
    "I am sorry, sir... I know that is not an easy news to receive, if you need a moment before I continue..."

    The doctor trailed off as if expecting the patient to interrupt him, but the old man before his eyes just seemed too shocked to even come up with a question. He was not immortal, naturally, but sometimes a person does feel immortal. When you get to this level of power, there is little you can think that may limit yourself. He had been shot, he had been assaulted, he could still remember how he tried to cower away from physical fights as a child (which never stopped him from being combative with words), and now Cancer? It was hard to imagine that could beat him, if he had a fraction of the energy he used to have, he would have hoped to fight this off, but there was just that feeling at the back of his head that this was it, after over 70 years he could not have kept death away anymore.

    Huey Long was a fighter, but fighting against God was a whole different thing, he had seen the signs before, time had come for him to pay the bill for his sins, and surely his silver tongue would not be able to save him from his creator. He quickly realized that the doctor was still there and nodded, as if telling him to continue even if the only thing left to hear him was the husk of his decaying body.

    "It can be treated with therapy, sir, but the best prognosis I can give for Lung Cancer at your stage is two years, perhaps three if the treatment yields results-"

    "No, that will be all."

    The Medic looked incredulous of what Long said at first, he had seen elders resigning themselves to a disease before, but he would never imagine that from the man before him. For 20 years, this man was everything the news talked about, he was the one behind every decision, facing off against all enemies, but now he was simply giving up against this? He thought of trying to talk him into treating himself, but he knew his patient's temper. Long coughed quite violently after, it took half a minute for him to stop, perhaps the 2 year prognosis was being too optimistic, his lungs were ravaged by the tumors.

    "In that case, God bless you Mr. Long. If you change your mind about a treatment, call me."

    Huey stayed seated alone in his house that evening, that comfortable apartment in Washington which has been his home for the last 6 years since he returned to this arena, it was rare for him to drink these days but he figured to not have much else to lose, so he opened a bottle of wine that he was reserving for this year's election. By all accounts his seat and position as speaker was assured, but the national election was the problem, Smith had been too much of a hindrance. Nonsense, why was he even thinking about a National Election when he would probably be dead in just a year or so? The stress of politics took it's toll. His greed and ambition, the pettiness of never allowing anyone else to call the shots in Washington or in the Populists as long as he lived, that drove him to come back here when he could have lived a tranquil life at Winnfield, it would have avoided this sickness.

    "Mr. Speaker? Senator Johnson has arrived."

    Came in the sound of his secretary through the phone, a woman named Amelia, even his former secretary had retired from age, that should be telling of how long he has been in this thing. He spent the last 40 years living through politics, this year would be the anniversary of his own election as Governor, but even before that he had been a politician, even before being elected for anything he had been a politician.

    "Send him in."

    Lyndon had arrived in his living room, the old Johnson was still as tall and imposing as ever, a Texan to the bone, they had their differences, sure, but Long still took the effort to get on his feet, using his cane to steady himself. He shook the man's hand, trying to put some good ounce of strength so that the Shark did not smell the blood. Lyndon was named as "The Shark" in the Party for a reason, the man was a predator who would pounce on the first sight of blood, he never missed the chance to pick up some big fight, he still remembered how much of a debacle it was to face him when Lyndon took Hoffa's side in the Civil Rights Act. Not like it mattered much when the Act was repelled.

    "Tell me, Johnson, would you like some wine? It was a good year this one, a French from before the War."

    "I am more of a Whiskey man, Huey."

    That he was, Lyndon would seat on the chair opposite to Long's and the two stayed quiet for a moment. Huey was one of the few people in DC who was immune to Johnson's method of getting up close and looking down, not because he was particularly tall, but because Long was in politics since Lyndon was in College.

    "There are elections coming up, have you thought of a good name for Vice?"

    That was a trick question, of course Johnson was thinking of himself.

    "Smith will be running again?"

    "You know him, he thinks God chose him for it and cannot be talked out. I would rather not have him be another Hoffa or join the Dems. Yes, he will run, and I need you there for him."

    Johnson finally was hearing those words, Long wanted him as a Vice-President, a Populist back at the Vice-Presidency and an end to this uncomfortable alliance with the Democrats. God only knows how much of a headache it was for both of them to keep the party united these last four years.

    "I hope that will be enough for that Negro to shut up about party values."

    Johnson gave a joke that Long found amusing, Powell was a pain and only the man's sense of loyalty to Huey himself is what kept him from tearing off a third of the party when Smith made the wonderful job of ending the Civil Rights Act. But, nevertheless, the fact Smith was still the Presidential Candidate meant that a split could still end up happening, although they would have to try their best to avoid it.

    "Russ is running for the Senate this year, he liked his time as Governor but old Louisiana is too small for him. So, Mr. Vice-President, can I count on you to get him as Pro Tempore?"

    Now that was the exchange of favors that LBJ had been expecting, Huey was being uncharacteristically nepotistic today. If Russell Long was President Pro Tempore of the Senate, if added with the Supreme Court expansion from 11 to 15, the three branches of Government would belong to them. He was betting high, a Long running the House, a Long running the Senate, a Long ally in the White House and 15 Long allies in the SCOTUS. Johnson had long realized that the man before him was a Dictator, it was written all over in the way he ran Louisiana, and especially in the way he ran the United States as President. If anything, he would be surprised if Huey himself did not return for a Fourth, arguably Fifth, term.

    "I can get a few Elephants, but we need a carrot for the Donkey."

    That was just how politics worked, Huey sighed, but he adored this, he adored these talks and arrangements, he adored the public spectacles and making the Legislature bend to their will. All for the good of the people of course, no man could ever look at him and say he did not work for the People while in Office, but he knew if he left an opening then his opposition would tear this down, and to his last breath he would fight to keep this, not get crippled doing some treatment to spend some extra pointless months in a hospital bed.

    "I think we already gave a farm of those, but so be it, I will call in Cramer to give the good news and a departing gift. You think Thurmond will keep the rest of those old Donkeys in line for the vote?"

    "If the Elephants run with Barry, I am sure he will."

    The meeting lasted a few minutes for more details, Cabinet positions, the FBI, how to put a leash on the priest, and in the end the only signal that Long gave of his sickness was a cough that he was barely able to hold back any longer. Of course he was not telling Johnson about his illness, he would not tell anyone in this electoral year, but after the seat was granted and victory was reaped, he promised himself, he would tell Russ. Rose? She knew how to keep a secret, it would devastate her but he would recover, what mattered most was that he remained an immortal, if not in body then in spirit, and if not in his spirit, then at least he would keep a good legacy in this Earth.


    Adam could not believe the words he heard, actually he could, it was already what he was dreading for years. That hateful man was going to keep his seat in the Oval Office for four more years? The one chance they had was if Lyndon could talk to Huey so they could kick Smith off in the primaries, but that chance instead turned into bribery, he could tell Johnson was bribed, it was in his nature to just acquiesce to whatever Long wanted so that he could keep his couchy seat in the Senate for another decade. The meeting with Lyndon that night, after he just came back from his visit to Huey's apartment, was basically just a "shut up and go with the flow" in the most political way possible.

    Powell was a Civil Rights man, one of the foremost sponsors of it after all that has happened, after all that happened he still believed there could be some sort of solution in politics, that Smith would be just another Thurmond and they could weather the storm, but the POTUS was far worse than that Dixie man. First, he took the name of the Lord in vain, for a baptist pastor like Powell, that was already a reason to not trust Smith, but that alone was not reason they could not partner in politics, they were in the same party, they both had beliefs in assistentialism to the poor, they both admired Huey Long. But that was where similarities ended, because Gerald Smith was a man so full of hatred that he said, with his own words, that he did not wish to speak with a "Negro" like him in person.

    Powell was hardly what you would consider a stereotypical black man or a black activist, in truth he was something even worse for men like Smith, he was the fruit of an interracial relationship, a mulatto, he did not even look that different from those men, but they considered even one drop as a stain for all blood. Segregation was partially justified by these rambling fears of interracial relationships which forced whites and blacks to be apart, thankfully his State did not have Jim Crow laws or else he would not have existed. It wasn't even that Smith was personally racist, even Johnson could be patronizing despite being a supposed "ally", but Smith was the President who did the most damage to Civil Rights in Modern American History.

    And the fact Huey was allowing him to just keep the command of this ship made him want to jump overboard, but he restrained his answer for the next few days. This had to be thought out well, the people he represented had to make an action, but they had to be methodical, they had to decide the best moment. If they threatened to split the party just before the election, then this could be the one chance to force Long's hand. He had his own people around him, McMath's old following, Hoffa's men, these people were all part of the left wing of the Party with him. The Populists were once a party for the people, or so he believed, and this election may be their last hope to make it so again. He would need some phone calls, but hopefully they could talk some sense in Huey's old head, but what if they couldn't?


    "Welcome to Freedom News, my fellow Americans, this is your host Harry Morrison, today we have a special guest for our Coffee talks, Mr. Rockwell. He is a fellow veteran from the Pacific War who bravely fought against the Japanese, elected Congressmen of the Republican Party and a fellow Defender of Liberty. Thank you for coming, Congressman."

    This interview was one big stunt for Rockwell, a man who knew ahead of time about deals none of these men was even aware of, he had to be careful to not say how Goldwater's deal was going to benefit him, the future Chief of Staff of the Government. He had to play as the underdog fighting against the powers that be, especially the Longists, which meant he had to keep his own voting records hidden. That is why he always picked the Freedom News, it was a relatively new channel but it has been booming ever since the Society backed them, there was even one time when Smith came over for an interview and received compliments for his tough initiatives against crime and insurgency. But he was not here to praise Smith, despite his own intimate agreements and understanding with him, he was here to brand himself as a pure-blooded Republican and American, a Defender of Liberty. Which is why he had his pin always with him, what started as a symbol of protest against sellouts in the party and now became the symbol of the true Republicans in the Party: It was a small American flag but the stars being replaced by two crossed muskets. There was also another pin, this one he made for himself, a bald eagle.

    "Thank you Harry, may I call you Harry? It's good to be here and talk some truths to the American people about Washington, let me warn our viewers to take your children out, because things will get filthy."

    He chuckled along with Harry, Rockwell knew he had a natural charisma, he was charming and relatively good looking, that is why the media was such a powerful tool for him. He used every chance to get attention in Congress, to raise up his own name, and so he did, he liked to call himself as Huey Long's number one enemy in the House of Representatives, he even got enough support to beat one of his initiatives to raise up taxes in the budget. Yes, technically it came from Smith, but everyone knew Smith was just a stooge for Long and his pesky shadow dictatorship.

    "So, Mr. Rockwell, you have been a member of Congress for a few years and already seemed to have ticked some nerves, aren't you afraid the FBI will call you a traitor any day now?"

    "Traitor? The only treason I see happening now is Mr. Smith in Washington appointing four new justices for no reason. We have been fighting against that but, you know Harry, politics can get dirty with the Populists in charge. Haven't you heard that your grandpa has been voting for Long?"

    "Well, that would be a first, he died some ten years ago and always voted Republican!"

    "Check the lists Harry, that's how the ballots work nowadays, even the dead vote for Huey."

    "But Huey Long is not the President, he hasn't been for 8 years."

    "Is there a single soul in America who still falls for this chickanery? Look, Mr. Long has been running this show for twenty years, the man has been in charge of America for so long that Hitler was still in ruling the Krauts when he was elected. I mean, my kids are already graduating from college and all they have known is Huey Long, no wonder he has King as his slogan."

    "So you think he will win these elections again? Why bother even voting at all?"

    "No no no, that's what he wants, for true Americans to lay down and let him keep trampling on our liberties, no, what we need is to vote, because even if he keeps being the Speaker, we can take back the White House for the first time in twenty years and end this tyrant's rule."

    "Are you talking about Goldwater? Didn't he lose the last time against Smith?"

    "This time he has the true Americans by his side, we saw what a disaster Smith and Long's rule have become, it was bad enough when Long's last stooge was a Commie trying to turn us into Bolsheviks or, God-forbid, Chinese, this one is a fucking lunatic! Pardon my French."

    "We heard rumors that Walker is the one running with Goldwater this year, is he what you would call a True American?"

    "There is no man in this nation I would trust more to be by Barry's side in the White House than Walker. The General is a War Hero, Japan, Russia, Jerusalem, you name it. He is not a politician, which is a bonus for all of us, we can't have any more of these old school guys because the half of them is a crook and the other half wants to be a crook but nobody bothers to bribe them. Forget Nixon or any of those turncloaks, the Republican Party is going to be America's Party. Walker is a man who loves and bled for Freedom and will bring a much-needed backbone to DC."

    "In other news, how's the wife?"

    "Margaret is lovely as always, I am really thankful for having such a companion by my side."

    "Thank you, Mr. Rockwell, I hope we may have you here another time."

    "You will, Harry, you will."


    Joshua Hill pretended not to hear what those around said about him, usually something the type of "What is this nigger doing in here?" or something more comical like "Is that our suspect?", but he was here to do a job and that is what mattered. He was one of the few black men to be working in the FBI, ironically an organization that was nicknamed "Men in Black" that had very few black men. If he was not so good, according to his boss, at his job, he probably would have been dismissed in some drummed up charge like others in his department. He had joined back in 1962 when Hoffa was President, he had been around in the crowd, disguised as just a civilian when the protests in DC happened in '64 over Hoffa's impeachment, and he had seen Hoffa get shot, being too far away to stop anything just because he was distracted by some activist trying to pull him to a chat.

    That was a black stain in his career, only he knew that he had an actual chance of stopping the shooter even if his bosses agreed nothing could have been done, the marking was still there and he tried to compensate by working twice as hard for the next POTUS, unfortunately, that happened to be Smith. Smith despised the Blacks and one could tell from his words and actions alike, he can't recall many new FBI agents being black men after Hoffa's death. But still, he remained, he was here because he was still useful and had to work twice as hard for that.

    It was an especially hard time, the end of the Civil Rights Act and the new National Security Act had started an outright war across the nation, in the deep south and in major cities such as Detroit and New York, the Black population was facing persecution under the guise of fighting the "Black Panthers", an organization they have been chasing for years which was officially classified as terrorists. Naturally, a black man in the FBI, the main investigative organ of the Federal Government, was seen with suspicion by many who just saw him as just another "negro", despite the fact he hated Malcom and his thugs as much as anyone else in the organization, injustice is not a reason to be bombing innocents just to send a message.

    What is worse is that they could never get close enough to Malcom to arrest him or just shoot him, he was missing from public eye almost entirely over these last four years and, to make things more complicated, the only times he showed up in public were quick appearances made by surprise in the middle of rallies that gathered thousands, many of them being armed, it was suicide for the local police to get involved, which is why so many governors were using the National Guard in the deep south. He knew taking down Malcom would change nothing, as much as he was a great speaker, he was just one man and the issue was running far deeper. This was a war of the government against the Panthers, but Smith's actions were as if he was at war against the Black Population itself.

    Right now they were investigating just another incident, a car bomb apparently, it was in Charleston, South Carolina. He had been one of the first agents in the area and the local police was already cataloguing everything. They did not believe him when he came up in a suit, even when he showed his badge they were still cynical and were about to arrest him, or worse, when one of his partners, a white man named Douglas, had vouched for him. Things were tense in the South, he could somewhat understand the police force being quick to pull the trigger with all these attacks, but of course there was the fact they did that with every black person they saw who came close to the place.

    "Before you all showed up, we had to disperse a crowd of niggers trying to check the place out, for safety reasons, I'm sure you understand."

    The police chief had said to Douglas, all while giving glances to Joshua which mixed hatred and fear. Most people were usually not bad folk, but he could tell when someone was pointing a gun at a black man out of actual paranoia over the Black Panthers and those who pointed a gun just itching for an excuse to get rid of a Black man and make America a little less... "filthy". At this point he wondered if there wasn't some sense in McCarthy in the past when he said America was being infiltrated by Nazis. Douglas would be the one to do the talking now.

    "Any leads you could find?"

    "No, this all just seems random, from what we heard there were units dispatched in Columbia too, another bomb."

    "Do you know what day it is, officer?"

    Joshua dared to say, with the officer, technically outranked by him, looking at him with a sense of disgust just by reminding himself of this date, of the nightmare it was a year ago. Riots had broken out, stores were pillaged and burned, officers were shot and there was even a shootout between the Panthers and the National Guard, that was truly a dire time, and Joshua could now tell that those were hardly over.

    "Some nigger got shot a year ago, why?"

    "It was Doctor King, the Panthers claim that the Government killed him, that is what this is about, sending a message."

    "You sure do know a lot of how the Panthers act."

    "We have been investigating them for years, officer."

    Before the Police Chief could retort with some lower manners, Douglas stepped up and dismissed him. He had seen worse incidents, whenever he went down south the locals could act like that. That is when he didn't have to deal with another black man or woman, usually those had the same hatred for him, but the difference was in the uniform he would wear, they called him all different words for a Traitor like Judas or Brutus, they despised him. His situation was not one anyone would envy, and why did he stay? Because he had hope, that soon America would fix itself and the coming President would be someone who could repair this nation, God knows they needed someone like that.


    "My fellow Americans, today I speak to you of a grave danger that threatens our nation, an evil which fully revealed it's extent with yesterday's attacks in cities across the South, the Eastern Seaboard and the Midwest. An organization of terror, inspired by our enemies across the sea, have risen up to assault the lives of innocents in ruthless assaults. These are people with no God but their own pride, who seek to destroy our very nation and declare the secession of the so-called New Africa, a black racial state which would cover the southern states and persecute millions of innocents for the crime of being born White. The Black Panthers, as they call themselves, have killed an estimated 160 innocents last day and the numbers are still being updated. I pray that our Lord will comfort the families of the victims, that they may find solance in the arms of our merciful creator. To those who carried this relentless and wanton assault on the very foundations of America, I offer nothing more than the righteous justice of the American People, that you may know that the Government of the people, by the people, for the people, of this blessed nation, will spare no means or resources in ensuring you are hunted down and your terror ceases."

    "I have sent to Congress today, the proposal for an amendment for our National Security Law, to fully equip the security forces of our Nation to ensure that attacks such as the ones carried out yesterday will never be repeated. I count with the Congress to heed my call for unity in these dire times, in order to ensure a safe democratic process in November. I call upon the American people to show that we have no fear of such groups, on the Fourth of July when we celebrate our Independence, let us also celebrate our Unity against the forces that threaten us, so that we may show the world that we are still one Nation, united under God, with freedom and justice for all. God bless you, and God bless America."

    And cut, the message was sent. President Gerald Smith would sigh as if he had been holding his breath while speaking, the camera crew began to disperse and set their equipment back down while the President remained on his seat. If only those damned negroes could all drop dead now, everything would have been simpler, but unfortunately the Lord was always more merciful than he was. But a good crisis could not go to waste, he liked to believe he learned a lot of politics in these last years, first as Vice-President and now as POTUS. This amendment to the Law would allow the FBI to have it's powers expanded, allowing for the death penalty for the crime of treason on the Federal Level, as well as authorizing the search without warrant against criminals as long as proven that there was "reasonable suspicion of imminent attack" that could be justified after the arrest. Was it Unconstitutional? The SCOTUS for sure would not say so now, not with the new 4 men he just appointed to it.

    When it came to protecting America from these vile influences, no extremism or law could be in the way. It had to be Goldwater, the filthy Jew who was going to run against him again, this time under some sort of "patriotic" agenda. As if a Jew could ever be loyal to anything but his greed and his cabal in Zion, but unfortunately he could not say it out loud, the press would be the first ones calling him a Nazi. Well, it is not nazism to see the truth about these Jews, but this was a campaign season, he had to stay put and quietly play up his little title of "Righteous" that the Israelis gave him for supposedly saving them from the Nazis. It was not a charity matter, he went there not for love of Jews but because no Christian man would ever sit idle and let these Antichristian forces assault the land of Canaan.

    But since this was an election season, it meant swallowing a bitter pill when he received a message from Long, he had arranged a meeting this afternoon and soon the man would be here, a man he used to give high praises to. He still held Long in high esteem, but the Louisiana salesman could be a pain in the ass when it came to negotiations and politics. He awaited for Long to arrive in the Oval office and sure enough Huey was there, limping inside with his cane as if he owned the place, today he looked even more of an old decrepit man than he was last time, it made Smith feel a sense of pity for him.

    "Mr. Speaker, please sit, would you like coffee or water?"

    "Just water, thank you."

    Smith gave a nod an soon enough an intern would bring in the beverages, Smith opted for coffee, he has been awake since the attack last night and wanted to stay sharp to talk with the man before him. Long was a friend, he once thought, but now he could see that Long's priority would always be himself.

    "Quite the stupor your proposal caused, I haven't seen the House on fire like this since the ban of the NAACP."

    "They always cause trouble when it comes to the negroes, Huey, that brings them more votes than expanding the Court."

