SCHLESINGER: The rebels are having a hell of a time, but our boys aren't the ones beating 'em. It's the Panthers.

MCNAMARA: The fucking Panthers again? Jesus, sometimes I (unintelligible).

SCHLESINGER: The Panthers are the only reason all of New Orleans wasn't ash this morning. You saw those pictures, right?

PRESIDENT: Of the Tremé? With the dozen Negroes strung up by their necks in front of a burning cross and a destroyed neighborhood? They're permanently burned into my eyes.

MCNAMARA: We'll have to send in more troops.

SCHLESINGER: More men doesn't solve every problem.

MCNAMARA: You're right. It solves most of them.

SCHLESINGER: If that were true then it'd be Westmoreland parading through Baton Rouge right now, not Huey Newton.

PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible) The Panthers are in Baton Rouge?

SCHLESINGER: As of six hours ago, yes.

PRESIDENT: Jesus fucking Christ they move fast.

SCHLESINGER: You saw how they worked when we took Nashville. Hit hard, hit fast, and get outta Dodge.

PRESIDENT: ...That's true. They were a big part of why we managed to take that city, right?


MCNAMARA: The Panthers are unpredictable. Trigger-happy. They're sure to betray us the second things don't go their way.

PRESIDENT: But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.

MCNAMARA: Mister President, you can't seriously be thinking of -

PRESIDENT: Call Bobby Seale. Tell him Washington is willing to make a deal so sweet he can't refuse.

(Voices fade)

Red: Redeemer-controlled territory
Blue: Black nationalist-controlled territory
Green: AIM-controlled territory
Yellow: Assorted Mexican cartels
Magenta: Conch Republic

Shoutouts to the man, the myth, the legend themself, @lou H, whose excellent "Second Reconstruction" oneshot map series heavily inspired this post!
Interesting. What I would like to know is what happened in Western Europe given they’re backing the southern rebels and the British Empire is still around. Did WWII not happen, ended differently or was the true POD of this TL much earlier?
I don't think anyone here has done an alternate ethnicity infobox before.

View attachment 689872
Somebody once proposed what a Crusader ethnic group would look like. I made an infobox for it. In an alternate timeline, all of the Crusader states united and defeated the Fatimid Empire. They allied closely with the Byzantines and Copts in Egypt but they ended up getting ravaged by Mongols. The Ottoman Empire still ends up conquering the Middle East but they face stiffer resistance with a larger and united Christian presence. The Ottomans don't manage to conquer Constantinople until the 1500s and they don't manage to quell the last of the Crusader holdouts until the 1600s. The Crusaders remain as a large Christian minority in the Middle East along with the Maronites and Copts and Greeks. Many of them settle in Western Syria and when that area is colonized by the French; France ends up making the Lebanon colony much larger due to the larger Christian demographics. Crusaders and Maronites end up forming a solid 75% Christian majority in this alternate Lebanon. Other Crusaders are still dispersed throughout the Middle East and some have migrated to the Europe and USA. The Crusader ethnic group are the one community keeping the Latin language alive. They also make up a large number of Aramaic speakers and Syriac speakers.

The Wikipedia template I used was the one for Bretons.
Sorry, but if there is a serious number of descendants of the Crusaders in the East, then there is a possibility that the Crusaders did what could save them, that is, the conquest of Egypt.
Then yes, there are colonists from Europe, and local Christians, and enjoy the mixture in all fields. And the emergence of Israel, Lebanon, and other things in such a fork .... falls to zero.
Interesting. What I would like to know is what happened in Western Europe given they’re backing the southern rebels and the British Empire is still around. Did WWII not happen, ended differently or was the true POD of this TL much earlier?
I've hinted at it some in the previous wikiboxes in this series, but basically this scenario is supposed to be sort of a reversal of the Britwank stuff that tends to dominate the forums. There's a lot more moving parts to this because the indeterminate POD is in the 1930s, but basically the UK and Western Europe split with the US during the Suez Crisis and the Cold War becomes a three-way conflict. The British and its allies cling to their colonial empires and become far more overtly fascistic over time. I recommend looking at the two previous boxes and their writeups for more info since I don't want to spoil more!
I've hinted at it some in the previous wikiboxes in this series, but basically this scenario is supposed to be sort of a reversal of the Britwank stuff that tends to dominate the forums. There's a lot more moving parts to this because the indeterminate POD is in the 1930s, but basically the UK and Western Europe split with the US during the Suez Crisis and the Cold War becomes a three-way conflict. The British and its allies cling to their colonial empires and become far more overtly fascistic over time. I recommend looking at the two previous boxes and their writeups for more info since I don't want to spoil more!
Ah okay, could you provide link those for me please?
FireShot Capture 004 - Editing User_Agenericusername1029_sandbox - Wikipedia -

Background: IOTL when Taft was planning on visiting Minnesota in October, 1911, a 52-year-old Minnesotan man by the name of Julius Bergerson began bragging to people that he had a plot to assassinate Taft, but before he could act on his supposed "plot" he was arrested and declared insane on the morning of the president's arrival. ITTL he never bragged to anyone about his supposed "plot" to assassinate Taft causing him to never be arrested and act upon his plot.