    "The court was something apart, it was not as... mediatic. Listen I can get that passed, extra protection is... important this year. But we need to talk about the election, that is why I am here."

    And there he goes, about to talk with the tongue of the serpent of Eden.

    "You will need a Populist as Vice-President, Cramer was an... unfortunate accident that we had to agree too, but now we need a full ticket, so you will pick Johnson."

    "Johnson? The same one who backed Hoffa?"

    Smith was shocked that Huey Long had suddenly reconciled with the man, the Shark had once gone against them over the Civil Rights act, if not for his personal intervention in the Senate then the amendment would have never passed, that proposal would have allowed the Blacks to take over this country! Next would come the Feminists, the Sodomites, the Catholics... next thing you know, this country would be tearing itself apart.

    "I can take in the Shark, but I swear in God's name, if he tries another one of those negro-loving acts-"

    "I have talked to him, don't worry Mr. President, you will still keep the office, he will just be there to watch over the Senate."

    Or rather to have him in line as a replacement, of course Long would never have approved an impeachment, Cramer was a Democrat and Long would never let that moribond party have the White House. But with Lyndon, now that they apparently reconciled, Smith could get replaced if he was ever too much of a burden, just like Hoffa. There was a time where Smith would have accepted that without even thinking, but now he would accept after thinking, after seeing the trap. Smith was not going to go down without a fight and, unlike Hoffa, he would never put himself in a situation where he could get impeached. This was just a sign that he was right in seeking other sources of support among good, God-fearing, Americans. He would stand up with a smile and firmly shake Long's hand, noticing a certain weakness in them.

    "It is settled, let's win this election, old friend."


    Edwin Anderson Walker, former General of the United States Army, and the victim of a grave injustice. He had been discharged by that communist, Hoffa, all for denouncing the infiltration of Communist elements in the US Armed Forces. Now he finally would have a chance for payback against the Longist establishment, that corrupt cabal of Populists that was plundering the nation as they spoke. The economy was practically stagnated since the start of the decade, inflation was growing despite the outrageous interest rates, the debt was bigger than their GDP and, of course, there is the new southern adventure made by Smith which was so ill-advised from a military sense that Walker could not understand how anyone approved of it.

    But he knew, because the General Staff was corrupted, the Politicians were corrupted, the whole damned DC was a swamp with it's buildings sinking under the water and filth. Huey Long was just the greatest of the sinners in there, it was simply his turn, the ones before him were not any better, but Walker would make sure that the Bayou Fisherman, the Snake oil seller of Louisiana, was going to be the last. The meeting with Goldwater was a success far beyond he expected, he, who failed in both 1964 and 1966 to gain a seat in Texas, was now going to gain the Vice-Presidency of the United States, all thanks to this wonderful association him and Barry were a part of. Sure, they disagreed on a lot, but the Society for the Defense of Liberty was not going to fail this time. They have grown too much, gone too far, to fail.

    The meeting was in New York City, they had rented the Madison Square Garden for this great rally where he and Goldwater would walk in and show their new alliance that for sure would wipe away any opposition within the Republican Party. Let Nixon and his leftists join the Populists if they so want, today was the start of the fight that would take America back, on the ballot of course. He himself was surprised by just how many people were there, it was a grand rally which included national political figures, some international sympathizers, the true Americans in New York and, of course, the Sons of Liberty. There was no better name for an organization meant to fight against tyranny, they all came in wearing Red, White and Blue, including a group which came in dressed as the soldiers of the Continental Army, carrying a great American flag at the sound of the Star Spangled Banner, if the rest of the nation was like that, they would not be in such crisis.

    There were not many words exchanged between Goldwater and Walker, the two men were very distinct, even if both believed that America had to be saved, cured from the Longist disease, but for the rest they were on opposite ends of the Society. That is why their ticket was great, it would unite the Party's wings to face the Populists in what was sure going to be an uphil battle, and popularity was going to be the least of their problems. Barry was going to be the last speaker, best for last of course, he was the Presidential Candidate so, after some introductions by the spokesman of the event, Walker would be the one to talk and he would do in full confidence, wearing a blue suit with a red tie.

    "I must say, in all my ears I have never seen such a beautiful rally, where true Patriots, those who heeded the call of Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam, gathered together to tell one man, that America does not belong to him! His name is Huey Long! A vile snake who has insidiously corrupted this nation with his poison, behind honeyed words to delude millions! Who amongst you has not seen a loved one fall victim of his delusion? That is why we, the Society for the Defense of Liberty, must do our duty and face this enemy in this year's election. This is the greatest gathering of Patriots in American soil since George Washington called the Continental Army, and we will reforge this Continental Army, through our determination to say no to a tyrant! His corruption, pride and greed have poisoned Washington and God-willing, this year we shall win on the ballot against all his frauds and tricks, and we will restore the true America! Free from the evils of Communism, of Fascism, of Longism! Today we all swear allegiance to the Flag and the Republic it represents, and I for one swear, that I will not rest until our nation is free! That is why I believe in Goldwater, a true patriot who knows our values do not lie in government handouts, our values do not lie in the Communism of the Unions, or in the festering racial divides! A man is made to be free, that is his natural right, and there is no freedom in an America under Huey Long and his minions, the Populist Party. The campaign that we will begin is one that has only one Goal: To restore our Great Nation to it's Founding Values, to make the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution be worth more than the paper they were written, to bring back a nation that values Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Thank you, and God be with us!"

    He liked to imagine that was a good speech, he rehearsed it for months to deliver it, ever since he made the offer to Goldwater. He went back to his seat on the back as Goldwater took the podium and the electrified crowd continued in their enthusiastic and ecstatic praise. By his side was Rockwell, the man who made this whole deal possible.

    "Let's hope it works this time, we can't allow that bastard to keep Washington for another decade."

    "Don't worry, General, I have a good feeling for this ballot."

    "It better work, otherwise we may have to... seek other means."
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    Smith had always known he would win, he always knew it was his fate to bear the burden of this nation and guide it under the light of the Lord. He did not expect Hoffa to die, rest his soul, but God worked in mysterious ways and sometimes that could include a little of lead. His burden was not a light one, but he knew from his prayers that he was meant to command, he was born for this, raised for this, and now he had to act like Hezekiah did, when the great impious enemy was at the gates and the nation was lost to debauchery and sin, and there was no lack of sin in the America he saw around him.

    As he took the oath of office, swearing upon his own Bible, Smith reflected on the many challenges he would have to face now. The day Hoffa died was still fresh in his memory, he was in Wisconsin, some assignment to raise support from local donors for the Populist campaign that year, drumming up the people with his God-gifted rhetoric, when suddenly the Secret Service came over in their suits and grabbed him, he was rushed to a plane as a wounded man is rushed to a hospital and only when they were in the air did he get the news. There was a judge there, the local district Judge who was also carried in just for being the highest court official arround. There, high in the clouds, he became the President of the United States of America, arriving at the Babylon called Washington hours later.

    Now he had a proper inauguration, he had to admit that sometimes it was tempting to fall to despair when the election went to the House, but the dealing with Thurmond and Cramer went very well, they were men of God, although with their own vices, agreeing to give him the Presidency. But Smith knew better, the Presidency was not given by the people, by politicians, by electors, it was given by the Lord as all things are, this chair was a duty and he was meant to be there to cleanse America from it's sins against the looming threat of the man so many called as "Antichrist". He knew better, there were proper doctrines for this and even, out of curiosity, he read the Pope's declaration and saw no direct accusation that Goebbels was THE Antichrist, it was a matter of millenarianism and Eschatological studies. It did not mean he would have ever allowed the man to set foot in Jerusalem, he threw all the power of the country and had no qualms of using nuclear weapons if all else failed, the fact the Nazis even managed to enter Jerusalem was reason for him to want to sack the entire Military staff out of incompetence, but he contained himself and had faith, a faith that paid off.

    It was the year of 1968 and the President was alone in the Oval Office, a break after the recent meeting with his running mate, Lyndon Johnson, who was once again running by his side despite their personal grudges and divergences. He saw the bible on his desk, wondering how long it has been since he properly read a passage, he knew it was needed for the soul like the body needs water, but it has been weeks, turbulent weeks since he made the fateful decision to send the army to the south. He knew that the task was far from over, he made laws but there were still those who defied, he spoke words and yet there were those who did not listen, the enemies of the true American people were all springing out of the gutter to attack like it happened days ago.

    But was that task his' to accomplish? Did he not already do what he was set to do? The Nazi horde was beaten, Goebbels was dead, the laws were in place, the Supreme Court just had roughly a plurality, if not a majority, of good Christian men in it's seats. Perhaps that is why he was staring at the bible now, that is why he was grabbing it now, that is why he was opening it, just hoping he could see something, anything that could be a signal of what he ought to do.
    "For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer."
    Romans 13:4

    He opened it exactly where he needed to open, Romans 13, the chapter of Authority. President Smith would feel a warmth on his chest with the reassurance, from the Lord, that what he was doing was right. He set the good book back on his desk, above the Constitution, promising in silence to return to his prayers once again.


    Sandra had been going to these marches for days, but it felt like barking off the wrong tree. The Government was about to pass a law that felt almost draconian, something you would have heard from Nazi Europe or Russia, women just seen as baby factories and not human beings of their own, it was just yet another attack on liberties made by this insane government, like they suddenly looked at Germania and thought "hey, that is a good idea". But why she was saying they were in thw wrong tree? Why did they even bother to shout in front of the White House where the man in charge was the one who MADE the proposal when they should be with the others in front of the Capitol? They were supposed to be in a place they could make a difference, sway votes, remind those congressmen that their wives and daughters were watching and opposing them.

    But protesting just felt hopeless, she used to admire Huey Long, in a sense she still did praise the man for the things he did. Her family used to have nothing in rural Louisiana, it was his policy as Governor that allowed her to go to College and have an education, then his policies as President, as well as her own job as an attorney, allowed her parents to buy a new house and a good farmland. She went to Populist rallies in the 50s, her college paper was about Long's changed in the education system and even her little brother was named Huey in his homage. How could Huey Long now be the man who was endorsing this tyranny? She was not as stupid as most of her former peers in the Populist Party, she knew nothing in the House could get approved if Long set his foot down on blocking a bill, that is why she had left the party after Smith's election.

    That whole place had changed, suddenly there were young men and, most shockingly, women, who were all praising Smith like he was the voice of Jesus himself, that agreed with his fight against "immorality" and applauded the end of the Civil Rights Act that year. She could not bear to stay in the party after that, but after everything she could not vote for the Republicans either, even now she still believed they were "The Wealthy Establishment", if it was up to men like Goldwater, her parents would have stayed starving in their old wrecked home and he would say they just did not work hard enough. So now she was a political orphan, begging for someone, anyone, to hear her.

    "We should not be wasting time in this place, you think that old cretin cares about us?"

    Sandra told one of her friends, Martha, she came from Louisiana in the bus with her and they rented a hotel room nearby to participate in the protests during the Senate vote, of course she did not say that out loud, but that is what everyone else was thinking there. There was a lookout who was meant to tell whenever Smith or a secretary was near a window or outside so they could shout and show signs, but so far they have done nothing over the last half an hour but to sit there under the sun. Then there was someone approaching, one of the guards it seems, the lookout spotted the President talking to that guard, probably Secret Service from how well dressed he was. The men walked over and they all paid attention to what he would say, perhaps out of expectation, or out of dread for what they knew he would say.

    "Ladies, good afternoon, I am here only to inform that the text of the Family Protection Act has been approved in the Senate by sixt-"

    They did not hear the rest of what he said, the rest of the protesters all jeered and shouted angrily like it was an spontaneous reaction, the agent was there just to be the messenger of a bad news they all feared to get. Sandra felt a crushing weight on her spirit, every fight they have picked over these last two years had failed, every single one of them had passed one way or the other. Now it was illegal for States to provide Abortion services for any case except for life-threatening circumstances and rape, but that was hardly the main issue of this law and it was not exactly the reason she was protesting either, it also banned the use of such an extensive list of contraceptives that even condoms were included in it. She was working as an attorney for the Planned Parenthood Federation, for sure she was going to be out of a job because Smith for sure was going to send the FBI on them.

    She did not know what exactly possessed her, but she only walked ahead to the Agent with the gates of the White House standing between them, she stared at him straight in the eye, the man not even flinching as he stood there like a lamppost, then she turned around to the rowdy crowd and shouted at the top of her lungs for attention.


    Then everyone stared at her.

    "Welcome Frauleins, to the Greater American Reich! Let us all salute our beloved Führer Gerald Smith!"

    She intended for that to be a mockery, turning around and glaring at the White House with all her built up frustration and anger, she raised her arm in a salute, hoping by God that Smith was looking at them now.

    "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!"

    The others began to imitate her, understanding the mockery, it was an inner "joke" in her group that if this law was approved then they should just call Smith as a Führer. But the Agent did not see that as a joke, he saw a group of people within striking distance to the President raising a salute and openly calling themselves as Nazis. Almost out of nowhere, several agents who were watching around them came up and began the arrests, Sandra did not even realize it until she was tackled to the ground and handcuffed, the others tried to run away, dropping their letterboards to try to race, some were not even going along with the salute. Only now did Sandra realize how much of an stupidity that was, to act like Nazis in front of the White House, and while in normal circumstances she knew that the Free Speech laws would protect them, she knew this was no ordinary Supreme Court, not anymore. It was as if the country she had spent so long studying about in College had gone away, this was a new America and she for one did not see much difference between Smith and Hitler now.


    The History of the United States under the Smith Administration was like the famous anecdote about a bushfire and gasoline, the darkest moment in the nation's history since the Civil War and the Reconstruction era, surpassing the Depression and the 1947-48 riots of the Thurmond Administration. Smith, a self-described "Christian Nationalist" had gained the Presidency while convinced that it was his God-given duty to hold it and moralize the nation according to his own interpretation of Christianity, with the backing of the Populist Party, the Democratic Party and even a non-unsubstantial amount of Republicans, mainly affiliated with the Society for the Defense of Liberty which backed several of his actions despite being outspokenly opposed to his stay in power.

    The strong coalition that held up the Smith Government was mainly commanded by the Head of the Populist Party, the Ex-President and current Speaker of the House Huey Long. Once known as a Progressive, Huey's amoral desire to hold on to power and his considerable influence on Smith and his Cabinet would make him the de facto Head of Government of the United States, coordinating a powerful alliance with Conservative and Reactionaries that even included the Progressive wing of the Populist Party, oddly enough. It cannot be understated how unified the Populists were in this time despite the Progressive's constant frustrations and previous attrition with Long during the late Hoffa Presidency when the POTUS and the Ex-POTUS entered a feud that cost the former his life.

    Some called it the "4th Term" of Huey Long, marked by the continuation of the Longist economic policies by the Smith administration, with that and the robust welfare system being shielded by the aggressiveness of the Republican Party by the commanding Coalition. In one hand, that continued to ensure broad support for Longism among the poorer classes, on the other, the system was remarkably corrupt as local politicians, mainly Populists, used the public service to provide jobs to political supporters in return for a percentage of their salaries and political backing during the election. The Spoils System had been renewed and strengthened all throughout the Long Era and, with the Federal State apparatus and the immense control of the Executive over the Judiciary, Legislature and the Welfare systems, it reached such a scale that corruption became generalized in American Politics. The repeal of the old Pendleton act, a quiet dismantlement of an outdated law in favor of a new "Civil Service Reform" in 1955 all but made official the system.

    The "War Chest" of the Populist Party, kept under the lock and key of Huey Long himself, was a secret fund worth billions of dollars collected by the Party functionaries and representatives for political campaigns and donations which made the party practically invulnerable to the kind of Lobbying used in the Democratic and Republican Parties, opting instead for a more subtle and corrupt alternative than direct donations from large companies and allowing a level of Independence to enact it's agenda. This approach not only allowed Long and his successors to enact harsher laws against Lobbyist companies, from tariffs and exorbitant tax rates, to directly restrictive laws against monopolies and pushing for protectionism, but also gave him an enormous pull on the members of the Party who, during election season, needed "campaign donations" from the War chest, sent through shadow companies and "private individuals".

    The whole system was so vast that it was normalized, there were those who did speak out about abuses in local areas that led to a glimpse of the true network being exposed, but usually when that happened the investigation became Federal and put under the FBI, tightly held by the Longists since the loss of Hoover and thanks to the control held by the former director Morrison, a Louisiana Attorney who was, as expected, in Long's pocket. The FBI would then place the investigation on the backlog or sacrifice the local politician with a relatively small stay in prison while ensuring his assets to the family. The FBI went from a crime investigation unit to the shadow hand of the Populist Party to ensure it's scheemes proceeded smoothly and secretive, to the point where locals just began to accept the "War Chest" system as a normal part of Politics, that was especially dominant in the rural and small urban areas where mayors held a strong authority. Very few attorneys dared to go against such system and that is where contacts of the government with the Mafia under the Long and, especially, the Hoffa era came in hand to ensure those voices were silenced and cases were dropped.

    The Republican Party and it's associated press, the largest of which being the New York Times, decried and denounced the system many times, but at one point many Americans would fall victim of the trap of "normalization" and others just shrugged it by claiming "They are crooks, but they do stuff", it did not help that the Populists had a powerful propaganda apparatus against the Republicans by claiming them as puppets of corporative powers who wanted to return America to the 1880s. Goldwater being one of the most prominent and outspoken Republicans was something the Populists themselves helped prop up, raising him to that status of leadership among the people to claim he was the "standard" Republican when, in truth, his anti-welfare rhetoric was a fringe idea in the 1964 election.

    Speaking of Welfare, the Republicans continued to attack the system with criticisms that could be considered as legitimate, especially that it was bloated and corrupt, with "ghost employees" and unnecessary offices (Goldwater once was thought to be hyperbolic when he claimed the Saint Louis Federal Hospital had an office called "Director of the Needle Disposal Department" when, in truth, that office did exist alongside a whole department of it). In the Federal Educational Facilities, there were jokes that schools had more teachers and janitors than students properly, and in reality the majority of those teachers and janitors were people who never showed up, some didn't even know they had those jobs. The corruption within these systems also included overpriced products (in one case, there was a delivery in Pittsburg of a box of bandages where each bandage cost 5 dollars) and benefits (It was joked in New Reno that public education was more expensive than private solely because of the bribes required for approval).

    These cases are local examples, in the majority of the institutions it never reached such extremes, however the perception of corruption was legitimate and the problem in the public institutions was staggering, that is to say nothing about tax evasion or social security frauds. But the solution of Goldwater was seen as extreme in his election: Privatization, the dismantlement of the bloated system by destroying it, with the end of the American Healthcare System (AHS) and the privatization of Educational facilities or at least, according to Goldwater, 90% of them. Furthermore, he would slash taxes enormously across all classes and combat the excessive Anti-Monopoly laws made in the Long Era, that is to say nothing of the Labor Laws made by Hoffa and the Minimum wage which, according to Goldwater, only contributed to the rising inflation.

    This system, established over a period of almost two decades, would ensure that the Populist Party under Long was both unified, due to the dependence of the "low clergy" politicians to the patronage of the Kingfish, and dominant over the Public Services of the Federal Government through appointed bureaucrats supportive of Longist politicies, bureaucrats who also had their pull on the voting masses. Furthermore, the control of the Supreme Court (the last Justice not appointed by Huey Long would die in 1965) allowed for cases to be judged accordingly to the Populist interpretation, rather than strict Constitutional Law, with the SCOTUS being weaponized to give precedents that favored the local party offices to combat the established Gerrymandering practices by arguing abuse in the designation of voting districts, only for such cases to rarely ever go forward when brought forward by the opposition against Populist-dominated committees


    The "Moral Crusade" was the name of Gerald Smith's Social Policies which took a forefront during his Presidency, namely in his efforts to "Moralize" America through increasingly restrictive and discriminatory laws against divergent social groups that opposed his vision. Many arguments, including at the Supreme Court, were made over a possible infringement of the 1st amendment of the Constitution, the Separation of Church and State, by the Smith Administration. Not only did the President openly justify the passage of laws and decrees through biblical verses and arguments, but he did openly declare his interest in making America a "Godly" Nation, which led to some Political Scientists of the time to consider him a "Protestant Integralist", whereas he declared himself as a "Christian Nationalist".

    A class action lawsuit did reach the Supreme Court in 1967 over one such policies, the "National Identity Curriculum Act" which reformed the Educational system to include religious studies which, in truth, was a "Christian Study" as no other religion was included in the curriculum. The Lawsuit moved by a National Teacher's association claimed that the Law was against the First Amendment as it made the teaching of Christian Dogmas a part of the National Curriculum in public school and argued that, if not fully vetoed, then the law should at least include a Plurality of Faiths. This usually was a case where the Supreme Court would consider the law safely unconstitutional, but instead it was a split decision that ended in a 6-5 against the Association as the SCOTUS claimed that the Law did not breach the 1st Amendment and the government was authorized to provide "ethical education" for students. But the closeness of the vote despite the blatant corruption and bias of the Supreme Court, rather than making Smith realize his laws were unconstitutional in a normal context, would only motivate him to expand the court from 11 to 15 members in the Judiciary Act of 1968, quickly appointing 4 Justices who were jokingly called "The Four Cardinals" by Senator Ronald Reagan of Illinois, a harsher version of the joke called them "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".

    Even before the election, Smith showed the start of his Moralistic campaign in the Illegal Substances Act of 1964, which would intensify the combat against narcotics in the United States during his Administration through the ruthless use of Law Enforcement. It is estimated that the number of policemen in America doubled during the Smith Administration, and in 1966 the "National Security Act", a new law which replaced the previous one made by Long, only strengthened the broad range of powers the American Government held over security and privacy, still riding high on the war against the Mafia, which was blamed for the assassination of President Hoffa.

    The National Security Act of 1966 was considered by many as "Tyrannical", a breach in Laws of Free Speech, Due Process, Privacy and Federalism and an affront to the Constitution, although none of the Lawsuits made against the government would prosper as the Supreme Court either deliberately left these cases to rot on the backlog or judged in favor of the Constitutionality of disputed clauses. The FBI not only was expanded in numbers, but also were given authority to take over any investigation where there was "interest" of the Federal Government, the amendment made in 1968 would also allow for searches without warrant. There was the creation of the "Riot Suppression Squadron" (RSS) units, a specialized division which would be required in the Police department of every city over 30 thousand inhabitants, created specifically for crowd and riot control. Furthermore, it would establish the new "Department of Internal Security", with the assignment of contain and suppress internal terroristic and destabilizing threats, which would have it's own agency: The American Security Agency (ASA).

    The ASA was created by Smith as an Internal Security Agency as the President changed the directives of the CIA to fully concentrate the agency on the combat of foreign threats to the United States after the Nazi-Israeli War reignited fears of foreign invasions. The ASA was split off from both CIA and FBI and placed under it's new Director: James Parker Eastland. Eastland, who would come to be one of the most feared men in America, was born in DC itself on the 9th of June of 1922, little is known of his childhood other than the fact he got his degree in Law in 1943 after graduating in Harvard at a remarkably young age, afterwards he joined the US Army and served as an intelligence agent during the Pacific War, upon returning home he would serve as an Attorney and joined the FBI in 1951, moving to join the Secret Service in 1964 following Hoffa's assassination and then resigning to become the head of the ASA. The details of Eastland's personal life are murky at best other than general information, although it is believed he served in the FBI and also was part of the manhunt for Frank Sheeran.

    What is known is that Eastland would take charge of the agency which was nicknamed as "The President's Gestapo", an Internal Security Agency responsible for the combat against organizations considered a threat to the stability of the United States such as the Black Panthers, Puerto Rican separatists, Mexican insurgent groups, Integralist Catholics and the Communist Party of the United States. Meanwhile, Smith also would use the ASA to suppress Social movements such as the Civil Rights movement (Both the NAACP and the Christian Convention would go under the agency's scrutiny), the Feminist movements, the American Jewish Committee, the Gay Rights League, Liberal student groups, even the left wing of the Populist Party was kept under the watch of the ASA. Furthermore, the agency would answer primarily to Smith, a novel agency which was not made by the Long Administration and did not have it's ranks filled with Longists, but men who Smith considered loyal to himself.

    The ASA was the de facto Department of Internal Security, the Department was little more than the legal and public face for the organization with few initial attributions, although those would grow over the next two years to include the coordination of Security Forces to combat terrorism during the Black Belt Insurgency that lasted all the remainder of the Smith Administration. The National Security Act of 1966 was decried as a step towards a Police State in America, with the ASA having little restraint in wiretapping and in breaking the correspondence of those under it's investigation. It is believed the Agency also coordinated with William Sullivan, FBI Director, to launch internal sabotage campaigns to fragment movements that were considered a threat by the President, including by the use of Assassinations and even Death Squadrons by the FBI.

    The National Security Act was just the most prominent of many controversial laws, but few actions made by Smith were as controversial as his repeal of one: The Civil Rights Act of 1963. The Law, despite being mostly symbolic due to the amendment added to it in the Senate, was seen as a signal by Civil Rights groups that the country was headed in a bright direction and they could expect more from Hoffa's second term or from a Kennedy Presidency, but unfortunately for them the next POTUS was Gerald Smith, a man who could barely disguise his own disgust for the Black population, had decried Hoffa's decision to push for a Civil Rights act and meet with Martin Luther King in the White House during the campaign for the Civil Rights. Not only was Smith a man to the right of the Populist Party, similar to George Wallace, but he was even more sincere in his beliefs than Wallace, who exaggerated his racial discrimination in public as part of a Race-Baiting policy in the 60s to win over the Deep South from the Democratic Party.

    No sooner did he take office, Smith already planned to repeal the act and he began to work to do so as part of his 100 days after the inauguration in 1965, but for that he needed to get the "blessing" of Huey Long who, in turn, initially had declined to push for a repeal of the act, knowing such action could potentially spark unrest in the country and be a threat during the 1966 midterms. Smith, on the other hand, believed the repeal would help the Populists in the Southern States and strengthen it's alliance with the Democratic Party, who held the Vice-Presidency under Cramer. Cramer would also be known to have presided the Senate session that approved the repeal of the act, wanting to leave his own personal mark in what he called a "historical moment for every God-fearing American". Long would eventually accept to approve the repeal and rallied both Populists and Democrats to do so, despite the abstaining of the left wing of the Populist Party. Curiously, some Republicans like Goldwater himself did approve the repeal, although for other reasons such as his personal belief that States should legislate their own civil rights policies.

    The Repeal of the Civil Rights act happened in March of 1965 after less than 2 years under effect, sparking riots across the country in what came to be known as "Black Spring", the NAACP, the Southern Christian Convention, the Black Panther Party and similar organizations would release a joint statement denouncing the government's repeal as an attack against years of progress and struggle. But in the case of the Black Panthers, a separate declaration made by it's leadership which included members of the New Afrika Movement and the Nation of Islam, would claim this was an attack against the Black Population of the United States and called for those who were targetted by the new law to fight back against their aggressors by arming themselves for "self-defense". Smith considered that the start of an insurgency, his fears growing as the next two months would see the spark of the greatest wave of Racial Riots in American History. In the State of Mississippi, the Governor declared an State of Emergency after the eruption of riots in Vicksburg and Jackson that soon spread all across the State, with the National Guard being mobilized to suppress the rioters through force, this would lead to the deaths of at least 63 black protesters between March and May of 1965 in the State, as well as 7 Police officers who were given a state homage after their deaths. That would be only one of several cases across the Deep South, with Senator George Wallace of Alabama claiming that "The South is in flames, set alight by Negro Terrorism".


    But the insurgency would only become a properly organized effort after the 16th of January of 1967 when the Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King would be assassinated, shot while visiting a restaurant in Birmingham before a speech. A member of the American National Socialist Party (ANSP), a man named Edward Reed Fields, would shoot the Reverend twice on the chest before being immobilized, with King dying hours later in the hospital, his last words were nothing of political or social grandiose like some would claim, but rather him asking his wife if she was unharmed, "Did he hit you, Yoki?", following that a public funeral would be held and, controversially, Fields did not get the death penalty, but rather a life sentence, during his trial he compared himself to Adolf Hitler and claimed he was fighting for a better America. He thought his trial would propel his political career like Hitler's did in 1923, but the justices in America were less forgiving of a murder than the Bavarians were of an attempted coup.

    The death of Doctor King happened after months of relentless government attempts of dividing the Black rights movements, which only intensified their actions and boycotts following the repeal in 1965, but while the death of King did serve to, alongside everything else, weaken the moderates, it drifted many to the radical groups such as the Panthers, who appeared to be doing a more "decisive" action against a government millions of Americans believed was out to get them. Smith's controversial actions, which included the return of Segregation into the Armed Forces, as well as his declarations and his amnesty policy towards former Klansmen had a radicalizing effect that led to much of the Black Population, if not support, at least sympathize more with Malcom's armed fight and militancy over the NAACP's "political" approach, one that Malcom claimed to have "died with Doctor King". When the Black Panthers would later launch an attack against an Alabama Police Department, stealing weapons from the armory and even massacring a group of 18 policemen, they would be officially declared by President Smith as an "Insurgent Organization", starting the Black Belt Insurgency, a misleading title as that would be spread across the majority of the nation.

    The combat of the Black Panther Party and it's affiliated groups not only did lead to a skyrocket in the amount of deaths in the country and brought racial relations to the worst level since Slavery, but it also lead to a general discrimination and hostility by government authorities against the Black Population of the United States, especially in Southern States where black police agents were increasingly sidelined. President Smith once privately commended Eastland by claiming his agency was the only one "Negro-free" in the country, although that is disputed and the APA did infact employ several black informants and agents in it's operations. The fear that any black man or woman could be a member of the Black Panther Party led to a climate of paranoia that caused several incidents of indiscriminate fire and shootouts, the most extreme of those being the Chattanooga Massacre of 1967 in December during a Christmas Celebration, when the police received intelligence that there could be an attack by the Black Panthers, one of the RSS teams would be deployed to keep security during the event, but when a local policemen in the watch lost his nerve and thought he saw a black man pulling a gun from his jacket, he opened fire which led to the RSS firing upon a crowd mostly compromised by Afro-Americans that started to make a protest against the RSS' presence in the event. The RSS, armed with live ammunition, would kill around 27 people, including 3 children, the courts would rule that the commander of the Unit was under "justifiable duress" and that the organization had "credible information" on an incoming attack, so he would be punished with compulsory retirement, much to the outrage of the locals.


    The Bank of America, located in the former building of the Federal Reserve of the United States in Eccles, was the target of the fury of millions of American from poor to the wealthy, seen as nothing more than simply the tool of the Executive Office to manipulate the worth of the dollar and it's printing, a piggy bank would be a less accurate way to call it compared to a printing machine. But the contradictions of the American Economy were far from starting just in the paradoxal policies of trying to stop inflation while printing money and increasing spending year after year, it was also the fact the country that was meant to represent a Liberal Economic model contrasted to it's rivals was one of the most protectionist nations on Earth, and that the country that used soft economic power to dominate others was actively striking against Large companies without going as far as offering State-led companies to take their spot in the vacuum.

    The American Economy between 1949 and 1969 was the story of how a man got off a crashing train at the right time, men like Smith and Hoffa would take the blame for the economic deceleration brought in the long term by Long's almost draconian policies inspired by his "Share the Wealth" program. The exorbitant tax rates would fall upon a paradox as the income from said tax rates diminished, the so-called "Anti-Monopoly" policies would lead to many companies offshoring their assets to other nations such as Russia and Japan, only for the fall of the latter to it's old government structure and nationalization to lead to a worsening of the recession as mass layoffs were made, worsening the employment situation. Furthermore, the blatant levels of government corruption created an Oligarchic structure where government contracts were biased to not be given to companies known to lobby or have a board sympathizing with the Republican Party.

    The prosperous time of the 1950s, brought in by Long's redistributionist policies, allowed the poor and middle class in the country to have an unmatched purchasing power which boosted local economies. The new public programs for Education, Healthcare and Social Security would also give a more secure margin for consumers to spend a larger amount of their monthly income in leisure or investments, although in compensation there would be a worry in the late 50s that the economic policies, if kept unchanged and without proper adjustments, would lead to a constant growth in government spending without an equivalent GDP growth to compensate, breaking the Keynesian Balance. The Solution in the 3rd term of President Long was to use the Bank of America to manipulate interest rates and prevent inflation, with the declining money reserves leading to worry that inflation would skyrocket as the unbalanced government spending brought the national economy to it's limits.

    The GDP growth itself started off strong with the end of the post-war depression between 1947 and 1948, with an average of 10 to 12% a year between 1949 and 1954, but said growth would only lower from there to a more stable 6-7% between 1955 and 1956, a decline to 3% in 1957 followed by a burst due to the production frenzy in the military industry during the Ural War, finally 1960 would come with only 2% of growth, but the rest of the decade would pass with the economy never being able to grow over 2%.

    Hoffa, a former Union Boss and very much inclined to benefit the Unions, would double down on Longist protectionism (with exceptions such as the Friendship agreement with Britain), he would also attempt further taxes on corporations, expanding the definition to include companies considered of "medium" size, in an attempt to increase revenue when facing the debt spiral the country was in: In 1962, the GDP to Debt radio would reach an staggering 90% with the trend continuing to grow as the GDP growth slowed down and the spending grew much faster, the expenses of the Federal Budget would be greater than the revenue in all years since the 1949 budget. The inflation rate, once contained by interest rates, would skyrocket after 1963 when Hoffa authorized an expansion in the printing process to finance his deficit spending.

    Perhaps another reason to explain the economic crisis that followed was the lack of an external consumer Market: Europe was still under a strict embargo of the US government, the new British government under Mountbatten would adopt a more strict economic control under the fears of a looming war and facing colonial conflicts, much of the Middle East was under the control of hostile governments, the Russian Empire was adopting a War Economy during the Ural War and in the years prior to the Ostkrieg, the Chinese Market was closed off by the Maoist system and the Japanese Empire returned with a new "Bakufu" policy preaching Isolation and Autarky. Furthermore, the expansion of Integralist influence in Latin America, as well as of governments such as in Cuba and Guatemala implementing heavier restrictions on American companies, would start to create new barriers to American products, as well as retaliatory tariffs made against the Longist Protectionist Policy. All of that contributed to a general shrinking of the market which, added to the enormous pressure by the government over companies, in part also due to Long's populist preachings that made large corporations into a "boogeyman" for his supporters, led to the decline of Industrial titans from Standard Oil to the Ford Motors company, with new masses joining the unemployment lists.

    As it was an electoral year, Smith would implement a new system for unemployment benefits in 1964 and, added to his expansions of the American security apparatus and the cuts made in recently reborn industries such as alcohol (which was subject to heavy regulations, taxation and a ban in advertisement), only worsened the situation as the country saw itself increasingly unable to pay off it's own debts except by printing money or raising taxes further. Smith would attempt to solve this with what he called a "Moral Tax" on gambling, prostitution, alcohol, tobacco, even came to a point of fining women who wore bikinis or men who did not wear shirts on beaches. Those measures did not change much in the grand scheme and soon the Nation, which previously was dealing with just an average inflationary of 2-4% rate a year, was now facing the prospect of a 20 or 30% rate a year between 1965 and 1968, only worsened by the Global crisis caused by the risk of a Third World War, the high levels of tensions causing anxiety among investors that their own investments would never pay off, especially as many American companies had to see their proprieties in Russia being turned towards the war effort by the government.

    The Situation would only become worse after the beginning of the War in Mexico, which cut off the United States from one of it's most pivotal trade partners. The Black Belt insurgency led to a flock of investors to retract investments from the Deep South and move to Canada due to the general sense of insecurity. Smith's infamous attempts to discourage women from going to the workplace would also not be sufficient to deal with the unemployment crisis, which also greatly affected the African-American population. The President created the so-called "Breadwinner" initiative which was meant to reward households where only the male party had an active employment with government benefits and favorable tax rates, while he also instructed the IRS to "discipline" households which did not have the female party staying at home by placing their tax debts under tougher scrutiny, although that was never a formal policy, it did reflex Smith's disconnection with the economic situation where the rising living costs started to push for both parents to work more jobs to sustain their way of life or face cut backs in home expenses.


    Despite the proactive intervention in Israel and Mexico, it would be a mistake to call Gerald Smith as an Interventionist, with the President only openly opposing his party's policy of "America First" in 1965 when approving an immediate intervention against the German-Syrian invasion of Israel. The POTUS had, in fact, made one of the most openly isolationistic moves in American History, one not even Long dared to push for, when he led to the destruction of the United Nations in 1965.

    The Organization, born out of Cordell Hull's global vision during the waning days of the Second World War, was meant to be a replacement for the destroyed League of Nations, which would be formaly dissolved in 1946 following the German invasion of Switzerland and the annexation of it's headquarters in Geneve into the French State, being replaced in Europe by the Linz Pakt. The UN would establish itself properly in the late 1940s and at it's peak it included the majority of the Latin American Nations, Russia, China, Japan, India, as well as the members of the Commonwealth and Oceania, it had a strong potential of being a global forum, as it was set to do, but the UN's agenda was a reason for disputes. Despite being officially made with the purpose of pursuing world peace and cooperation, it did not include any of the Nations of mainland Europe (except for Portugal until 1959), especially not Germany which decried the agency as a Jewish instrument against the Reich.

    The first issue was the seat of China in the United Nations, as the Civil War drew to a close in 1952, the People's Republic of China would call for the seat in the Security Council, formerly held by the Kuomitang's government, to be given to them as the legitimate Chinese government. But the recent discovery of Stalin's atrocities and the ongoing Red Scare in America would lead to both the United States and the Russian Empire to pressure the United Nations to not grant the PRC with Veto powers in the council, although they would keep a permanent seat. This arrangement was not satisfactory for Mao, who would refuse to join the assembly and instead would reform the Communist International as an organism under his leadership, including the nations of Vietnam, Laos and Korea (or rather North Korea).

    That same year, the Integralist government in Brazil, both due to it's ideology and suspicion of the United Nations (many Christian fundamentalists being skeptical of organizations calling for a secular "Global Peace") would announce it's withdrawal in retaliation to the UN sanctions placed upon the regime. It was a symbolically relevant moment as the Brazilian State traditionally made the opening speech of the Organization due to the country's general neutral and friendly atitude added to it's geopolitical context. The failure of the UN to prevent the Syrian-Iranian invasion of Iraq or the Suez War would highlight several of it's flaws and shortcomings as, biding by the principles of International Law, the organization did not possess the capacity of comply members to stick by it's resolutions. Furthermore, when the United Nations, at British behest, condemned the annexation of the lands of the Portuguese Empire in Asia by India, China and Indonesia, it would further sour those nations which saw the UN as only a tool of Anglo-American Diplomatic Imperialism.

    The death of the UN happened quickly with the Goebbels era in Germany, the constant refusal of the United Nations to condemn Imperialist powers in Africa and Asia would be argued by nations such as India, Siam and Indonesia as a breach of proper international principles that the Organization was founded upon and when, at last, the UN did openly condemn the existing colonial Empires, it led to both Belgium-Congo and the French Empire to slowly withdraw from the UN under different pretenses. South Africa would also leave the United Nations shortly after it left the Commonwealth with the Boer takeover, as well as Argentina and Uruguay following the Brazilian-sponsored coups in both nations (even outright invasion on the latter case). Hoffa also claimed that, with the Coalition of Nations built, the UN had become an "outdated" institution.

    When Smith took power in 1964, he already began to move against the UN in a physical manner, starting by claiming it's existing location in Philadelphia should be returned to American jurisdiction rather than UN jurisdiction. Using of Nationalistic and Religious rhetoric, claiming that the very foundation of the UN under "Secular Humanism" was a Satanic (although he did almost say "Jewish" during the speech, correcting himself mid-sentence) project to bring forth a United World for the Antichrist, Smith would eventually turn the majority of the Americans against the organization, after the existing US ambassador to the UN was retired, Smith refused to appoint a new one and even ignored the UN's proceedings during the Nazi-Israeli war (it was left to the Israeli representative to call for a vote in the security council to condemn Goebbels' escalating actions). When, in 1967, the UN condemned the American response to the racial riots, Smith used that as an excuse to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the UN and symbolically sending American policemen to enforce American jurisdiction on the UN building and, as a matter of humiliation, refusing the UN passaports given to diplomatic agents (as the US government would no longer consider it a legitimate organization) and demanding American visas from said ambassadors.

    Once the United States left and an exorbitant rent was demanded out of the United Nations, the organization studied the possibility of moving into Ottawa or Toronto, but ultimately it was a fading organism with little more relavance, as the United Kingdom was left as the sole permanent seat in the UN (The Russian Empire declaring it's exit of the UN in 1966 following the Organization's refusal to back it's offensive against Germany on the grounds that it broke the Treaty of Dublin and started a war of aggression), which brought attrition between the UN and former colonial subjects. In an extraordinary assembly in April of 1967, mere weeks after the US left the organism, the UN would dissolve itself, ending the dream of Cordell Hull with the world shrouded in the prospect of war, as the Organization failed essentially in it's vital mission of preventing mass scale conflicts the moment the Reich refused to even entertain it's ambitions. In essence, it was impossible for a peace organism to prosper if the Rogue State which threatens said peace was never willing to sit down and talk.