(First Wiki/Infobox btw, so how'd I do on this?)
Background: IOTL when Taft was planning on visiting Minnesota in October, 1911, a 52-year-old Minnesotan man by the name of Julius Bergerson began bragging to people that he had a plot to assassinate Taft, but before he could act on his supposed "plot" he was arrested and declared insane on the morning of the president's arrival. ITTL he never bragged to anyone about his supposed "plot" to assassinate Taft causing him to never be arrested and act upon his plot.

(First Wiki/Infobox btw, so how'd I do on this?)
The info box is great, it also leads on to quite an interesting scenario around President Sherman and later his death in 1912 as the 25th amendment obviously doesn’t exist yet

Deleted member 81475

The info box is great, it also leads on to quite an interesting scenario around President Sherman and later his death in 1912 as the 25th amendment obviously doesn’t exist yet

Sleepy Phil Knox as acting president would definitely not have the time or presence to best Roosevelt for the nomination. The conservatives would be upset, but might accept his leadership after a scary, shaky few years without him. Probably the best shot at stopping Wilson.
The info box is great, it also leads on to quite an interesting scenario around President Sherman and later his death in 1912 as the 25th amendment obviously doesn’t exist yet
Thanks for the feedback! Also, don't forget about the presidency of Philander C. Knox, after all butterflies have the most peculiar effects...

Sleepy Phil Knox as acting president would definitely not have the time or presence to best Roosevelt for the nomination. The conservatives would be upset, but might accept his leadership after a scary, shaky few years without him. Probably the best shot at stopping Wilson.
Who says something didn't happen to Roosevelt before the assassination of Taft? After all, the safari is an awfully dangerous place...
From my Qing timeline. Basically the Chinese reformed during the early 1800s and continues to survive as a superpower and semi-constitutional monarchy.

The Chinese Empire reformed nd ended up putting a Japanese Prince in charge. ;)

Here is a wikibox from a mini-TL I have going in my test thread, The Little Napoleon:
The Little Napoleon (Completed).jpg

The 1864 United States presidential election, the 20th quadrennial presidential election, was held on Tuesday, November 8, 1864. Near the end of the American Civil War, incumbent President Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party was narrowly defeated for re-election by the Democratic nominee, former General George B. McClellan. Many viewed this as a result of Lincoln's failure to bring a decisive conclusion or turning point in the ongoing American Civil War, as well as his failure to prevent the split in his party that ultimately resulted in the break-off Radical Democracy Party.

Despite some intra-party opposition from Salmon Chase and the Radical Republicans, Lincoln won his party's nomination at the 1864 Republican Convention, with incumbent Vice President Hannibal Hamlin also being re-nominated despite some pressure to replace him with a more moderate War Democrat to broaden the party's appeal. Nevertheless, many of the Radical Republicans who opposed Lincoln's re-nomination at the Republican Convention would soon flock to the third-party candidacy of John C. Frémont, who ran as the nominee of the Radical Democracy Party and criticized Lincoln for being too moderate on the issue of racial equality. Despite efforts for the Lincoln administration to cause him to withdraw his candidacy to ensure Republicans remained in power, Frémont remained in the race. The Democrats were similarly divided coming into their convention, with their factions being the Copperheads, who favored immediate peace with the Confederacy, and War Democrats, who supported the continuation of the war (if not many of Lincoln's anti-slavery policies that came as a result of it). While the 1864 Democratic National Convention initially showed signs of nominating a Copperhead to lead the ticket, the entry and subsequent nomination of McClellan, a War Democrat, ensured that the latter faction would head up the party going into the election. The Democratic Convention adopted a platform advocating peace with the Confederacy, which McClellan rejected in a move mirrored by many other Democrats on the downballot.

Costly stalemates in the Petersburg and Atlanta campaigns, as well as the humiliation of the collapse of the Red River campaign, the candidacy of Frémont, and the ongoing heavy tolls of the war itself caused Lincoln to fear his imminent defeat, making him take measures to prepare for a shift in administrations should one be necessary instead of focusing of heavily campaigning. Ultimately, he would be proven correct when narrow margins in several states carried McClellan to a close electoral majority. Despite fears that his administration would usher in the rule of Copperheads in the United States' government, McClellan proved to be mostly independent of their influence in terms of military affairs, and would see the civil war to a successful conclusion.
Considering that Lincoln and his cabinet (and Grant) most resolutely would have tried to finish the war before the 1865 March Inauguration, I am curious to see what would have happened in a "McClellan wins the Peace TL"
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