    Governor Richard Nixon of California did not have the best nights of sleep that year, sometimes he needed medication, other cases he simply spent the night with a single glass of Whiskey and nothing else while sitting in his living room. The Governor of one of the few prospering States of the Union had to face the fact this reality would change soon, with the news of the war breaking out in the South coinciding with an upsurge in riots. He had seen the police reports, there were deaths, many, in San Diego there was even an attack of militiamen against a Catholic Church full of Mexicans, accused of being a center of propagation of Integralist ideas. He knew it was true, many churches were doing so, but most of them did not, and he doubted those who were shot by the militiamen were all Sinarquistas. Paranoia had gripped the nation since the Mexican radicals began to retaliate against the invasion by using Mexican-American sympathizers to launch attacks across the Southwest.

    That was not the end of his problems at all, a synagogue in San Francisco would write constant requests for security from the Police as the new Supreme Court Decision on the "Sandra Broussard v United States Government" case said that Nazi chants were apparently protected by Free Speech Laws, that allowed the goons of the American National Socialist Party to be able to stage their parades with swastikas and all. How that was allowed and the use of a Chinese flag wasn't is a mystery for him, for Nixon they both represented the antithesis of Americanism, if one is banned then both ought to be banned, the double standards of this Administration amazed him. Yes, he said administration, everyone who had a minimal knowledge of politics by now knew that the Supreme Court was just a tool for the Executive Power.

    If only that Louisiana bastard could just fall dead then things could be much easier, but no, he refused to die or at least vacate from this country. Nixon wanted to fight the good fight and he did for many years, in Congress, in the Senate for a term, and now as a governor finishing his second term and already thinking of a third one. He would have ran for President this time, this time he would for sure have carried the nomination, but his political strategy was a flawed one, it burned down the moment he saw Goldwater emerge with that brute in the Madison Square Garden during a rally. The Party was being taken over by the Society, ever since the disgraced death of that poor kid Kennedy, his health problems really came crashing down after the Ilse scandal, he lost his office and the public trust, spent the last two years of his life with so much back pain that he could not walk, like aging 20 years in 2. Despite the fact they were once opposites within the Party, they could really have used the kid's charisma.

    Goldwater was going to be the candidate, that was a fact, the left wing of the party had been so completely crushed in the midterms that those bastards with flags had swept clear in several states. There was no point in him running, not with this weather, but by God would he back Barry, he would vote the damned devil himself in the White House if it meant getting rid of this parasite. Twenty years ago, he was just returning home from the war and getting involved in politics, back then he already knew Long was going to be trouble, and to make matters worse... he was right. Now they had a war both within the country and outside in Mexico, the economy was in a debt spiral that was just not worse than it already was because of the fact the Bank was printing bills like candy, he still remembered when it did not take a dollar to buy a chocolate bar.

    There were no opportunities in the Land of Opportunity, he should write that down for a campaign speech this year because for sure it would be tough to win reelection with how bad things were, he was investing in the Police, in the new RSS units, they were quite useful to control riots, even the National Guard had been called over a riot by the Black Community in San Francisco, probably linked to the Panthers. Half this problem was because of the Panthers, it meant more spending on security, scared away investments, and it made everything far more complicated than it had to be, if those damned Negroes shut up and stayed on tight for a little longer then he could do something as President, but no, they were making a ruckus and the country hated that, it would only give more credit to Barry and his new associates, but better them than Smith, the White House was no place for a pulpit.

    Nixon sipped his whiskey and let his mind wander, where did this all go wrong? Who knows, why does it matter? What matters is trying to find a way to fix it, but they simply could not fix anything while Long had America by the balls. If he was a little more ruthless and a little less Christian, he would have found a way to get that man into a coffin instead of a podium, it would do a service to the whole world, but unfortunately he was not enough of a damned crook to kill a damned crook, his mama raised him too well for that. Defeating the Longists would require for you to outsmart them, be even more of a trickster than them, but how? They were doing nothing but shoot themselves in the foot since Hoffa and still seemed poised to win through their damned scheme, the best Goddamned political machine to ever be built. They had the courts, most of the Governors, most of Congress, all the White House and it's 3 agencies, and what did he have? A glass of whiskey in his hand.

    Finally he felt like sleep was coming to him, if only because the sun was already rising on the horizon and he could feel that his eyes were getting heavier to keep awake. He did not want to have even more awkwardness by seeing his staff trying to pretend he did not sleep in the living room again, so he set the half-empty glass aside and began to walk over to his bed, but not before giving a last look out of that window of Sacramento, wondering if they would even survive another term of this Dictator or if America was now forever shackled under their rule. But perhaps he should be optimistic, Huey Long was not immortal, one day he would die and the Populists would tear eachother apart, and in that day there would be plenty of opportunities.




    Maxwell's division had moved south from Monterrey as their forces moved southwards, his 36th Division advanced through the coast, shadowed by the Gulf Fleet and with the troops of the Mexican Army to cover the flanks and the Vanguard, although their reliability had left much to be desired. Their destiny was Veracruz, to relieve the city sieged by the Sinarquistas for the last weeks, the Marines seemed to be needing the Army's help once again to get the job done. They were going down from Tampico and arriving near the town of Poza Rica de Hidalgo, little more than a stroll across the Gulf coast with not many engagements, although he knew they were being watched. The Rebel forces were all melting into the countryside, with any luck they would relieve Veracruz and go west to Mexico City, going the route of Winnfield Scott over a century prior, one of the few good paths to reach the heart of Mexico.

    He could never shake off the sense that this was far easier than it should be, they shouldn't have gone this far down without resistance, it just felt wrong with all signs pointing to an imminent death. It would not be the first time, he still recalls what happened to the 9th Brigade when they were sent to the west, they never returned from their attempt of reaching Zacatecas. The center of Mexico was a land of hills and mountains that even the native tribes had a hard time settling in the past, and he knew that if he went further south into Veracruz, all he would find would be jungles. But from the informative films Yucatan should not be a problem, a Marine force was being sent to secure Campeche and Merida expecting to be welcomed there. There were tensions between the Sinarquistas, an essentially Integralist organization, with the native tribes that still kept many old religious traditions and who mostly were allied with Communist groups like the Zapatistas.

    He was in his mobile Headquarters, could not exactly call it a comfortable place but comfort was not something you should expect on the Army nowadays, in the Israeli War they had shipped in everything, even ice cream machines, but for this little action they were expected to be supplied by the Mexican Government, a government mind you that doesn't even control it's own Capital. The roads were barely kept and everywhere they advanced, they were struck from behind at their supply lines, which is likely what the lookouts watching them from the west were meant to do, waiting for them to pass and signal in a squadron to attack. The navy was more reliable, when they took Tampico, the fleet docked in much needed supplies, ports like those were the lifeline of the army more than the actual roads were.

    But as of now, his thoughts were more concerned from the news at home from that fateful letter. Why was Mary doing this to herself? Politics? Running for Congress? In Texas, you either enter as a Populist or you enter as an Independent, she picked Independent, at least for that he could give her some respite. She could win, he knew that, not only did she have a husband in the Army down south, but he knew she was respected back in Houston and could talk anyone into doing anything, including voting for her. He chuckled at that thought, being married to an attorney certainly had it's perks, they both could sustain their family and the government taxes.

    But as they stopped in Poza Rica for the night, an explosion could be heard from the headquarters, Maxwell was just going to sleep when it happened and realized quite quickly that he would have to spend the rest of the night with the cleanup. Hardly the first time it happened, in every town they passed there was a lone wolf or a team of brave warriors who wanted to "Die for Christ" by taking out a few soldiers, the poor recruits just had never fought in the Israeli War, or against Japan, or against the Nazis, he had seen it all, fanatics in every battlefield. In a way, Maxwell ended desensitized, but these attacks worried him for the fact that they happened so close to home, that they were made against soldiers who were just boys with no idea of what they were getting into. They probably came down when hearing that Mexico was being taken over by "Nazis" and thought they would be fighting Panzers or soldiers in grey uniforms, not by Sinarquistas.

    But this time there was a prisoner, and after his morning coffee, he was reading the report of the interrogation and noticed something different in them. This captive was wearing black, green and red, not the usual Green and white of the Sinarquistas, and the usual ranting was not saying the religious ramble of the captured Sinarquistas, but instead talks about a Revolution and hatred for the "Gringo Imperialista". That gave him pause, he stopped to take back his briefing prior to the invasion, this uniform belonged to the Ejército Zapatista de Resistencia, the Zapatist Resistance Army, shouldn't these Reds hate the Sinarquists as much as they hated the PRI, if not more? What is worse is that, there were some suspicions around, that some of the bombers were not suicidal in previous attacks and were wearing similar uniforms.

    Did these people hate them so much that Communists and Fascists were uniting against them?


    Traditionally, the United States entered in Mexico on the 8th of March of 1968, some historians would however claim that the US Armed Forces were present in the country since December, when President Ordaz was forced to flee from Mexico City by a joint force of protesters and members of the Mexican Armed Forces which laid siege to the Capital since the Christmas massacre of 1967. The conflict had many different names depending on the phase, this initial phase being named in Mexico as the "Second Revolution", where a broad coalition of forces, led mostly by the right-wing Sinarquista movement, but also including left-wing groups and insurgents, rebelled against the corrupt establishment of the PRI (Partido Revolucionário Institucional), which had ruled the country for roughly 4 decades with a system once named "The Perfect Dictatorship" (Dictadura Perfecta). The Second phase, following Ordaz' retreat to Monterrey and the arrival of the US Armed Forces was named in America as "The Southern Intervention" or "Second Mexican Intervention" (the first one being the intervention in the Mexican Revolution during the Wilson Administration) and in Mexico it was named as "The Second Mexican-American War" or more commonly as "Guerra de Resistencia" (War of Resistance).

    The two distinct phases of the war also diverge in how it was fought, being at first essentially a civil war between the government and the rebellious groups in the Western, Central and Southern parts of the country, then turning into a hybrid war that mixed guerrillas and open confrontation. It was also an odd war from an Ideological point of view, as the conflict united Integralists, Fascists, Socialists/Communists and even pro-democratic forces against a powerful big tent party that was born from a Revolution and now faced one against them. As a result, there was a broad coalition of International supporters for both sides. Obviously, the PRI would enjoy the backing of the United States, but to a lesser extent the Coalition of Nations would also cooperate with American forces to support a friendly and "predictable" regime to keep the status quo in Mexico. On the other hand, the Coalition enjoyed the support of Brazil and the Platine Pact (for the Sinarquistas), the People's Republic of China (for the Zapatistas), to an extent it also would receive the support of the Japanese Empire (although with a limited support in resources, the IJA offered "advisors" during the conflict) and, surprisingly, even from the Pakt (which had an interest in keeping the United States bogged down into a war at home with the fragile situation at home). The Pakt's support is many times overplayed due to the propaganda in the United States that the Mexican rebels were backed by Germania in order to justify the intervention. There is also the fact that both Pope Francis and Pope Eugene called for support for the "New Cristeros" during the war, a decisive factor in mobilizing the Mexican population.

    Finally, and most crucially, the Mexican rebels had the support from Guatemala and Cuba, two neighboring nations which sympathized with the idea of a "Latin Resistance" against "American Imperialism", which was a message drummed up by the Brazilian regime as part of the Integralist idea of Latin American cooperation. The support from Guatemala was vital for the funneling of armaments and other resources to the regions of Chiapas and Yucatán, much to the wrath of Washington, similarly, Cuban vessels were used to breach the American blockade to smuggle weapons under a supposedly "Neutral" flag, which also explains why the US armed forces placed a great emphasis in securing the control of the Gulf Coast and especially, as it would soon prove to be disastrous, in securing the jungle-dense region of Yucatán.

    At home, the American support for the PRI was seen negatively, leading to long-term problems in the support for the War. Before the intervention, the Christmas Massacre by the PRI in Mexico City had been engraved in the public memory due to the "accidental" coverage given by the Press, with many correspondents being in the city at the time to cover the celebrations, filming as the crowd formed into a protest mob and then as the protest turned to massacre as the government forces fired at the crowd with live ammunition, which was quite reminiscing of how things were at home in places such as Chattanooga. It is no surprise that movements like the Black Panthers did support the Coalition and there was much opposition in the American Left, especially the Progressive Left of the Populist Party and in the Republican Party, against the intervention, although for a time many would buy the image of "Nazi Mexicans" made by the government.

    It certainly did not help the Mexican Resistance that their leading movement, the UNS (Unión Nacional Sinarquista) did support the Axis powers during the Second World War, including the infamous assassination of President Manuel Camacho in 1944, the so-called "Presidente Caballero" (Gentleman President). Although the Union did distance itself from Nazism during the war under Abascal's leadership, leading to a condemnation of Nazism in 1956 following the attacks on the Catholic Church and their declaration as an "Integralist" movement that same year, that did not stop their opponents, neither did it hide that many in their ranks still openly supported the Pakt.

    The glaring incompetence of the PRI following Camacho's assassination over the next 23 years was staggering, the country not only returned to pursue Anticlerical policies after Camacho's rule (when great strides were made for reconciliation) and an aggressive Secularization which alienated the countryside and fermented the growth of an once declining organization, but their corruption by itself was enough to turn most of the population against them. President Valdés, the first leader to not be a Revolutionary commander, was known for the open cronyism of the government and the return of many foreign companies which were nationalized during the government of men like Cárdenas, especially American companies which would start to come in droves during the 50s. Long's policies in Washington led to many corporations to head down into Mexico, making agreements with the corrupt leadership of the PRI that led to an economic boom in the country at the cost of an exorbitant wealth concentration unseen since the days of the Porfiriato.


    Gustávo Diaz Ordaz would have been just another in that sequence of corrupt leaders in Mexico if not for the fact he also was ruthlessly authoritarian, behaving more like a dictator than any Mexican President since the Maximato. Ordaz, son of a political officer of the Diaz regime, constantly had to defend his and his family's commitment to the PRI's ideals, doing so by ensuring that the party line and the works of his predecessors was not undermined by the rising resistance movements in the country. Furthermore, he also drifted the PRI to further embrace Washington, breaching through the initial isolationist and anti-business stance of the Populist Administration under Smith to facilitate new agreements between the two governments, in hopes that, by further linking his country to the American economy, he would stave off popular unrest through economic results. Perhaps the greatest sign of American involvement in Mexico was that Luis Echeverría, a man who closely cooperated with the CIA and encouraged Ordaz' authoritarianism, just so happened to be his Minister of the Interior.

    That policy would backfire terribly as, between 1964 and 1967, the growing Mexican economy had stagnated alongside the American, the inflation of the dollar beginning to affect the country's economic reserves and, what is worse, the living conditions were only becoming more unbearable as the once stable Peso faced it's own inflationary crisis. When Ordaz defaulted on the National Debt in 1967, the crisis would worsen considerably as a flight of Capital began in the country, once considered a safe heaven for investments in a hostile world. Unemployment and inflation would both increase jointly and the already unpopular PRI became the target of the popular anger that year in a way unseen since the Cristero War.

    The Revolutionary Party held a strong anticlerical belief which reached it's peak during the Calles era, nicknamed as Maximato, not only limiting itself to separating Church and State, but also in pushing a strong agenda to fully eliminate religious influences from the public office. While in the United States, the dollar would receive the words "In God we trust", the Ordaz government was closing down several churches under the suspicion of harboring sympathizers and preaching support for the Integralist cause. Camacho's attempts of reconciliation would die with his assassination in the hands of the Catholic-alligned Sinarquistas, in fact his death would serve to galvanize the anticlerical elements of the PRI, kept contained since the end of the Maximato, to "correct" the direction of the Party in regards to the formerly reconciliatory tone of the "Gentleman President".


    The Sinarquists had become sidelined as a political force between the government crackdown in 1944 and it's resurgence in the late 1950s, with many moderates moving to legal groups such as the Democratic Movement, the Hardliners under Salvador Abascal would have secured their hold on power within the party and, when the crisis hit the nation in the 60s, emboldened by events such as the Integralist takeover of Brazil, the instability in the United States and the Pope's flight to Latin America, it was the hardliners who reaped the profits. It is estimated that the UNS had between one and two million members by 1966, further increasing in 1967 following the death of Pope Stephen and the rise of the Integralist Pope Francis. To the Sinarquists, as well as to many other groups in the Mexican right, their struggle against the PRI was a sacred fight, inspired mainly by the Cristero War against Plutarco Calles decades prior, some of the movement were even veterans of said war. The Anticlerical policies of the PRI, which earned the government an excommunication in 1967, galvanized the population, mainly in rural areas, against what they saw as an Atheistic Government in a time where the world seemed on the edge of an Apocalypse.

    The Left wing of the country would also come to oppose the previously revolutionary government, mainly through the Zapatista movement in regions such as Chiapas, Yucatan and Southern Mexico in General. The Zapatistas, already a powerful force in the Revolution, had long been either suppressed or absorbed into the government, but the growing corruption and cronyism, as well as the authoritarianism of the PRI in general and Ordaz in specific, made the movement ressurge under the umbrella of the "Forza de Liberación Nacional", the National Liberation Force, which was already fighting a de facto insurgency during much of the 1960s against the Mexican government in Chiapas. The difficult terrain and the support of the indigenous population to the Zapatist cause would prevent Ordaz from crushing the insurgency.

    Mao Zedong took a particular interest in the Zapatists, to him they represented perfectly his idea of a "People's War", of a Socialist rural guerrilla slowly making it's way to conquer the countryside from the cities, and it also represented the possibility of a Socialist government just south of the American border. It comes as no surprise that, like the Shinning Path in Peru, the Zapatistas would receive support from the People's Republic across the Pacific, with bases in Taiwan being used to send smuggling vessels to the Mexican Pacific Coast or Guatemala, where the Zapatistas had a safe base to withdrawal in the jungles of the North where the Mayan people inhabited.


    Finally, there were democratic forces in Mexico, mainly within the dominant PRI itself. Due to the rigged voting system, the opposition led by the National Action Party, a Conservative Catholic Party with links to the Sinarquist movement around this time, never stood a real chance of gathering power against the PRI. But within the PRI, Ortaz created his greatest threat in the figure of Carlos Madrazo, former Governor of Tabasco and President of the PRI, appointed so by Gustavo himself. Madrazo, known as the "Young Tribune", was born in a Ranch in 1915, rising through the ranks of the PRI within his State until he became governor and then, with Ortaz' blessing, became President of the Party itself. He was charismatic and loyal to the principles of the PRI, but Ortaz underestimated the reformist desires of Madrazo.

    A man who appealed to the youth in Mexico, especially in the Urban areas where Liberalism was at the forefront of the opposition to the PRI, Madrazo was set on a platform for changes within the PRI that he made public following his rise as Party leader. Madrazo intended to reform the PRI within with Intra-Party democracy, opening up the primaries in local elections, creating a "Honor Commission" to investigate and audit public corruption within the Party itself and in the States, as well as retiring several members of the corrupt Old Guard in favor of younger and more liberal-minded politicians. As Madrazo began his intended reforms, he quickly would alienate the old guard around the President and, after only two years in charge, he would be forced to resign from his office in 1966.

    But that was not the end for Madrazo, who quickly became a Public Enemy of the government. As a former alumni of the Universidad Autonoma in Mexico City, he would be invited to a speech in November of 1966 where he publicly reiterated his proposed reforms and defended them much to the adulation of the student body, mostly composed of similar-minded liberals. He would later hold a rally in his former State, calling for further reforms in Mexican Politics and denouncing the corruption of several high ranking officials of the government. Madrazo would claim he intended to run for President in 1970 with the support of the liberal wing of the PRI, threatening a party rift, and in October of 1967, he would be arrested on supposed corruption charges. This sparked an uproar of protests across the nation called "Días de Octubre", with Ortez at first giving in to the protester's demands and releasing Madrazo from prison.

    That would be only the beginning, because the "Days of October" would result in an explosion of long-repressed popular rebellion unseen in Mexico since the fall of Porfirio Diaz. In an ironic twist, the Party of the Revolution would fall due to the same reason the revolution started in 1910: The imprisonment of a popular reformist against a corrupt establishment to try to stop him from running against the ruling party.


    1967 was a year of change in Mexico, in May, the rise of a new and openly Integralist Pope would energize the religious opposition against Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, to the South, the guerrilla war against the government in Chiapas and Yucatan saw a growing level of activity as thousands flocked to the Zapatist flag during the economic crisis, and in October, the Urban democrats would also begin to rally around a sense of rebellion following Madrazo's arrest. These three central movements of the right, left and center respectively, would all converge into a perfect storm against the PRI's almost 4-decades long rule, marked with growing corruption, cronyism, economic stagnation, growing inflation and anticlerical policies.

    The events between October and the Christmas Massacre would see these three movements setting aside their differences as the PRI began to lose it's control over the situation and several armed units began to question their own support for a regime loathed by it's people. President Ordaz was encouraged to resist the protesters after his ill-fated decision to order Madrazo's imprisonment on the 1st of October, mainly by Echeverría who assured him that the situation could be controlled and at most there would be "some students shouting while skipping class" and all they would need to do was to "send them back to college". Furthermore, the Trade Unions, who traditionally were allied to the government to an extent, began to turn on the PRI in the years prior over their economic policies, although at this time Ordaz still believed he could count on the support from the Unions and the Military alike.

    After Madrazo's arrest was discovered by the press, the story would be leaked and the Public rallied in favor of Madrazo's release, first the students and then other societal sectors who used the opportunity to express their rejection of the PRI's rule, half a million people would flood the streets of Mexico City and soon the protests would also reach other regions as Sinarquistas also began to rally in the countryside at large numbers, including armed militias which would protect rallies. In the State of Guanajuato, north of the capital and one of the main strongholds of the Sinarquist movement, Abascal held a rally calling the Mexican people to oppose the "Antichristian government of greed and pride", receiving a public blessing from Pope Francis in one of the Pope's declaration and, indeed, even Pope Eugene in Rome would publicly express support for the opposition against the Anticlerical policies of the Mexican State.

    Madrazo would be released from jail on the 29th of October after the popular pressure forced the hand of Ordaz' government, with the opposition leader being received with open arms by the people, it is said that if he had told so, half a million Mexicans would have stormed the Palace of Los Pinos that night and overthrown Ordaz. But, despite his loyalty to the PRI being broken, Madrazo would not do so and instead he thanked the people and claimed this gathering was an example of how popular strength could overthrow the will of tyrants. What followed was "La Reacción", the reaction.

    Ordaz would quickly regret ever releasing Madrazo, having only strengthened his adversary, he instructed Echeverría and the Direccion Federal de Seguridad (Federal Security Division) to imprison several leading figures of the Mexico City protests during the October Days, which made sure the situation was not able to settle down. In some States, armed conflict had already started as the Zapatistas used the popular revolt for mass recruitment and launched several attacks that even reached Madrazo's home State of Tabasco. Sinarquistas in the North and west of the country would engage against local police forces to resist arrests, with Abascal being almost caught on the 19th of November. The failure in imprisoning Abascal and Madrazo would result in one of the most famous alliances of Mexican history being formed in the town of Las Cruces near Acapulco, in the State of Guerrero.


    Few in Mexico even knew he was in there, to them, Ernesto "Chê" Guevara was a distant socialist folklore, a man who was causing a headache by himself against the Argentine Junta or one who was able to ambush and kill four Brazilian soldiers in Acre while he was fleeing from the police in Bolivia. The Zapatistas had a few public figures to cover for him, but from the moment he stepped into the country back in 1965, he was the one calling the shots and commanding thousands of fighters across Chiapas, Tabasco, Guerrero, Yucatan and Guatemala. It took only a few months for the Zapatistas to accept him and soon the other groups like the "Party of the Poor" would be rallying under his command while he hid in his base deep in the Guatemalan Forest, his friends in Guatemala City helping to make sure he would be hidden and the Chinese weapons and medicine arrived into the safehouses. Him and the Zapatistas had made a formidable logistical system running from Northern Guatemala into Mexico that used paths known by the Indigenous peoples for centuries, a people who was fully behind the Zapatista cause.

    Now he waited at the back of a bar for a secret meeting with a cigar, and as his fellow minded comrades arrived, first Madrazo and then Abascal, he let out a chuckle with a puff of his cigar, his mind seeing the situation as a joke.

    "A Revolutionary, a Fascist and a Liberal walk into a bar."

    Unfortunately, his peers did not share his sense of humor, but fortunately he had enough for both of them tonight. The meeting was arranged by him in a "neutral" territory, the look of apprehension they were trying to hide was entertaining to watch. Imagine if Madrazo was killed, the whole country would be up in arms and he could sweep in, and if Abascal was killed then the Sinarquistas would not have a leader to command them. Fortunately for them, Chê knew how much of a headache this treachery would cost him, he would be alone against the full might of the Ordaz regime.

    "So, shall we start?"


    The fall of Mexico City was a dramatic incident in Latin American History, the historic meeting on the 5th of December between Ernesto Guevara, Salvador Abascal and Carlos Madrazo in the State of Guerrero would lead to the declaration of the "Plan Las Cruces" on the 6th of December, traditionally considered the official start of the Civil War. The joint declaration made by the three formed the "United Liberation Front" (Frente Popular de Liberación), openly denouncing the Institutional Revolutionary Party's rule of Mexico, listing several crimes of the Ordaz and previous administrations and calling upon the Mexican people to rebel openly against the Mexican State. The reveal that the Socialists were led by none other than Guevara was a shock even for the government, although there were suspicions of it fed by the CIA, it gave a certain "mystique" to the Zapatista forces, especially among the youth.

    Soon enough, what were once spontaneous, turned to coordinated uprisings across the nation from Baja to Yucatan, Zapatista guerrillas began striking the main towns and cities in the south, often times not facing more than a token resistance. The Governor of Chiapas, José Castillo, have his plane shot down as he attempted to flee Tuxtula to Mexico City on the 14th, being the first high ranking government official killed in the war. Soon, most of the Pacific coast would be taken with Sinarquistas laying siege to the city of Guadalajara, one of the main cities in Mexico, on the 18th. The Situation soon would go out of control as the communications between the Government in Mexico City and the majority of the States in the West and south of the country was cut off.

    The tension increased in the Capital as President Ordaz would call for a National Mobilization against both "Reactionary and Communist" insurgents, claiming that the conquests of the Mexican revolution were threatened. The National mobilization plan was put under effect and conscripts were called while the Military police would shut down the Capital, which has been wrecked by protests for the last two months. When rumors spread that the Revolutionaries would arrive at the city by Christmas spread amongst the people, nobody knows where this rumor started as the closest revolutionary units to the city, the Sinarquists coming in from the North, were still attempting to break the defensive perimeter made by the Loyalist Army. But this began a protest during the Christmas eve as a priest was detained for suspected treason (he was the brother of a Sinarquist leader and compared Herod's massacre of children with Ordez in an indirect way), the mass broke into a protest as the mob charged after the military police to attempt to free the priest, leading to the first shots being fired. Believing that the city was under attack, the Military governor of Mexico City, General José Hernández Toledo, ordered the invasion of the University, believing that the building was taken over by Socialists among the students. Furthermore, a Curfew was placed on the streets with protests at the Plaza de la República being ordered to disperse, shots would come from the crowd while Revolutionary cells in the city, which had infiltrated it in the previous weeks, were activated to fire at the military. But once Toledo gave the order for the soldiers to fire live ammunition at the crowd, the units disobeyed that command.

    Ordaz would quickly be evacuated from the city as the soldiers began to join the crowd, the loyalist forces and the President's guard would defend Los Pinos while a helicopter took Ordaz to the East, to Veracruz, after that he would head North to the City of Monterrey. As the City fell, the mayor would be arrested and the army units still fighting in the outskirts began to melt, either escaping to the northeast to rally with loyalists or even defecting to the revolutionaries. The Three leaders would arrive at the city and declare a provisional government, with Madrazo being declared as Interimn President in a mostly ceremonial position, declaring the PRI illegal while formalizing the Revolutionary Alliance of the FPL as the provisional government of Mexico. However, the failure to capture or kill President Ordaz and much of his cabinet would come to haunt the Revolutionaries as the President fled North and began to consolidate his control over the Northern Territories, centering his Administration in the State of Monterrey, declaring Martial Law and preparing a meeting with the American Ambassador, who also fled to the North.


    On the 8th of March, the first divisions of the US Army, mobilized since December for this task, would cross the border, intending on securing the Northern regions of Mexico from the insurgents, especially in Sonora and Baja, meanwhile, the Gulf Fleet would accompany the 36th Infantry south to secure the coast and the port of Veracruz. A force of Marines had already secured the city in January against an assault of the Revolutionary Army, with the USAF launching strikes from air bases in Texas and Arizona against concentrations of Revolutionary Forces. President Smith, claiming that Mexico was falling into the grip of Nazism, approved an Intervention through Congress with a surprising amount of Bipartisan support, his popularity even received a recovery in that Month's poll, which helped secure him as the Populist Candidate in July, it was a political as well as an strategic move, allowing Mexico to fall under either Integralism or Communism was a cost far too high to America's own security to allow.

    The intervention was sold to the American people as being a relatively short and easy affair similar to the intervention in Israel, but the entry of American troops would be a crippling blow to Ordaz' authority even in the ranks of the PRI, which usually had a more Independentist and Neutral mindset about the global affairs and with some veterans, including Ordaz' own Minister of Defense, General Marcelino Barragán, still remembering the American occupation of Veracruz during the Revolution, the parallels between Ordaz and Victoriano Huerta were inevitable. The Revolutionaries did expect a level of interference from the United States, but President Madrazo had hoped to strike a deal with Washington, but his association with Abascal and Guevara would condemn him in the eyes of the CIA despite his good intentions in fostering a relationship with the US. He would make an interview with New York Times correspondent Richard Lowe in January, claiming the revolution was a democratic movement, but his best efforts were not enough to dissociate his image with his rivals.

    The American Forces in Mexico would be placed under the command of General Earle Wheeler (not to be confused with former President Burton Wheeler), an experienced commander who held command in the expeditionary force in Russia during the Ural War, although he did not see conflict in the Israeli War. Wheeler's strategy, as it came to be known, was centered around securing the Gulf coast and the main urban centers, driving west and south to secure the Pacific Coast and the interior. The Revolutionaries did not offer a strong resistance against the enemy's push to Mexico City, rather, Guevara believed that the city should be abandoned and, after regular army units offered a token resistance in Tlaxcala, the Revolutionaries and their supporters would evacuate the capital, leaving it an open city for the US Army.

    On the 21st of April of 1968, the US Army entered Mexico City, with the 36th Division entering the city as the Vanguard together with units of Ordaz' Loyalists, only too late would Washington realize that Mexico City was a poisoned chalice. President Ordaz was restored and the US army was left with the task to pacify a nation of 50 million people with one of the most diverse and hostile terrains in the world right across their border. Mexico City was perhaps the best example of the kind of war that the Military would face in the Intervention: On face value, leaving Mexico City was a foolish mistake by the Revolutionaries which gave Ordaz a sense of legitimacy and authority with the Capital in hands, but around the Capital was the countryside, a land of mountains, hills, ridges, forests and dense vegetation where thousands of guerrilla fighters could remain hidden and keep a secret siege, ensuring that the city as a whole was a death trap, a beautiful centuries-old symbol of the country, laying in the jaws of a creature which could be shut at any second. Keeping Mexico City at the long term with the hostility of the majority of the country was simply unteneable, unfortunately Ordaz was far too proud to realize that, and so were the Americans at the start of what would prove to be one of the nation's most devastating conflicts, not only directly, but indirectly.



    His message was not as popular as he had hoped it would be, 1964 taught him that better than any other year. Barry Goldwater was still unchanged, if anything his convictions only became stronger after the outrageous excesses and the dictatorial-esque rule of the Populists these last four years. He said Populists, not Smith, not Hoffa, he only saw them all as the "Populists" and Huey Long was their Master, he even doubted it was really the mob who killed Hoffa and not Long himself when the dog was out of his leash. But enough of these conspiracies, that won't win him votes, the ones who believed in the "Martyr Hoffa" story were the Leftists and he would never get a single vote from them considering his proposals.

    He published his program to the public after his nomination was confirmed, the "Freedom Agenda" had a quite charming name and, contrary to the Populists, his agenda meant what he said. There were so many words like "cutting" and "slashing" that the Smith campaign already started to spread the same trick he did last election that Barry wanted to end the American Welfare system. If he could follow his heart and play down in the same mud of the Populists, he for sure would do that if he was President, or when he was President, but he knew that Washington would just change it's Master if he agreed to go down that same path like this Political Advisor was blabbering about.

    "I thank you for your... insight, George, but this is just not my plan, if we get into that White House then we have to do things in the right way, anything else is just keeping the Chicanery for another four years."

    George Lincoln Rockwell was an odd man, Barry could sense something off when they talked and in the way his eyes moved during the conversation. If it was up to him, he would not have picked someone so... suspicious, but that was Walker's pick and the General would never accept the deal if he could not pick at least a third of the Cabinet, including the Campaign Advisor who would soon be the Chief of Staff of the White House, if they actually get a win here. Rockwell talked of parades with American Flags, using the Sons of Liberty instead of the Secret Service because "those belong to Smith, it's more likely they put a bullet to your head if they see you winning". Then he talked of training them to march, it was his' the idea of using the Fourth of July for nation-wide political rallies, on the same day Smith was nominated for the Populists with Johnson as VP. Sometimes Barry wondered if it would not be for the best if Johnson was his VPOTUS.

    All these methods just felt too "oppressive", they were meant to represent a Free America, but Rockwell was pushing for goose-stepping militiamen marching with banners to rally around a political leader. As a man with Jewish blood, that gave Goldwater a shiver, but the awful thing is that it worked, he could still recall when Long pulled the same trick in the 1960 nomination when Hoffa was picked as POTUS candidate. The people took a liking to parades, Smith did the same trick and even used church groups. It is a sad fact that political rallies nowadays included party militias while even the Nazis got rid of their own SS.

    Goldwater now was seated on his car as they were headed to the next rally, but he was looking more forwards to the debate on Television next week, when he would go face to face with that disgusting man again. He doubted before but now he saw Smith as the closest this country has ever been to becoming a Reich, the way he was starting to go after the Jewish League, the way he incited racial hatred between blacks and whites, the way he grew his power and authority, suppressing protesters, making his own GESTAPO, entrenching his command over the Justice system, it reminded him of an ominous phrase he once read: "When Fascism comes to America, it will be dressed with the flag with a cross in hand".

    Smith hated him and he knew that, that is something he had to use, as far gone as many Americans were, the word "Nazi" would still drive the point across. He had to make Smith show his true self, a hidden Nazi who would turn this whole country into a dictatorship if he was allowed, and he had seen the hint of what he had to do years ago. He was President, he was arrogant, and he could be baited into revealing his face to America, and Goldwater, the Jew, was going to be the victim of the attack of a Nazi President. That was what could bring down the Populists in the people's eyes, it would be such a complete rout that even Huey Long would not be able to scheme his way into victory.


    The title of "most divisive election in American History" is thrown around very easily, ever since 1800, with other notables such as 1824, 1860, 1876, 1912, 1932, 1952 and 1964. But of these, the 1968 election could be included at least in the top 3 as the Populist Establishment, a powerful system set up almost two decades earlier which commanded American politics with a strong and corrupt grip, saw it's strongest challenge yet. The nation was divided, at war both across the borders and within it's borders, with the worst economic depression since 1929 suffocating millions and the socio-political pressure threatening to rip the country apart as two completely opposed candidates ran for election, a rematch of the already divisive 1964 election. Gerald Smith and Barry Goldwater, considered once as two extremists in their respective parties, saw the moderates around them fall from grace and, as a result, were left as the most viable alternatives for the next four years.

    Smith, the incumbent President, renewed his links to the Populist base by picking Lyndon Baynes Johnson as Vice-Presidential candidate, in hopes of keeping the party united, claiming to be moderating his stance on civil rights. The Populist left, kept apart from the Smith Administration and threatening to split off ever since the Hoffa affair in 1963-64, would stay within the Party once again if only because Smith was the only possible alternative to prevent the rise of the hated Goldwater, a man who threatened to destroy the entire American Welfare system established during the Long Presidency.

    Goldwater, the challenger candidate once more, would unite his own Party by making an agreement with the Radical Anti-Longist Society for the Defense of Liberty, a group which once reunited only a small portion of the Republicans in the late 50s and now was a nation-wide organization within the Republican Party which held roughly half the seats of the GOP in Congress and several State governments. The Republican left, seeing no option but the lesser evil and in hopes of breaking the Populist political machine, sided with Goldwater for this election, the Overton window shifting so much within the Party that Richard Nixon, Californian Governor, was considered leader of said Republican Left for proposing a Civil Rights Act.

    And what of the Orphans? Those who were left feeling with no horse in this race were mostly located in the left, who either opposed Goldwater for his pro-business and anti-welfare stance, or for his reluctance to support Civil Rights legislation out of personal ideology. As for Smith, the left despised him for his Morality campaign, dictatorial methods and anti-civil rights decisions such as repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and his suspected involvement in the assassination of Martin Luther King. Many in the left, especially amongst the Unions, still held a strong sympathy for the Populist Left, mainly due to the legacy of Jimmy Hoffa, seeing by many as the High point of the Labor movement. In fact, his reputation was much restored in the years after his death among leftists for his support for Civil Rights and Labor Legislation, as well as the fact he presided before the Economic downturn fully materialized in America. Others, especially in Black Communities, were radicalized by the Smith Presidency and saw little point in voting, especially with the racially-biased literacy tests in the Southern States and the growing government repression under the excuse to fight terror.

    The Black Panther Party was growing in popularity among black communities in the Deep South and in the inner cities of the North and West of the country. The Panthers were left in the eyes of many as the only organization fighting back against a government-imposed racial repression, many times compared to the German Reich or to the Boerstaat. Refusing to join in the electoral system or partake in the same "moderate" tactics of other organizations, the Panthers were becoming the only viable solution for many African Americans, especially in the South, to fight back for the rights taken away from them. Neither of the Candidates represented their interests and the Political system in charge was one that held little trust after years refusing to make meaningful changes except to make their lives worse. Massacres such as the one in Chattanooga would be reminded by the Black Community and drove thousands to join the Panthers, and even those who did not join, refused to cooperate with government authorities in finding those who did.

    The American left also began to approach Socialist ideas more openly, with Hoffa being again held up in the name of Martyrdom. The "Trucker President" was seen as a common man, a unionist who was able to get to Washington only to be betrayed by a corrupt establishment and allies of big business who assassinated him and pinned the blame on the Italian-American community. This was the kind of mentality promoted even by the Mafia itself using their remaining influence after the government crackdown under Smith. Socialism had it's image rehabilitated in the eyes of many who looked back on men like Eugene Debs, Henry Wallace and more contemporary examples such as George McGovern and Sidney "Sid" McMath. But especially the Senator Adam Clayton Powell, who began to approach these groups and openly began to refer to himself as a Socialist, driven so by the radicalization in the American left after 4 years being pushed to a breaking point.

    To the right, the 1968 election was more between deciding on a flavor for their own cake, as Goldwater represented the right supportive of free market and opposed to the Populist agenda, while Smith represented the Paternalistic right, neither of the candidates showing open interest in approving Civil Rights legislation on the racial matters. But still, there were those groups more radical in American Society and, with a recent SCOTUS decision which allowed the use of Nazi imagery, these groups went more public without fear of repercussion. The American National Socialist Party (ANSP) was one of it's leading organizations with thousands of members across the country, led by the War Veteran William Luther Pierce, who was once accused of threatening and even assaulting Jewish civilians during the Nazi-Israeli War, an incident of which he was declared innocent by the courts. Pierce was a militant who was believed to be in contact with the German SD, although some believe the SD never even bothered to reach out for him. The movement would gain a certain level of strength with the growing racial tensions in America, especially in the Deep South, although it was still living in the shadow of a much larger and "traditionally American" organization. The Klan as a centralized entity was crushed by Huey Long during his first term as President, but the rhetoric and enablement of Smith, with his emphasis also on "Christian American values", gave strength for a decentralized return of the organization, which at times provided "assistance" to the State Authorities in the Deep South. Although it would not have the same power and membership as before.

    In the American Right, the Society for the Defense of Liberty was, by far and large, it's strongest and most well-organized organization, with it's own unofficial "paramilitary", the "Sons of Liberty". A militia group which grew enormously in number during the late 1960s, the Sons of Liberty were known for it's overtly nationalistic rhetoric and military marches "in the defense of the American Republic". In public ceremonies, they would often swear allegiance using a military salute to the American flag like it was done in the school system. They were well-armed and organized, led unofficially by George Lincoln Rockwell and Edwin Walker, officially being the "Youth Wing" of the Society for the Defense of Liberty, although in their ranks there were thousands of war veterans. They believed that the Populist Party and many of it's predecessors had corrupted and perverted the American Republic and were attempting to systematically dismantle it's system by taking a dictatorial control of the Courts, Congress and the Executive chair of States and in Washington. They were not overtly friendly to the Civil Rights movement, keeping an ambiguity while openly opposing the Black Panther Party's terroristic methods. The Society had powerful backers in the lobbying groups among corporations and it's membership included much of the Republican right nationwide.

    And in this mood of national division, the country would head into an unwinnable war, the task of subjugating a population of roughly 50 million citizens south of the border under a government which lost most of it's popular legitimacy, propped up by American blood in a fight against a coalition which included the Left, Center and Right of Mexican Society. Although at the time the war would still be relatively non-controversial compared to how it would become later, the first cracks were already beginning to show by the time the November Election came along. The optimism of victory in Mexico was still keeping a ressemblance of unity across most sectors in American society, with the war being seen as a fight against both Nazism and Communism. Most of the opposition was gathered around left-wing groups, Longists, Catholics and the Mexican-American population, many of the latter having still family connections to the territory now turned into a warzone. What could have been a quick revolution had turned into a sluggish stalemate and, to make matters worse, President Smith was reluctant to fully committing to the War when there were opportunities in the early stages to deal crippling blows to the enemy forces.

    The Guevara guerrilla strategy was not yet fully adopted by the Mexican Revolutionaries, many Sinarquists and defecting elements of the Army had decided to face the US military in direct confrontation, however the lack of numbers in the initial intervention force would prevent the army from capitalizing on such battles to pursue the enemy. Instead, the Mexican insurgents would come to adopt Hit and Run tactics similar to the Revolutionary Era in the 1910s, others such as the Zapatistas would fully adopt guerrillas which were catastrophic during the fight over the Yucatan Peninsula. The American doctrine, focused yet on the capture of major urban centers, directed the Wheeler strategy to secure the major cities of Mexico to the detriment of a major effort in the countryside. The sheer size of the country and the hostile local population would draw the Army into, ironically, a similar situation to what the IJA faced in China: Overextended units which lacked any de facto control of the countryside around the urban centers they captured.

    This would lead to an increased deployment of troops, but in 1968, Smith refused to do so in the belief that the draft would only exacerbate tensions before an election, he was aware of his own unpopularity but still believed that his victory was a God-given fate reserved to him and expressed so repeatedly in public events. Smith would spend much of his campaign going around churches and even preaching in pulpit about his own policies. On the other hand, Smith began to show a greater hostility towards Catholicism which he did not show in the previous years, speaking about the Catholic connections to the Mafia at most. Now, he spoke of many Catholic clergymen openly speaking of supporting Mexican Sinarquistas, he spoke of the Pope in Rome being a puppet of Nazism and the Pope in Brazil being the spokesman of "Catholic Fascism", he spoke of the "Papism" of the Catholic Church, with pulpits being used to spread Anti-American ideals.

    This drove right into the old anti-catholic rhetoric in America which put Smith in conflict with Long, Huey was not a Catholic and yet he feared what the loudest voice of the Populist Party speaking out against Catholicism would do in Louisiana. He was never as popular in New Orleans as he was in the rest of the State, but the Long Family would be terribly struck on the national stage if they could not show strength in their own state. Smith's rhetoric on the Catholic church did not change, but he did sideline it after a meeting with Governor Russell Long in June, which was used by the Goldwater campaign as another example of President Smith being but a puppet of the Long Family that has held power in the country for two decades.


    The nomination process of the two candidates was a foregone conclusion at that point, a rematch of the previous election which was already so close that it drove the results to be set by the House. President Smith, with a strong hold over the Right-Wing of the Populist Party and the blessing of the President of the Party, was chosen unanimously to be the Populist Candidate on the 4th of July of 1968, during a grand ceremony held in Washington DC. Despite the reservations held by many Populists with the security concerns that their unpopularity would lead, Smith was adamant in having the nomination in the Capital City. The security system included many members of the Party who had spent the previous year forming their own militias, many of them coming from Southern States, the "Jefferson Brigades", many being actually members of the Democratic Party which did not run a candidate of their own that year, instead the old Party, long decaying since the split of the Populists, had reduced itself to becoming a small group of senior politicians who held strong positions in the Deep South, politicians who now were fully throwing their weight in support of President Gerald Smith.

    The Jefferson Brigades overlapped many times with other far-right groups such as the Klansmen and even members of the American National Socialist Party, who began organizing in response to the Black Panthers in the Deep South and in many major cities across the country as "Neighborhood watches" at first, eventually evolving into paramilitary organizations that were at first decentralized across the country, mainly established across the south and the Midwest, in rural areas and small towns. The movement, inspired by the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War era and in an idealized version of Jeffersonian populism, was unified in a national convention by Willis Allison Carto, a lawyer and war veteran associated to the Right-Populist movement born in Indiana, living much of his early life when the Klan held a de facto control of the State until the Longist machine cracked down on it, despite that, he would associate himself with the Longist right and soon became one of Smith's strongest supporters.

    Carto's "Jefferson Brigades" were unified in 1967 in response to the radicalization of the Civil Rights movement following the death of Martin Luther King and the subsequent riots, receiving the non-official endorsement of the Smith Administration, some suspecting even going as far as weapons and funds from the ASA. During the nomination, the Jeffersonians would be a part of the security stratagem which also included the Secret Service itself. After the nomination process was finished, Smith held a rally that same day in the Jefferson Memorial, speaking out in favor of "America's Noble Soul" which was threatened by Oligarchs gathered around Goldwater (who had won the nomination just an hour earlier), as well as "Communists and Degenerates" who spoke out in favor of terrorism and threatened to tear America from within. Not only Smith promised to end the economic recession by "Making Wall Street pay the bill for their exploitation", but he also swore a quick conclusion in the Mexican War, a Pacification of the Black Belt, a change in the First Amendment to name America as a "Christian Nation", a tough stance on criminality and public programs to fight unemployment.

    The Ceremony was also marked by protests, Washington was a city with no small number of Afro-American citizens who feared the prospect of a second term for President Smith, those people would make their voices heard through a protest in the Lincoln Memorial at the same time as Smith's supporters rallied on the Jefferson Memorial, eventually the two groups came to clash after Smith returned to the White House. The two gatherings were starting to disperse when the two crowds began to confront one another, the Riot Suppression Squadron would be deployed around 1831 PM, the two groups fighting an open confrontation, several of the Jeffersonians were armed during the rally and the first shots were fired at 1828 PM, starting a shootout between both sides that would only be brought under control at 1854 PM, with the National Guard securing the city and the RSS suppressing the protesters with a blatant bias towards the President's supporters. In total, the 4th of July massacre in D.C would lead to the deaths of 19 people, only 1 of them being a Jeffersonian.

    The Riot ended in Washington while a rally was held in New York. At the suggestion of Walker, the Republican Party moved it's convention to the 4th of July, the same day as the Populist Nomination, using the holiday in order to increase attendance to the rally at the Madison Square Garden, which was the second time that Goldwater spoke in it. The event was just a reprisal of the one made before when the Society for the Defense of Liberty endorsed Goldwater, now bringing it's weight for the Republican Party to back Goldwater officially. The nomination was contested by the Republican Left, namely by Eugene McCarthy, a former Populist who defected following the death of Jimmy Hoffa and ran as a Republican by claiming the Populist left was too "spineless" to contest Huey Long's whims. McCarthy never truly stood a chance, despite his pro-civil rights platform being more popular than Goldwater, he still retained a more isolationist mindset during his time as a Populist and his opposition to the Mexican war would sink his chances as he was called a "coward" and a "traitor" during the Convention. Goldwater was chosen as the nominee on the same day and a rally by the Sons of Liberty in the streets of New York was heralded as "America's Rebirth", in Goldwater's words, the Sons of Liberty used slogans such as "Extremism in Defense of Liberty is no Vice".


    The Campaign season of 1968 was marked by it's violence and viciousness, it was called as the "bloodiest election in American History" by a contemporary source, a period where the sides of the political spectrum radicalized to a point where there was no middle ground. To the Populists, Goldwater represented corporate oppression, a suppression of all the rights and advances made by the Long era in favor of a return to the age of the Robber Barons. To the Republicans, Smith represented a tyranny of a corrupt moralist led by a de facto dictator who held control of American politics for a generation. Either you were in favor of Smith, or you were in favor of Goldwater, and those who despised both lost much of their faith on the very foundations of the Democratic System.

    It became common for the militias of both sides to clash openly and, depending on the State, the police could be siding with one side or the other. The paramilitaries of Smith, the Jefferson Brigades, acted without restraint in the Deep South and in many rural territories, whereas the Sons of Liberty began to consolidate their control along the East Coast, the two groups swelling in numbers as the acts began to radicalize both sides. In the deep south, both the Jeffersonians and Sons of Liberty would at times have to face the Black Panthers, which rallied support from disenfranchised groups against both organizations with an outspokenly socialist agenda that also would attract the support of Labor Unions in the region (as many came to be attacked by members of the Sons of Liberty).

    The Unions began to encourage their own members to arm themselves to protect the workplace against such paramilitary groups, although that was not even close to the extent it would be later, that would be only the start of a general trend of militarization of the political organizations in America, with all sides invoking the 2nd Amendment to form their militias for "self-protection". Not only that, several minor organizations such as the "Minutemen" led by Robert DePugh, would begin to organize themselves in smaller towns with varying ideologies, but with common methods based around local militia organizations which were inspired by the Revolutionary War-era militias.

    But for now, the situation was still calm in the first two months after the Washington Riot (called by some as the DC Massacre), the Populist Left remained tenuously supportive of the Smith campaign officially, but the expected turnout was quite low, and the Republican Left fell more in line with the Party as they saw Smith as a greater threat than Goldwater's mostly indifferent atitude towards Civil Rights. The protests against Smith mostly turned into rallies in favor of Goldwater and those who opposed Goldwater mostly allied with Smith's supporters. The Populist Left mostly would use the image of Huey Long during the campaign, displaying him more prominently as a reminder to their supporters that his reforms were at stake, with a great level of fearmongering that Goldwater planned to destroy the welfare system and minimum wage, similarly to what was used in the previous campaign.

    October would prove to be the decisive month, as just one month before the election, there would be a televised debate between Smith and Goldwater once more, perhaps the most watched debate in history up to that point where millions of Americans saw the debacle. Gerald Smith showed initially a better performance against Goldwater than he did in the 1968 election, however the Republican also had more ammunition to throw at Smith over his growing authoritarianism, policies which he described as "Fundamentalistic" and disregard for the Constitution. Goldwater, in return, would receive an attack that he was a puppet of Wall Street corporations seeking to dismantle the Welfare system and his links with the Sons of Liberty, with Smith promising to brand the organization as a terrorist group after his victory.

    But then, the debate soon turned into a catastrophe, in it's final moments Goldwater would begin to speak of his plans to overturn the moralistic laws, his plans to free the market and to investigate the corruption in government agencies, but he would be interrupted by Smith speaking on the microphone, calling him a "filthy Jew". Goldwater interrupted his speech, turned to Smith and asked him to repeat his words and, instead of ignoring, correcting himself, or doing literally anything else, Smith only doubled down and the talk turned into an antisemitic rant in national television. When the moderator attempted to intervene, the President instead pointed at him and said "You shut up before I shut your network", and Goldwater instead just let Smith continue on with talking as he decided the election with just a few minutes. The tired and stressed evangelist, convinced that nothing on earth could stop his victory, saw little reason to hold back his words a second longer. He claimed Goldwater to be a puppet of a "Cabal of Liberals and Degenerates" in Wall Street which endorsed the Civil Rights movement as a communist and atheist infiltration to tear down American Society in the name of their "Satanic Ideals".

    The President of the United States would, on national television, quote phrases that appeared out of the books of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, he claimed that Goldwater was a "treacherous snake", a new "Benedict Arnold", and soon the 5-minute rant turned into Smith calling Goldwater a tool of the Antichrist to destroy America's chance of becoming a Godly nation. By the end of the ramble, which included even calling Goldwater a "Nigger-loving bastard", Smith had finally stopped with an astonished crowd watching in shock and the Republican doing his best impression of disgust upon seeing the man beneath the Presidential suit, who just revealed the Reverend of Hatred who had ruled the nation for the last 4 years.

    The Aftermath of the "Debate Disaster of 1968" inverted the situation of the polls with Goldwater finally coming ahead even in Populist-alligned networks, the reaction of this would be Smith being kept away from microphones for the rest of the season both by the Populists and by the White House Staff, his campaign was dealt a crippling blow and Goldwater was able to capitalize on it to become the first true chance of defeating the almighty political machine of the Populist Party. Huey Long, no longer as energetic as he used to be, still attempted to pull his connections and began to employ all the tricks he could to defeat Goldwater.

    The Press cycle of many networks involved in the War Chest scheme would turn into exposure of Goldwater and appraisal of Smith's decisions, with the President now signing an executive order which increased several welfare benefits and a new "Housing for Veterans" program for veterans of the Mexican Intervention. The news of the fall of Guadalajara was put on the front row and center of the mediatic offensive in favor of Smith while talks about the debate were kept cycling only over the Republican-allied press. Yellow Journalism became even more blatant as rumors were spread of Goldwater being an atheist and even a supposed Homosexual due to his support in the decriminalization of Sodomy.

    Of course, Goldwater was also his own worst enemy, during rallies such as in New Hampshire, he would claim that "The American Healthcare System is the true disease in our economy", or other talks about his more controversial policies, one reporter asking if repealing "Morality Laws" included allowing public indecency for instance which led to Goldwater giving a vague answer. But his worst gaffe was made in his campaign in Los Angeles, when asked about the use of Atomic Weapons in order to pacify Mexico, he did claim that "all means should be available to bring a war to it's conclusion" and, when asked about what relationship he would have with Nazi Germany and if he would answer to a policy to thaw the relations of both countries, he would answer "The only peaceful Nazi is a dead Nazi".

    With one candidate openly using Nazi-like language and insults in Television and the other one having no apparent hesitation about a Third World War, the 1968 election was perhaps the least civil election in American history up to that point. Still, a winner had to come and, in the day before the election, the Smith Campaign Headquarters would become a war room where the entire machine of the Longist system was given it's longest night, with over 48 hours of phone calls, contacts, agreements, and millions upon millions of dollars being moved from one way to the other across several states, the Speaker of the House would work all of his magic to make Smith the President of the United States for Four more years.

    Smith would still have a trick up his sleeve named William Luther Pierce, the head of the ANSP, who called him after the debate and expressed his support for "exposing the Jewish fraud to the world", Smith did not shut down the call and instead he would call for a secret meeting between Pierce and Carto, leader of the Jeffersonian Brigades. In the agreement made, Luther Pierce would be promised several guarantees that the Federal government would shut down investigations against his group and government authorities would turn a blind eye if the ANSP were to "ensure the democratic process" over the State of Virginia. In the week before the vote, thousands of American National Socialists would move over to a "War Headquarters" nicknamed "Wolf's Lair" near Richmond. From there, during the election day, the voting cabins would see a swarm of men wearing Swastikas entering and setting up watches to intimidate voters, as well as to help in the counting. It would come as a surprise when Virginia, a State where Smith was once set to lose by the polls, would vote in favor of the President.

    What the Populists did not count with was that many people, simply put, would not vote in that election. While there was a record turnout in most of the States, in the region of the Steel Belt, the Unions would not make any effort in supporting the Smith campaign in the day of the vote. In the Deep South, a mass sit-in protest was made in front of voting booths in places such as Alabama and Georgia, which would lead to suppression by the Police and harassment by the Jefferson Brigades. Despite the open threats of Goldwater against the Welfare system and Labor rights, the American Left would not support another four years of Smith, many did not yet forget Huey Long's betrayal of Jimmy Hoffa, and while these working men and women would not vote for the Republicans, they would not vote for Gerald Smith.


    In the closest election decided by the Electoral Vote since 1877, Barry Goldwater would score 269 points over Smith's 259. What was believed to be a sure vote in favor of the Populists by many of the Great Lakes States would turn to abstence and, as a result, the Republicans won the state vote by thin margins (in Ohio, for instance, it was a difference of 2 thousand votes which led to a recount that confirmed the results). The Populist Left in places such as Washington, Oregon, Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia and Pennsylvania could have tipped the scales of the election, but the low mobilization and the aftershocks of the debate would ensure that no amount of bribery, blackmail or threats would be able to save the Populists of their defeat, not even their alliance with the Democratic Party.

    The electoral results shocked the nation and first among them being Goldwater who, despite everything, did not even believe he could have actually won. His victory speech would end up being mostly improvised of notes he had sketched in the past. He still won the Popular Vote by a margin of 3%, which was surprising for a man with ideas as radical and "anti-popular" as his and more of a demonstration of both the frustration of a new generation of voters with the Longist system and the self-sabotaging campaign made by President Smith. Speaking of Smith, he was at first in denial and actually showed up at the rally, speaking of their God-given victory which would soon be proven in the next days. The Smith campaign would run overtime to attempt a loophole or ordering recounts, turns out that an investigation made by the campaign legal team only led to the discovery that the number of fraudulent Populist votes was almost 10 times larger than those of the Republicans.

    Smith studied the possibility of refusing to step down, he claimed that the vote was "stolen by the Magnates and Atheists" of New York, he refused to set up a transition team with the coming administration, and in late December, there were reports that thousands of Jeffersonians were moving into DC, with a camp being set up around the Washington Monument. However, Smith was warned that the armed forces would refuse to participate in an attempted coup and, furthermore, he would be arrested for treason if one were attempted, to the point where, after Christmas, it was reported that there was a conversation between General Frederick Weyland (Army Intelligence) and Major General Charles Southward (Commander of the DC National Guard) about forcibly evicting the President if he refused to vacate the White House on the 20th of January.

    The New Vice-President, Edwin Walker, still using contacts in the Armed Forces, would be aware of that conversation and began to plan accordingly. If Smith refused to vacate the White House, he planned to use the Sons of Liberty to ensure his removal and, if the National Guard in DC refused to evict the President, to even seize major strategic and urban centers across the nation, a march on Washington would follow after that. Walker's plans were kept hidden from Goldwater and only shared with his Chief of Staff, George Lincoln Rockwell. It was expected that there would be resistance in Southern and Midwest States, but Rockwell doubted a majority of the Longists would side with Smith if he attempted a putsch in January. Walker still wanted to be ahead of his enemies and instructed the militiamen of the Society to stock up on weapons "in case the good old Reverend decides he wants to meet God sooner".

    Huey Long would visit Gerald Smith on the 1st of January, concerned over the growing whispers of a coup in Washington. Naturally, the man already had his seat secure and, most likely, the position of Speaker of the House, as the current alliance with the Democrats still afforded him enough votes to keep that position. But for Huey that did not matter, his health was decaying and it was becoming visible to those closest to him. His son was in the Senate and, despite Johnson losing the election for Vice-President again, he was still a man of his word and would pull the weight to endorse Russell's leadership as Pro-Tempore. But all of that, all of his legacy, would now be under attack and he had to decide if he would fight against a vicious adversary or let his work explode beneath him.

    Huey approached the White House with a feeling this would be the last time he could ever set foot in this place, he had lost, despite everything, despite all of his drive, his last election in the national level was a loss. The comfortable majority in the House was now a thin plurality that only survived as long as he could win over his former Democratic rivals, the Senate was not much better and his Party was more fractured than it ever was. If Smith was going to try to pull what he thought he would, then Long was sure that the carnage would allow his foes to tear down all he had created. While they had a loss, they were still one of the biggest parties in America, he had the whole Supreme Court packed with his men, what they could not have was a Civil War.

    He walked past so much security that it looked like that place was about to be attacked by an army, he had to be inspected by the staff, many of them being people who once worked for him. Huey Long would walk into the Oval Office where a distressed Smith looked, somehow, even older than him. The conversation was short, first Smith came with all smiles and joy, talking in an exciting way how they would prevent a coup by the Jews or some other nonsense he did not even bother to listen. Long was almost coughing his lungs out last night and now he had no patience to deal with that rambling madman for once second more, thirty years was enough for him.

    "Sit down, Jerry, we have to talk, this... this all needs to end."

    For a last time, Huey Long had worked his magic in the White House, the Jeffersonians would be dispersed, Smith would spend the rest of the month in tears before retiring in Arkansas to live out his days in his humble park of Ozarks, and there would be a Republican President in America for the first time since Herbert Hoover. Huey Long would limp with a cane and enter his car, knowing that the fight was far from over, even if it was avoided today. The entire machinery of the State which he had built was now going to come after him, and for the last life inside of him, he would fight to his last breath, fight for his legacy and it's future.

    But one thing was still deep in his mind, a foggy sense of guilt as he passed near the camp of the Jefferson Brigades, when he thought and reflected of what he just did today. Was that all his fault?




    Chief of Staff

    Secretary of State

    Attorney General

    Secretary of Treasure

    Secretary of Agriculture

    Secretary of Commerce

    Secretary of Labor

    Secretary of Education

    Secretary of Defense

    Secretary of the Interior

    Postmaster General

    Secretary of National Security

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    The Office of the Führer was an oppressive burden, one may think the opposite, but Remer had seen at least three men being driven into insanity for being in this place, and it just so happened that those were his three predecessors. The temptation of absolute power that drove men with no sense of duty to madness, one was a merchant, one was a literature writer, one was an architect, none of the men who held that mighty position were truly members of the Military, none of them had that sense of duty which belongs to a leader, a sense of duty to an entire people, to protect them and the nation. That is what the Wehrmacht taught, that is what the Führer taught, and yet they did not listen and wasted their time and energy into pointless politics.

    The Reich has been a headless beast for far too long, and any head which could not control it's body had to be replaced. He did not want this office, he knew he was not the best suited for it, he had never been in the inner circle of the Führer, he had never been close, he rarely ever visited the Berghof or even saw him outside formal occasions at best. But he knew even his mind was better than no mind, he knew a mind of Steel, unbent and sharp, was needed to protect them against the threat beyond the Volga. He liked to think he did his best and earned his position after that great trial by fire, he did more to protect the physical legacy of the Führer than any of his predecessors, who instead weakened the Reich either by being too weak or too forceful, that is why he had earned that chair.

    "The leader has two qualities that are rare to find in a single man" is what the Führer once wrote in Mein Kampf, he was right then and he was right now, he has to be a man of ideas and a man of action at the same time, not only an ideologue who sets the course, but also a demagogue who steers and guides the people to that goal. Hess had his ideas, but he lacked the leadership to drag the colossus of the German Reich with him. Goebbels had the will for sure, he had the demagoguery and made the people follow him, but his whole reign was to follow the will of Hitler to it's last consequences. Finally, Speer had neither, maybe he once had both, but after he had gone through the hell he did, he was left with neither and ended up by shooting himself in the solitude of his room.

    Remer needed both, he needed the ideas and he needed the action, he had proven the leadership in times of war and now he, the man of the Wehrmacht, had to guide Germany in a time of peace, which he would soon find out to be infinitely more atrocious to do than fighting the Slavs.

    The war had ended the previous year, 1967, and today was the Tag das Sieges of 1968, the Victory Day which was meant to celebrate the defeat of the Allies in the Weltkrieg, which by now was not even the deathliest war they had to fight. He had organized a great show of force for today, one that the people needed and was even used to, there was much to be told about Goebbels but he did know how to make this date into a ceremony envied by the entire world. Jet planes maneuvering in the skies and drawing giant swastikas with the smoke, the coordinated formations doing the same on the ground of the Unter den Linden, the ceremony in the floor of the Volkshalle that was televised across the nation which ended with the grand speech. Ever since the attack in 1960, the Victory Day had changed it's format, became more grand and magnificent, but in a way it also felt hollow, or at least it was today. The ceremony in 1966 had been barebones due to the Total War measures, it came to a point that even the men in the parade were needed on the front, in 1967 there was a show, but still affected by the wartime and the general fear that the nuclear confrontation grew out of the battlefields and escalated into attacks on the cities.

    Now it was 1968, and Remer watched in the Volkshalle as a formation of the Hitler Youth was making it's great show on the grounds of the "Basilica of the Reich". He wondered how many in that youth were members of the Volkssturm during the Goebbels years, how many of those teenagers had seen or participated in the brutal lynchings and massacres made during the Angriff, how many of them were sent to work in factories during the war to compensate the lack of Ostarbeiters, how many of them had seen things that were better left in the great taboos of mankind? He was distracting himself with that spectacle so much that he almost did not notice his Chief of Chancellery, Hans Globke, speaking close to his ear.

    "The report of the Ministry of the Eastern Territories will be awaiting in your office, it has just arrived."

    That was a news that could have waited, but Remer did tell Globke that he wanted to be notified when that report arrived. He had ordered the new Minister of the Eastern Territories Werner Koeppen, to make a thorough report about the damages sustained in the Reichskommissariat by the war and it's consequences in the east in all terms of resources. That document could very well make or break his rule, although he was expecting things to be already awful.

    "The Reich will soar once more and re-establish the order at home, our future has never been brighter!"

    He said those words in the speech that day, but now, in his office, each page which he read in that 300-page long report just made things worse, and that was an abridged version, Koeppen claimed that it could take yet another year for the true extent of the damages to be known. This has forced him to do one thing which has not been done since Speer's death, and before that it was last done still under Hitler: A Cabinet Meeting of the Reichsministers. He used the chance that every Minister was meant to be in the Welthauptstadt that day to gather everyone, sending summons for them to go to the Reich Chancellery that night.

    He could tell how tense those men all were, some of them were just barely spared from the last purges by Goebbels like Koeppen and Globke, one for being associated with Rosenberg and the other for being a Catholic before 1962. When Goebbels called a Ministers to the Schwanenwerder, it usually meant meeting new faces, because that minister could very likely be dead and his family with him in that same night. Remer was more flexible, he wanted to give the image of a strong leader made out of pure stoicism, a modern Augustus rising from the ashes of the civil wars, and a stoic man does not just jump at the first slight to execute another man. He was wearing a civilian suit, something he only started to do after the end of the war with the Russians, perhaps that could reduce the tension.

    He had 12 Ministers, 13 if you count Globke as Chef der Reichskanzlei, half of them were associates of his' in the armed forces who had certain specialties in technical departments, others were political survivors from the Angriff, others were made up of fresh blood of what was left of the once-proud German public bureaucracy, again what was left of it after the Angriff. Talent was hard to find, those who were loyal to Goebbels could not be relied upon, many in the youth were tainted by association with the Volkssturm, there were others who were far too old to even walk up to a chair, and others who were still too frightened to ever take up an offer working in the Government. One good thing of this war is that it revealed new managers in the war industries, it revealed new officers to the army, it revealed a dynamism in the ranks of the Aryan volk that he felt that was missing during the previous era.

    "My apologies for calling all in such short notice today, I am sure we are all spent by the events, however the report of the Ministry of Herr Koeppen has arrived, and now I invite him to make the opening presentation of it's contents."

    Remer took his seat as Koeppen, clearly caught by surprise that he had to make a verbal statement, began to expose the catastrophic situation they were in. As he spoke, one of Remer's assistant approached him, a member of his bodyguard unit which was not commanded by Kempka, Remer was hardly superstitious but that officer in specific had stood by while 4 different leaders died, literally speaking in the case of Hess and Speer and Remer had his suspicions about how much Kempka just "stood" when Hess died. He whispered to his ear something that could have probably waited, after all there was an ongoing cabinet meeting, but there was just something about that woman that just screamed in his mind to not leave her waiting, perhaps it was just a subconscious answer. When you spend most of your life learning to obey whatever command comes before or after the word "Hitler", it was hard to not feel a subconscious instinct to obey.

    "Please proceed, Herr Koeppen, I will return shortly."

    Remer figured he already knew enough of the basics of the situation: Hunger, Diseases, Radiation, Destroyed towns, Refugees, Partisans... they would discuss that in depth the whole night, spending ten minutes listening to whatever Klara had to say should not take long. Only when he was opening the door to his office did he realize he was essentially summoned out of a vital meeting to his own office to talk with some girl, well, not some girl, one he had seen gore one of his predecessors with a knife used to spread butter on bread. But before he could even think twice, he would see her already awaiting, just staring at a large and very life-like bust of her father that was kept in the office.

    "Frau Hitler, an unexpected surprise to see you here."

    He could swear she used to be shorter, but something about seeing her close to that bust, to the portrait that stared down at him every day, with the same eyes, it made him feel once again like he was not adequate for his position. Which was ludicrous, he should not be feeling intimidated by some spoiled woman from an alpine house, a spoiled woman who just so happened to have an uncanny appearance and familiarity to the man every single German had been raised to serve as the perfect leader for almost 40 years. Oh, and let us not forget that she was the leader, technically, of the female wing of the National Socialist Party, a gift from Goebbels that remained after she killed him, but that is very much how far she goes, other than also the custodianship of the Führermuseum and other proprieties of her father such as the Berghof and the Royalties of a book more sold than the Bible in this damned country. But still, she was just a girl, and he was the Führer.

    "I know I do not come often, Herr Remer, but I won't take much of your time. I understand you have important matters to solve in the Reich."

    Klara was dressed in grey, just like her father in the portrait, even the grey coat of her's matched his suit. Perhaps it was on purpose, like a trick that triggered in the heart of every Aryan to see the person who had those characteristics and have a good impression.

    "The Mother's Day is approaching soon, I would like to offer that the event in the Volkshalle this year be financed by the Hitler Estate, consider it a contribution of mine to the event. I am aware that we are facing difficult times and I wish to make my part to provide the widows with a proper ceremony for their sacrifice."

    Remer was neither proud nor foolish enough to refuse free money, he knew that the economy was in a dire enough situation now that they could not afford to pass up on that offer, but he knew there would be something else to that offer. Still, he acted like a gentleman.

    "That is very noble of you, my dear."

    "Tell me, do you already have a list for the speakers of the ceremony? I could offer some suggestions from the ranks of the Frauenschaft."

    "There were preliminaries, but naturally you may take a look at them, provided any adjustments is first approved by the Reichskanzlei."

    There it was, she wanted to be a speaker, show up more to the people. Remer knew that was a double-edged sword, God knows how much Germania needed a sense of legitimacy and stability that few people could provide other than Klara. But on the other hand, could he trust her? She gave a polite nod with a smile.

    "If you don't mind my intrusion, may I ask if there is any plan for the restoration of the Eastern Territories? Many widows have approached me, Herr Remer, I only wish to assure them that the legacy of what their husbands died for will live on."

    That was a rather coincidental question, it did not cross Remer's mind that moment that there could be more to it, he just assumed that she was acting like a spokeswoman of the Women's League. Besides, he had been asked that many times by others, it was only natural when the veterans returned and spoke about the destruction in the east, of course the people would want answers about it's repairs.

    "We are working to a solution in the cabinet now, the full report is being deliberated properly. Perhaps you would like to hear Herr Koeppen's report, but I doubt that such tedious procedures would-"

    "I would like to listen, Herr, I understand the sensitivity of the information, but still it would be reassuring for me to see how a properly responsible leader is able to work."

    Remer should have reprimanded her for interrupting him, he should have just told her to leave and return to the meeting. But why? Why should he feel threatened by her? Why did he even question if he could trust her? She was young enough to be his daughter, maybe even granddaughter, yet he was feeling something so sinister and hypnotic in her.

    "Very well, you may observe as long as you wish, Frau Hitler."

    He would return to the cabinet room and all the Reichsministers stood up when he walked inside. Yet their eyes quickly set sights on the woman who went just after him, all seemingly trying to understand why she was in that room. But soon Remer would sit down by the head of the table and all were back on their seats, except for Koeppen, who continued his lengthy report. Remer listened to the details with his full attention, all while Klara was seated on a separate chair near the wall, just watching and listening attentively to the meeting of the Council. The session would last for hours, the picture drawn appeared worse and worse, the losses, the plague, the scorched earth and even the territorial losses themselves. Was that truly the best he had to offer for his legacy? That he managed to hold most of the east on the paper but allowed half of it to be destroyed? The Reconstruction, not only of the Lebensraum but of the Reich itself, had to be the priority. But even with all that was being said, the one thing that was buried deeper in his mind than anything else was Klara, how she stood besides that bust and looked at him, with the same look of the bust, of the portrait, of that very building that kept saying: "You aren't worthy, Otto".


    The end of 1967 was the end of an Era for Germany, for the first time there would be room for introspection in the nation that once prided itself into being the greatest power in the world. The Uralkrieg, the purges, the Angriff, the Israeli war and, most of all, the Ostrkrieg, was a harsh wake up call, in the sum there were around 6 to 7 million Germans who died between 1958 and 1967, most of them either at the hands of the Russians or at the hands of their own Government. Entire families were massacred for arbitrary definitions of race and treason, the crimes of one distant relative being sufficient to send thousands to camps or to the rope. The Volkssturm and the viciousness of Goebbels' brand of fanaticism almost brought the world to a nuclear war, a fact which the public was unaware of, the blind hatred of a generation raised in the Hitler Youth would reveal to the German people just how gruesome it could be to be on the wrong side of the NSDAP's criteria of what constituted a "True German".

    Otto Ernst Remer, born on August 18th of 1912, was the new Führer to emerge from the Vierführertag, the day of four leaders, with the deaths of Goebbels, Speer and Hoffmann leading to a once relatively low Wehrmacht officer to become the most powerful man in Europe. Remer had an impressive career during the previous wars, serving in different divisions from the Wehrmacht until he reached his first command in the closing days of the Second World War. Following that, he would take his place in the higher levels of the General Staff during the late Hitler years as older Wehrmacht commanders began to retire, with a new brand of more politically-minded officers rising to turn the Wehrmacht into a force loyal to the Führer unequivocally. The Ural War would show more of his talents as he commanded the German forces during the deathly Battle of Orenburg, resisting the worst of the Russian counter-offensive, although he never managed to fully capture the city. He would be catapulted into the leadership of the OKW in 1960 as him and Joachim Peiper, another member of the new generation of the Wehrmacht, conspired to remove their superiors and win over Goebbels' favor during his purges.

    As head of the OKW, Remer was essentially one of the most powerful men in Europe and his loyalty towards Goebbels' vision was seen as commendable, with the Field Marshall being one of the responsible for the drafts for Sealion II. While he did not show as much eagerness for a nuclear war, Remer was a strict disciplinarian and considered as a "Model Officer", never refusing to obey an order to the last consequences, which came from his mentorship in the 1950s under Field Marshall Ferdinand Schörner. Even so, Remer could see the direction the wind was blowing during the Angriff and worked in a precaution, using connections in the Mauthausen Camp to ensure the former Reichsminister Albert Speer kept his life.

    Remer's leadership involved a period of preparation for a war that caught Germany by surprise on the day it happened, his failure, or more specifically Peiper's, in securing the quick conquest of Israel would lead to a vicious war and a loss of momentum. His focus on Britain as a main enemy and the preparations for an invasion of the British Isles would lead to the eastern border being left undermanned and it's shortcomings were filled up with Volkssturm men, men who would end up later arrested or leading a mutiny which tore open the German defenses across the Volga. Finally, Remer would also finish the reorganization of the Wehrmacht with the promotion of politically "reliable" officers over competence, a practice which was decisive in ensuring the Russian success in the start of Operation Poltava.

    He could have hardly done better in February of 1966 given the circumstances, the death of Goebbels at the hands of his own wife was a surprise to him and, despite the tight control of the Schwanenwerder and the neutralization of Goebbels' family, he could not prevent the news from reaching the head of the Volkssturm Ludwig Hoffmann, who attempted a violent takeover which led to the Battle of Cottbus. The death of Speer by suicide, while avoidable, can also be hardly blamed on Remer himself, and he did the only reasonable alternative by launching essentially a military coup, not existing any legal procedure in Germany for the succession of a Führer who declared no successor, something he already did when placing Speer in power. The leadership of the Reich, an essentially political position, was hardly an ambition of the military man who prided himself in being a follower of commands.

    Now the nation he ruled was a nation devastated, unemployment had reached an impressive 13% of the Population, many veterans and workers of wartime industries being laid off and left to the streets. The Government debt, which was essentially ignored under Goebbels who called the financial experts of the Reich as "Narrow-Minded Jews", had become unbearable and reached an astonishing 120% of the GDP. The government revenue still continued to be only around 60 to 70% of the expenditures, with the latter being expected to rise further once the "Koeppen Report" reached the Reich Chancellery: The costs for the full reconstruction of the East were equivalent to the entire German GDP in 1961, which included the land clearing, the repairs to installations and cities, as well as accounting for the permanent loss of revenue due to the Russian Scorched retreat, the radiation poisoning of fields and waterways, as well as the loss of workers and manpower on the account of the loss of millions of "Ostarbeiter".

    That is not even including the deficiencies of the German economy itself, while it would be generous to give a definition of the maze which was the German economic system in the 1950s, the most accurate the depiction of it was a "Crony State Capitalist system" based around the relations of a few oligarchic leaders, SS commanders, slavery, threats and government corporations. Goebbels considerably simplified the system in a manner that would make Lenin proud, creating what was essentially a "Top Command Economy", where practically all of the large scale companies and corporations in Germany were nationalized and placed under State control to serve his aims. There was also a "Down Economic Populism" in a manner, with small companies being encouraged to flourish and compete with one another, on the local level the businesses would benefit from the break of monopolies at first, but soon enough the Angriff ensured that they too were subject of government harassment. The Volkssturm many times would assault shops under the claim the products were sold at "Jewish prices", a more direct approach of the government-imposed price controls made to fight inflation in the years before the death of Goebbels. Rationing had been reintroduced in 1964, in what Goebbels privately claimed to be a preparation for the "Hardships of the War", part of the same logic which led to the expansion of nuclear shelters and nuclear drills that same year.

    The Total War between 1966 and 1967 was essentially already under effect in some areas, the militarization of the economy and society under Goebbels did lead to a rapid response in the Reich against the Russian invasion that halted Operation Poltava. But now that the war was over, the challenge was not only to tackle the terrible economic situation left by the war, but also the prior decades of a plunder-based economy that transformed into a cronyist system. Furthermore, Remer had to properly define the future of the German economy from zero, the public sector owned an estimated 85% of the German economy, the highest level of a non-Marxist state, the economy had been essentially shut down with a limited consumer market, and the demographic losses no longer allowed for the slavery system of the "Ostarbeiter" to fill the gaps.


    The Demographic catastrophe in Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1967 cannot be understated, in what was once one of the most fertile regions in the world, with entire nations of different peoples who have lived there for centuries, there was now a barren desert. The causes were many, but none greater than the "Generalplan Ost", the German plan for the East which was put into full effect in 1943, although it began implementation during the winter of 1941. Hunger alone would lead to the deaths of over 20 million people in the first three years, following that came a long-term campaign which included population control, forced sterilizations, expulsions, ethnic cleansing, mass transfers, slavery, and a denial to the access to most healthcare facilities would lead to an almost absolute lack of growth in the population of the so-classified "Ostarbeiters" (German Eastern Civilians who were automatically classified as workers in what was at first a "voluntary" program) between 1947 and 1957. The situation would change for the worst yet under Goebbels' rule as the new eastern directives made by Gustav Darré, based around the "Blood and Soil" ideology, would be the new modus operanti, which will be expanded on later.

    The Ostkrieg led to the end of the Ostarbeiter system as a practical option for the German Economy. The enormous death toll of the war would be shown by the Koeppen Report: Of around 41 million people classified as "Eastern Peoples", only 11 million would be left. Between the brutal "anti-partisan" campaigns enacted in Ostland and Ukraine under the directive of Ernst Kaltenbrunner and the opening of an escape route by the collapse of the administration in Moscowien, Don-Wolga and the Kaukasus, many took the opportunity to escape to the east in massive numbers or were even liberated upon the arrival of Russian troops. 15 million people from the Eastern territories who were classified by the NSDAP as "Untermenschen" would move to Russia by the end of the War, and the remaining 15 million who would be lost would be killed by a mixture of brutal german actions against suspected guerrillas and the "Eastern plague".

    The Eastern Plague was not a single disease, rather it was a cocktail of many biological weapons which were unleashed during the war by Russians and Germans alike against a population which had long been denied vaccinations against any diseases and whose healthcare facilities were kept just as improvised camp hospitals kept overcrowded with terrible hygiene. Many of the Concentration camps in the east would be simply repurposed as "Quarantine Zones" where the infected were left to die with little medical care or, in specific facilities, would be used by the National Socialist German Doctor's League as test subjects to observe the effects of illnesses in the human body. Perhaps the most horrifying experiences were ones of healthy individuals brought into these camps, more often than not the German authorities would transport an entire village or all inhabitants of worker camps to the quarantine facilities at the slightest suspicion that such illnesses had spread. In those cases, the general rule was those healthy individuals eventually contracting one of the pletora of illnesses and succumbing to them from the lack of medical attention.

    The Plague caused a generalized fear in German cities until Remer decided to act to ensure these fears would not weaken the morale of the home front. In July of 1967, he would sign Führer Directive N7 (the number was restarted after the rise of each new leader), commanding for the territories of "Germany Proper" (essentially those outside of the Reichskommissariats) to be made "Free of Untermenschen" by "Transferring" these populations to the east as a sanitary measure. The result was the forceful deportation of up to 9 million workers which were living in Germany to the east, many of which used the opportunity to escape or, in most cases, ended up unable to return and left exposed to the Eastern Plague. It was a terrible measure for the German War effort, but Remer considered the situation at the front to be sufficiently optimistic that the benefits outweighted the costs, especially when he also feared the possibility of diseases such as Typhus, Anthrax, Bubbonic Plague etc to spread into the German Population.

    The truth is that the risk of it was very small to begin with, while there was a serious danger in the case of biological weapons such as Anthrax, most of the German population was already vaccinated against at least 90% of the diseases which made up the Eastern Plague. In a historical comparison, this can be seen in the San Diego Bombing of 1946, when the Japanese dropped powerful strains of bubbonic plague on the American City which were proven devastating against the malnourished Chinese test subjects, but in comparison it was relatively ineffective against the American population. Overall, while the German "Anti-Partisan" campaign did claim roughly 5 to 6 million slavs through retaliatory measures, the use of chemical weapons, and massacres made in arbitrary fashion, the majority of the Eastern Peoples, which included Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, Ruthenians, Balts, Romani etc, would die due to the Eastern Plague, which was eventually brought under control by the start of 1968.

    The Depopulation of the East was not limited to Eastern Peoples, but Germans themselves would dwindle in numbers during the Ostkrieg. The majority of the Volga German population in the Don-Wolga region would suffer the wrath of the Russian armies, which perpetrated similar massacres to the ones made by the Germans against the "Partisans". The sense of vengeance and constant frustrations of the Russian people over the suffering made by the Germans in the Great Patriotic War, the subsequent Civil War and, most recently, the Uralkrieg, morphed into a vicious anti-Germanism which led to millions of German settlers to flee out of terror of the Tsar's army. Many of those would be reluctant to ever return to the East.

    As a result, the Koeppen Report would show the challenges of the Reich in the East which had to be added to it's already existing economic and social woes: The material cost of the reconstruction of places such as Adolfsburg and Rostow, the permanent loss of locations such as Wesselstadt (formerly Moscow and now a lake), the destruction of several mines, farmlands and oilfields, the loss of manpower, the loss of logistical centers and existing infrastructure. This would prove to be a long-term problem that loomed over Remer's entire reign as Führer and that was only considering the situation in the East, not including the situation at home.

    Adolf Bockslaff still had in his memory the night when the Rosenbergs were killed in Riga, hardly did he know that was just the start. In the days of the Angriff, Riga was a truly chaotic city full of paranoia and accusations. There was the fear that anyone could be a secret traitor, there was the fear of the Volkssturm and their daily marches at the height of the chaos, the fear of having the wrong calendar, of being the one who shouted the least during a rally, of raising your arm and being too slow in it, there was just the fear of not being perfect.

    He would have gladly lived his whole life in that fear if it meant not being sent to the east.

    When he returned home to Riga he found that the city had changed. He was not there during the war properly, he was one of the first volunteers when the eastern border had been breached, but there was just a different feel to the place. There used to be different "Untermenschen" speaking around with their odd languages and going around to work on factories or in some stores, after all it was cheaper to get one allocated to you than to hire a German and follow pesky things like labor regulations, but now there were almost none of them. The city felt more empty, but one thing that was not lacking were Germans from the East, like ones he had seen fleeing during the war. Cities like Riga became a safe heaven for these people who wanted to feel like they were in a German city without going into the West further.

    He did not have many others places to go other than his sister's house. Now that his father was dead, one of the many who died at Rostow, he had little choice but head to Agnes and hope she would be grateful enough to see a living relative to ignore the rest of his shortcomings. The house was technically her's now, even if she was only 15, all thanks to their father's testament, an old piece of paper written years ago after his father saw him marching alongside the Volkssturm. He could have denounced it, but he knew that if he had denounced that his father had disinherited his son over being a member of the Volkssturm, his whole family would have the fate of the Rosenbergs, including himself eventually. It was good that Agnes was always more capable than he was with numbers, but she needed someone else to care for the place, now that the war was over the rule of law was expected to return.

    He knocked on the door despite having the keys, still dressed up in uniform, fresh off the post where he left his weapons and discharge of duty. Agnes opened the door, he was not sure if he should have expected a good reaction or a bad one, instead she just cried, no hug or anything.

    "Why couldn't it be father?"

    She actually said that out loud, much to his surprise, no doubt she would have preferred their father to have returned instead of him, he almost did if not for the radiation poisoning as far as he heard.

    "Agn, I know... just let me inside, I have as much right to be here as you do."

    She looked as if she was about to smack him in the face, but instead stepped aside to let him in after thinking for more than two seconds. She needed a legal guardian until she was of age, that had to be him now, her closest older relative, and it helped the fact he was a man and a Wehrmacht veteran... although if not for a few days, he would have likely been arrested or shot as a disgraced associate of the Volkssturm. He went in and the place still looked exactly like it was before, homely, smelling like his mother's plants.


    She shouted at him behind his back, his mind so distracted he did not even notice she was trying to talk to him.

    "I asked, how long are you staying?"

    "Whatever time I want, don't you start acting like things are the same, father is not here to keep me away and I am your guardian!"

    Whatever was in Adolf's eyes at that moment when he looked at Agnes with a finger pointed at her, it was enough to make her cower and back down from starting an argument. She was still the younger sister here, technicalities aside, this place was his' as much as her's and he still had a duty to care for her. For now he could count on the money he made in the army, maybe even the pension, but he would have to find a job for himself in this place. With any hope, the letter of recommendation from Hauptmann Steuben would give him a job in the public service.

    That night, it was hard for him to sleep, it was at these moments when he was alone that things became worse. He just kept feeling that urge, building up inside of him like he could kill someone for it. He had served in the Panzer Korps in the east, and in some special missions there was a certain ration they received, he could stay awake for days, he could focus better, he lost any shred of fear and that made him feel like a super human. But then the effects faded and he could feel how shaky his aim could become, he could feel how disoriented and, in some cases aggressive, he could be. The Hauptmann understood well what him and his peers went through, in some cases it was easier and in others the men were transferred. He tried to compensate with cigarettes, it just was not the same, they tasted terrible and he could only get a fraction of that thrill.

    "Turn down the volume, Adolf, you want the whole neighborhood to hear?"

    Agnes came to the living room and stood in front of him as he was just staring blankly at the television, although he was not even paying attention to it. Rather he looked up to her with his leg shaking, wondering why did he go through hell only to return and have to deal with that ungrateful, spoiled, weak-willed sister of his'. She saw that in his eyes and backed a couple of steps away, then he looked back at the television to realize it was still turned on, the RRG was showing something on the news that caught his attention, it was a historical collection of speeches made by Hitler that were transmitted late at night with some experts making comments about it like they were priests interpreting the gospel.

    "Would you believe it if I said he was back?"

    Adolf turned his head to Agnes as she spoke, trying to cling to anything which could help his mind be distracted of the withdrawal.

    "You have to be dreaming."

    "I'm serious, I went to Köningsberg last week and saw someone who was just like him, she was talking in a meeting of the Hitler Youth and God, she was electric, it was like listening to his speeches, she did the same... thing with her hands, the... the clothes were the same color and everything!"

    "You said she?"

    "Mhm, it was his daughter, what was her name again... something with ara... Klara! Yeah, I mean, she wasn't a Goebbels but you could just feel something magical when you were in there, it felt like hearing hi-"

    He had stopped listening halfway through and was already feeling like he should go back to enlist, if only so he could have those rations again. When noticing he was no longer paying attention, Agnes no longer bothered to waste her breath either. The two siblings just distanced themselves from one another, Adolf left to rot with his demons in the living room and Agnes left with her own in her bedroom.


    Remer's project was called the "Disziplin" starting a phase of German History more commonly known as "Wehrstaat", the Army-State. It was a time where Remer sought to reform the Reich by establishing the military institutions as a role model and expanding the military influence on all aspects of Public life, relegating the National Socialist apparatus as secondary. This is not to say that Germany became a Military Dictatorship, as some historians would claim at the time, the NSDAP was still leading the One-Party State, Remer was still the Führer of the NSDAP and inherited all offices from Speer, Goebbels, Hess and Hitler. But the Marshal saw the Volkssturm as a show of chaotic indiscipline within the NSDAP, he denounced the corruption of past leaders and the fanaticism of Goebbels and Hess which almost brought the world to a nuclear war, ignoring the fact that he used these situations to reach the position he now had.

    The Gauleiters, long cowered and neutered since Goebbels' purges and now without the local alliances with the Volkssturm, were subjected to Remer's callous approach during the Total War phase, several of them would be arrested for collaboration with the Volkssturm in the previous years and replaced by military leaders. In his Führer Directive N3, Remer would place all the Reichsgaue (which completely phased out the old Gau organization under Goebbels in his efforts to strengthen the control of the Ministry of the Interior) under a new system: In a regional basis, Wehrmacht officers would be placed in charge of the security forces of the territory, with the Gauleiters answering directly to them and they would answer only to the Führer in his position as Head of the OKW rather than the Ministry of the Interior.

    This was only one of several administrative changes within Germany that removed the power from the Ministries, greatly strengthened in the Goebbels era, and transferred it to the Werhmacht that began to increase it's own administrative apparatus. Remer would follow that with the gradual militarization of the police and the restoration of the Abwehr. Even so, those reforms would not limit themselves only to the Security fields, soon the new Führer planned to include the OKW in his own economic vision, or rather his minister's economical visions. Seeing the unreliability of the NSDAP proper and the ones he called as mere "Party Functionaries", he sought the discpiline and militarization of the Wehrmacht to move from a military ideal to a German ideal.

    The Wehrmacht would grow it's influence in the economy with the justification of controlling the logistical chain during the Ostkrieg, with the use of the Heereswaffenamt, the Army Weapons Office. The German Armaments industry had previously been nationalized by Goebbels following the destruction of the different industrial conglomerates which controlled it, such as the Krupp Industries, gathered under the direct control of the Ministry of the Economy led by Friedrich Hildebrandt. Essentially, the companies were under the direct control of the Ministry of the Economy between 1960 and 1966, subjecting it to Goebbels' whims. The Armaments production in Germany had skyrocketed between 1961 and 1962, then again in 1965-1966, however the factories suffered with mismanagement and lethargy brought by the Planned Economy established by Hildebrandt, a member of the left wing of the NSDAP.

    The Heereswaffenamt (HWA) would expand it's directives from research and development to also the production of armaments as part of the Total War Measures, said measures later becoming the status quo as Remer entrenched the Wehrmacht's control of perhaps the largest military-industrial complex in the world. He hoped that this measure would overcome the excessive bureaucratization of the State in favor of the Army, which was always seen by Remer as a more effective institution than the Party. Remer's own experiences in the Ural War, where he saw infighting and corruption in the power games between Wegener, Heydrich and Speer compromising the supply of ammunition and the war effort as a whole, agreeing with Goebbels' rhetoric that the Party's bureaucratization weakened the Reich.

    To Remer, the Wehrmacht was the pinnacle of what Germany ought to be, and that was also seen in the idealized vision the Armed Forces of the post-war generation held of the old Prussian Values in a superficial level, despite thoroughly twisting them in favor of National Socialism. The Apoliticism of the Prussian Army and the later Deutsches Heer was ignored or, in some cases, removed from the historical perspective in favor of a revisionist trend to claim that the Prussian Army, since the Teutonic days, always was the champion of values considered "Proto-Nazism", such as anti-Semitism, discipline, dynamism, leadership, bravery, ambition and drive to expansion in the east (Drang Nach Osten).

    In that line, it would come as to no surprise that the majority of the State industries would soon come under the direction of Wehrmacht officers and the privatization effort made between 1968 and 1971 would mainly benefit War veterans and reserve officers.


    "A woman's world is her husband, her family, her children, her house."
    -Adolf Hitler

    There is a discussion to be made on whether the movement started after the Ostkrieg by German women was feminist in nature if one is to follow the definition made in countries outside of the Pakt. It was fairly distinct from what happened in nations such as Britain where the Feminist wave was mainly associated with female individuality, rather, in Germany the movement was made for women to have a more active duty in the National Socialist movement while still reinforcing historical duties associated to women which were emphasized since the fall of the Weimar Republic. The Angriff and the Ostkrieg alike would create the conditions for such movement to arise, the "Frauenschaft" (Women's League) would be at the forefront of that movement as it's focus was diverted by the rise of the new Reichsfrauenführerin Klara Hitler.

    The daughter of Adolf Hitler would enter politics around 1967, although technically she had the leadership of the female wing of the NSDAP since the age of 18 at the behest of Joseph Goebbels, who placed her in such position mostly as a symbolic move (such as his appointment of Egon Meyer as head of the Luftwaffe). Contrary to her predecessors in the movement such as Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, she saw the lack of participation of German women in politics as a weakness within the Reich, believing that many women had strong leadership qualities in their households which were necessary in the Post-War Germany. To her, it was a woman's foremost duty to serve the Führer and the Reich even before her own family, although not neglecting the latter by any means, some had a higher calling than homemakers.

    It was a great shift in perspective within the NS-Frauenschaft, but one which was already being seen among the youth thanks to the mobilization made on the previous years. During the Angriff, the Volkssturm did not deny the recruitment of women, Goebbels believed that it was a woman's duty to also be devoted to National Socialism, citing at first the example of his wife Magda, who many times was praised by Adolf Hitler himself as a model woman in the NSDAP. It was a common sight for the German Girl's League, as part of the Hitler Youth, to also organize mobs to enact the will of the Führer, many Volkssturm commanders were in fact surprised by the fanaticism of many that matched, and even overcame, their own.

    The mobilization of the Youth during the Angriff reached it's climax during the Ostkrieg, as millions of German women would join the War effort in the Home Front, replacing the men sent to the frontlines against the Russians. Previously, the Reich had worked to discourage the presence of women in the workforce after the Second World War, replacing them at the growing industries with the Ostarbeiters, however the devastation of the war and the Eastern Plague would make such task impossible due to the depletion in the numbers of "Easterners". Many women would take up permanent functions in the factories as a replacement to millions of dead Workers, and with that came a greater leverage for the NS-Frauenschaft under Klara to make pushes against the previously established doctrines of the Party.

    Remer saw the employment of women with cautiousness, believing that to provide an inferior output in the German Industry compared to the past. However, numbers would prove him wrong, not necessarily because German women were better in a racial sense like claimed by the Frauenschaft, but the Ostarbeiters were known for creating products of terrible quality in the European Market due to acts of sabotage and the slavery-like status they were kept under. Furthermore, the denial of education and healthcare facilities for the Eastern peoples would compromise their capacity in working in more than menial tasks. The average Ostarbeiter in 1960 was less capable than the one in 1950 simply because, bar a few veterans, their average lifespan was short and the younger replacements were deliberately less capable.

    Naturally, Klara justified her reasoning in a racial basis, claiming that even a woman of the Germanic race was inherently superior to male untermenschen workers, a spin which won over many Gauleiters and party members and resonated with the pride of the German public. Thus, this appeal to racial and genetic superiority would win over ideas of reintegrating the Ostarbeiters in the economy of the Reich proper, relegating them to minor roles at best, the survivors of the Eastern Plague would instead be used in the agricultural areas of the Reich.

    The conquest in the workplace for women and the Ostarbeiter question were part of the economic situation of Germany in the late 1960s, where unemployment would fall to a historical low. The loss of workers, both in German men and in Eastern Slaves, forced the German economy to readapt and reintegrate many citizens who were marginalized in the previous status quo, which contributed to an increase in the average wage of the German worker (as Germans were entitled to labor protections not given to the Easterners) and created a small nucleus for the growth of the consumer industry. But that was still a distant dream compared to the misery of the early Remer years, where the aftershocks of the Angriff and the War were still felt harshly in the lives of most Germans.

    On the other hand, the growth in the influence of the Frauenschaft would soon become a threat to Remer's own shaky hold over the Party, a threat he did not see at the time and heavily underestimated. To him, Klara Hitler was too young and inexperienced in politics, a sheltered girl who was playing around with speeches and served at most as a useful popular distraction while he commanded the Discipline process. But she had many inherent advantages that he did not, first among them being her own second name, but besides that she would grow closer to the Party officials of the NSDAP in the coming years, the men who Remer disregarded as "undisciplined brutes" contrasted to his "disciplined soldiers" in the Wehrmacht. Remer was an outsider who never held a major position within the Party and simply happened to have the army in Germania at his disposal to force the Reichstag to name him as the Führer, despite that technically not even being an official method of succession.


    In the following years, the German Reich would face perhaps it's lowest point in strength, both at home and abroad. While that did not necessarily translate into opposition to National Socialism at home, it did fuel a sense of skepticism in German society that contrasted with the fanaticism of the Goebbels years, later turned into a powerful nostalgia for the Hitler age. A generation of Germans had grown up since 1951, in 1969 would come of age the first ones to have never lived under the rule of Adolf Hitler and instead living in the Reich sustained by his successors, all of which fell short of the great expectations of the people.

    Perhaps the fact Rudolf Hess and Joseph Goebbels were the two main leaders of Germany during most of this time was the main factor in the growth of the cult to the Führer. Hess was always one of the most fanatical followers of his predecessor, there was rarely a speech where he did not spend at least a third of the time speaking of Hitler, during his rule he even kept the official salute and oaths almost unchanged, merely adding his name after Hitler's. He did even allegate to speak with his mentor's spirit in his late years when his mental health deteriorated. Goebbels was not only a propagandist, but a man who personally saw Hitler as a messianic figure and, after nullifying the protests of the Catholic Church in 1962, he essentially made Hitler a divine figure for the German people. In religious pulpits, in schools, in public events, there were always great ceremonies in his name. The Führermuseum in Linz was the most visited building of the German Reich, to some families it became an annual occasion that was encouraged by the government through tourism.

    It comes as no surprise that Linz grew into a city equal to Vienna and Munich, even overshadowing their significance in the coming years. The city, greatly expanded and reorganized for that purpose under Speer's direction in the 1940s, was a site of pilgrimage only compared to Mecca or Rome. There were statues, streets and buildings named after Hitler in every German city, in the Ostkrieg, Adolfsburg would be site of a special effort by the Reich, with Remer denying permission to use heavy weaponry at the city and with the defenders of the city fighting to the very end during Operation Poltava.

    The propaganda grew more and more during the Angriff, public oaths of loyalty were made in ceremonies for the German people to uphold Hitler's legacy, the name "Adolf" became the most commonly given male name in Germany since the 1940s, up to a level that in 1962, in a determined classroom of 50 students in Breslau, a professor counted that at least 19 students had the first name "Adolf". Movies and books, produced by Goebbels' ministry during the Hess and his own years, idealized Hitler and his era as a German golden age, with the name of Theodor Morell, the doctor who was officially blamed for "poisoning" him, becoming a synonym of dishonorable traitor (The name "Morell" would be included in the German dictionary during the Angriff to signify "Charlatan Doctor"). Any flaws in Hitler's rule were completely hidden, every misstep was either ignored or justified, every attrocity was directed at others, the Führerprinzip continued to live on even almost 20 years after his demise.

    The NSDAP, to many, had lost it's way following Hitler's death and that was a deliberate design. In the Bamberg Conference of 1926, and afterwards following the dismissal of Otto Strasser, Hitler declared that the Führer was above any ideology and the ultimate aim of the Party was to follow the Leader's Will. When he died, the very meaning of National Socialism became the subject of dispute, none of his successors truly coming to define it despite Goebbels' attempts of doing so. In it's essence, Nazism was to follow Hitler's Will, and when he died it became an big tent Totalitarian system that united sometimes opposite interests without a strong enough figure to unite those interests, which often led to bloody assassinations and purges by one faction against the other, the infighting leading to feuds and infighting between powerful players which deliberately led to self sabotage, the climax of that example being the failed conquest of the Urals.

    That is where Klara Hitler came in. The only blood child of Adolf Hitler, a mysterious woman who rarely ever appeared in public until the late Goebbels years and came to realize the power of nostalgia. To the German people, the time between 1951 and 1967 was a time of decline, with the figures that were meant to lead them showing indecisiveness and weakness. The economy stagnated with an incoherent economic system set in place which left powerful oligarchs to exploit the German people, with millions of Germans being left unemployed and replaced by cheap Eastern Workers. The military appeared weak, the Wehrmacht that once conquered the Soviet Union had failed to defeat a supposedly weaker Russian Empire and later failed to stop the "Asiatic Horde" from breaching it's defenses and massacring millions of Germans who believed the Reich's promise of Lebensraum in the East. The party appeared weak, torn down into infighting with so many betrayals and changes in narrative that the news coming from Germania stopped being believed to be "neutral" in these power games. What is worse, the NSDAP, which once promised to restore law and order from the reviled Weimar Years, would be the party unleashing fanatics into bloody purges in the streets, hanging innocents for the crimes of their relatives and radicalizing the youth to turn them against their own parents. The promised golden age for a people who believed to be supreme in the Earth and above all races was gone, relegated to a distant past, forever associated to the figure of "Hitler".

    So when a "Hitler" appeared to the public, with the same mannerisms, the same manner of speak, the same "Aryan blood", even similar appearance and dressing, it would be only natural that the years of ideological indoctrination, the leftover fanaticism of the Angriff, the powerful nostalgia in the older generations of National Socialists, the rising ambitions among the National Socialist women and the desire of the youth to live the promises of this golden era their parents lived, would lead to the German people to see the young "Edelweiss", the daughter with her father's eyes, to be their salvation. And against this feeling, there was little that Remer could do other than to sit in a time bomb, unaware of the opposition that would begin to coalesce against him. He was unaware of the fact that, from the moment he made Klara Hitler be the one to publicly endorse his takeover in the Reichstag, he had shown to the German people a new "Messiah". He was not the Führer for most of the Germans, but merely a regent.
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